Ultimately, we have different ‘religious beliefs’ but there is one god, one consciousness.
And that you are the Divine and Divine is you.
We are all sparks of source, creation itself.
I come from a Jewish background and I have had so many conversations with Jewish people who do not even believe in ‘God’, but love the faith of Judaism. Or they believe that there is something bigger than us ‘out there’, but aren’t certain if that is God.
I have even had these conversations with people who are deep into teaching the faith and don’t believe in God.
I get it. I thought that way for A LONG TIME.
I knew there was something bigger out there, but couldn’t get myself beyond that. And the thought of ‘worshiping’ God just didn’t sit with me when I was growing up.
And regardless of religion… the Divine needs no religion. You don’t have to go to a building to connect. You don’t need a book or prayers. It’s not outside of you.
You are the Divine.
You are the Divine.
We are all one.
Having this knowing has been a sense of freedom for me. If we are all sparks of the Divine, we actually know everything there is to know because we are creation itself.
And if that is the case… it’s all just a journey of remembering who we really are and knowing that you are infinite in power to live an abundant life of love, peace and joy.
No matter your religious background, maybe you can relate to having a ‘messy/uncertain’ relationship with Source?
What if we re-evaluate this for you?
What if you look at it as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS? We are a living breathing organism. And we are the representation of consciousness itself. Our past awareness forms our current physical reality.
In my shamanic study, it was taught that the community would always come together to heal the sick, because they knew that if one was sick, it was a representation of the community as a whole, so they wanted all to be well through the one.
Through the one.
We are all one.
We are all connected.
We are all sparks of light.
If you can move beyond this 3D reality and all the fear that is currently spreading like wildfire around this planet, and know that you are a Divine Spark of Consciousness and that together, we vibrate and create the whole for the planet.
And if that is true, which I believe it fully is, then right now in order to heal the whole, it starts with you. It starts with you choosing to raise your vibrations to LOVE.
Move through life in the state of LOVE and spread that love.
In our humaness, we are one.
In our Divinity, we rise.
Image: unknown