As we go through this AWAKENING…
As we raise the vibration and consciousness of this planet there is a LOT moving in the 3D reality and in the other dimensions.
There is a shakedown happening.
If you look beyond the mainstream media you will see a lot of darkness and a lot of shit going down. We have been lied to and manipulated for MANY years. We live in a corrupt society, which I’m pretty sure you all know. I’m pretty sure many of you want this to change.
There are forces at play that I am not going to go into on this platform. You can join me on Telegram for some of that. t.me/wealthalchemist
All that said… I’m not here for doom and gloom.
I really just want to bring to your attention today that everything is not as it seems.
There are so many people in places of power that abuse their power. That goes from the government, Hollywood, famous athletes and more.
Those same distortions in the field of pure infinite and Divine potential filter to all of humanity. And we can so easily be manipulated by even the people closest to us.
I mean… how many of you have worked with someone that you thought was an amazing human only to end up manipulated and hurt by them? (Of course, taking personal responsibility and not blaming.)
This shows up in everyday people.
This shows up in the leaders you follow.
This can show up in every one of us because if we are not AWARE of the energetic manipulation on the planet right now, we can easily fall prey to it.
As a human on the planet right now, I invite you to make it your job to discover ways to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and to CLEAR your personal field of any darkness.
This is the work.
I also invite you to be VERY DISCERNING with who you choose to let into your space, on any and all levels.
Question everything. Even this.
Sit and feel into the energy of the people you are surrounded by.
And if you have no idea how to shift your vibration, then be in touch. LEARN.
And by the way… you cannot MENTAL your way to shifting your vibes right now. If all you are doing is positive affirmations and visualising that everything will be ok… there is more to be done.
There is NO judgement. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all at a different place in our journey to awakening and wherever you are is absolutely perfect.
This is simply a call to make it a priority. A call to ask you to raise your vibration to match the new consciousness that is coming where we live on a planet of LOVE and PEACE.
If you want to THRIVE through this, I believe it is what is required. To tap fully into the energy of LOVE and BE that.
If you want to be a part of the transformation that is possible for us on the planet right now as we ascend into the New Earth, then be open to discovering a new way of showing up for yourself and humanity.
There are multiple ways I can support you in doing this RIGHT NOW.
1. An affordable Medical grade Quantum Healing Device with 144,000 frequencies that you can wear around throughout your day that will radically shift your vibration with so much ease. I mean… no brainer. Right now, I believe we all get to have one of these.
2. Next week… I’m running a Self Clearing workshop. I call it the Wealth Clear System.
In this training, I will teach you how to clear your own field so that you can raise your vibrations out of fear, scarcity, judgement, shame, frustration, anger etc (all the feels) into Love, peace, joy and Bliss and help you connect with the higher vibrational energies.
I will show you how to clear yourself to align with your financial goals and be able to be in the vibration that will allow you to call them in.
I’m all about self-empowerment and I want you to be able to use these tools whenever you need to raise your vibes and clear your field.
3The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation
If you know you are ready to dive deep and shift your energetic field and become a magnet for all you desire NOW this is for you.
We started this week. The first call dropped everyone right into the quantum field and had them buzzing after just a couple of small things I showed them. We are only just beginning.
I am beyond excited to watch these amazing people tap into the Infinite Abundance that is around us now and not only create their dreams, but be a part of shifting the consciousness of humanity by starting to learn how to be a master of their own energy and clearing the shit that is no longer serving them.
This is multi-dimensional manifestation. This is way beyond sitting and thinking and hoping a bag of money will fall on your head. It is already blowing people’s minds, which is what gets to happen to make quantum shifts.
Quite honestly… I keep adding things into this program because I am 100% committed to helping people create the results they desire and I know this will at least double the next time I offer it. So… if this calls you, join now. This is a living, breathing transformational experience.
If any of that speaks to you… drop the number from above (1,2, 3 or any combination) of what you are called to below and I’ll be in touch with details.
Please… for your sake and for the evolution of humanity to move beyond the darkness and cross the bridge into the New Earth and this new reality… Mind your energy. Make it your priority.
And please… be super-mindful of what and WHO you allow into your mind and energetic field right now. If you have more questions about any of this… please feel free to reach out.
I know I’m being slightly cryptic, for reason. I know this is a new language for many. So… please do reach out. I’m here.
Sending so much love to you all.