Farout… I have made life so much harder than it has to be.
I have lived a beautiful life, from the outside.
Inside… I have tormented myself and beat myself up almost every single day that I can remember.
Nothing is ever good enough.
Everything has to be here, NOW.
Things are serious.
I have beat my head against the same wall.
Maybe some of you can relate?
At the beginning of this year, after clearing myself of so much of my shit through my Spiral journeys and Quantum Healing, I realised deeply how many bi-polar tendencies I have.
I didn’t get diagnosed because I knew I wasn’t going to take the medication, but everywhere I looked I had most of the symptoms and it runs in my family so whether it’s learned behaviours or ‘clinical’ bi-polar… the symptoms are the same. So… I went on a MISSION to find a way to live in harmony with myself.
My word for the year has been consistency. I was ready to find a middle ground. I realised how much these bi-polar tendencies were effecting my whole life.
Truthfully… I didn’t even realise that what was happening in my mind was not necessarily ‘normal’, because at some level we all have these tendencies. I know, cause I study human behaviour and listen to you all tell me your problems day in and out. What I have realised since then is that those patterns and beliefs are there for every human, at some level.
For me… it was what was happening underneath those. My brain was a mess. I was trapped. I know I’m not alone in this. 

I have said YES to every single thing that can help me come back to center and do so without medication. It’s been a massive journey.
Things I have said yes to:
- Neurofeedback – I go in twice a week and literally get hooked up to a machine that re-wires my brainwaves. Thanks Brain Code Centers.
- Diving into learning and clearing my 5 Elements so that I am in balance with those with Leah Steele and Michelle Patrick
- Quantum Flow Certification with Juan Pablo Barahona– An AMAZING movement practice to clear your vessel to be a channel to ground your manifestations into reality
- Healy
- My own clearing work
- before Corona I was getting vitamin IV drips too. I will get back to them again as I think they are open now.
- Clearing out my diet
- I’m sure there are more, but this is what I can think of right now.
The more I dive into this work… the more I find ways back to centre the more and more of my dreams land.
And today I just sit here laughing at myself and shake my head at how hard I have made life. It amazes me what my mind was creating for me that simply didn’t have to exist or be that way.
I’m working on ‘living with’ some very horrid mental health issues and finding ways to not let that run my life anymore.
I feel it’s so important to talk about mental health because no amount of positive thinking and mantras and meditating and yoga and the list goes on has meant that the nasty voices in my head would stop.
They drove me away from everything I really desire. They told me I couldn’t do it. They looped OVER and OVER and OVER on the same stupid ass shit that had me feel terrible about myself and life.
They have had me terrified of being ‘Abandoned’ and consequently pushed away the people I love the most.
My brain has been STUCK. Literally. It’s been programmed to be STUCK on a LOOPING repeat of shit that meant that no matter what I did, I kept banging my head against the same looping wall.
It sucked.
Whether you have a mental health issue or not… we have ALL been programmed to make life harder than it has to be.
In this reality, we have been conditioned to believe that life has to be hard. That we must live in fear and scarcity. No amount of money will take that out of the conditioning without choosing differently.
We have been conditioned to believe that SUFFERING is our existence.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
The first step is to wake up to how much harder you are making your own life than it has to be.
I mean, I say it all the time but really embody this…
You will always get what you focus on.
Are you focused on ease or are you focused on struggle?
Right now, I’m having to remind myself a lot to choose EASE and EXPANSION and LOVE and ABUNDANCE and VITALITY.
It’s a constant choice as we break the addiction to struggle. Keep choosing it.
You’ve got this. 

PS- If you want to start to unlock your looping patterns and create freedom in your world from your own addiction to struggle, Spiral with me.
Spiral is a transformational 10-session 1on1 experience with me. I will systematically help you shift your looping patterns around 22 of your major emotions and it will completely transform your life.
It doesn’t matter what energetic clearing work you have done or you are doing, this is the most amazing very specifically designed way to clear your most deeply held looping patterns around emotions like fear, anger, shame, guilt, joy, love, truth, trust, and more.
You will re-create your relationship with yourself.
You will see life in a new way.
You will be clear to follow your Divine Purpose.
It is a true honour to take people through this process.
I wasn’t going to open doors again for this for awhile, but I really feel called to take a few people through this right now.
If you are wanting to help yourself in the most powerful way through this challenging and yet oh so rewarding time to be alive on the planet Spiral with me.
If you are ready to truly live your Divine Purpose and stop bullshitting yourself on the way you are showing up for that and your life, Spiral with me.
If you are ready to step into your 6-7 figure self, no more excuses, Spiral with me.
It’s your time to shine beauty.
Let’s do this.
Drop SPIRAL below.