I often think there is not a shortage of money.
What there is, is a shortage of people open to receiving opportunities.
People have started to reflect this as a strength of mine. ALWAYS open to opportunities to show up for me, in whatever way they show up.
I receive epic ways to invest my money.
I receive money from multiple streams of income regularly
I have the most amazing people fall into my lap often.
If I start to think about calling something or someone into my life, they regularly show up.
It’s not by mistake.
It’s because I expect what I desire to show up for me, however, it’s meant to.
I also think that growing up in a family that had multiple streams of multiple millions to hundreds of millions to billions of dollars coming in that I don’t know any different than to assume
– that there is always going to be enough and
– that money comes from wherever it is right now and
– to always be open to opportunities that can bring another stream
of income my way.
– I have been trained to filter for the opportunity and I am open to
receiving them and so they show up for me.
From where I look out though… I see so many people CLOSED to opportunities. And I see so many people close themselves to opportunities that present themselves because they don’t believe THEY can do it… they don’t believe that they are worthy of the opportunity and so they turn it down.
As a Manifestor in Human Design it’s my purpose on this planet to activate you.
It’s my ‘job’ to INITIATE.
It’s my blueprint to bring 93% of you ideas so that you can respond to it and decide if it’s right for you.
So what I’m saying now is check-in with yourself.
Are you filtering for them?
Or are you filtering for all the ways you are screwed right now?
And, if my Manifestor self presents you with an opportunity, I suggest you take a moment to check-in and ask yourself if that could be an aligned opportunity.
I have some AMAZING, I mean MIND-BLOWING opportunities coming your way.
And one now… HEALY. If you have been living under a rock and haven’t seen me talking about Healy, then it’s a vibrational healing device that is literally out of this world.
The more I learn about it, the more I use it, the more I see the effects it’s having on our lives and those on my team and the company… I’m absolutely BLOWN AWAY.
If you have
– pain,
– anxiety,
– depression,
– hormonal imbalance issues,
– sleep issues,
– if you breathe and have a consciousness and want to be a part of raising the vibes of the planet and shifting the consciousness to a whole new way of being… then this opportunity is for you.
Hand over heart… I really don’t care if you ever sell one, I do want you to have this in your house.
This has the potential to completely transform your life.
Consider this a KNOCK from the universe.
When opportunities that you are INTRIGUED by present themselves to you… lean into them. Follow that pull. Asking about it doesn’t mean you have to do it. You can always say no.
For now… if you are new to training yourself to look for opportunities, I suggest you follow those urges that are asking you to look further into it.
Train yourself to say YES to the universal nudges.
The more you do this, the more fine-tuned you will become with your intuition on which opportunities are aligned and which are not.
Allow yourself to say yes to the nudges.
So, I gotta ask… are you open to checking out Healy?
No pressure.
Give yourself an opportunity to see what I see and feel your heart expand if that resonates with you.
If you are ready to do your part in raising the consciousness of this planet simply by pushing a button, drop OPPORTUNITY below.
Let’s do this.
Tap, Tap.
Love, The Universe
aka: Keri
aka: The Wealth Alchemist