My 8yo son.
If you are a parent with emotional kids, please read this!
Sam is an angel in my life. He also can be super challenging for me, as a parent, with his emotional swings that happen all day every day.
They are frustrating for me, but more so I feel for him, living through this turmoil within himself.
We have been wanting to put him into Neurofeedback to re-wire his brain to help him out, cause it’s certainly helping me, but chose to wait and see what Healy could do without Neurofeedback.
The improvements we have seen are beyond what I could have imagined.
In a time of turmoil in the world which has also created added turmoil in the house, this kid in the past week is bringing love in a way that is wise beyond his years.
About 1.5 weeks ago, I found a note in my room. I didn’t know who wrote it cause Sam is still learning to read and write and at this point has only been copying people’s writing.
It said, ‘I am dun uv bein mad, Sam. You to.’
I thought it was from a friend of his that had been over the day before because Sam has never written a sentence on his own.
Sam told me he wrote it. In his first sentence, he comes out with telling us he is done with being mad at everyone and ultimately was asking us to all agree and sign it too.
A few days later, he creates a book, ‘A Luv buk’. One where we all get to write and colour what we love.
Yesterday, as Sam could feel my frustration come with Robbie and his complete meltdown and inability to show up for school yesterday, at all. He walks up and hands me his mask to cover my mouth with the sweetest smile on his face.
He wanted me to take a breath and calm down.
I wasn’t yelling, but I was definitely frustrated that I came home from taking Sam to school for an hour for a reading assessment and after a complete meltdown yesterday morning that left Robbie totally unable to do school… he woke up from a nap and sat around for an hour doing nothing.
From a human perspective, I get it. He needed a break. And in that hour home alone, he was cherishing his quiet home time, which I can totally appreciate.
That said, school doesn’t. And I’m concerned about him falling behind. And, at some level not concerned at all cause I’m seeing more and more how challenging this way of learning is for Robbie and questioning him being in that system altogether.
And nonetheless, he is there right now by choice, and has to get the work done.
So, I smiled at the knowing and ease in which Sam, who is usually the one in meltdowns, heard my voice just get that frustrated tone and come in to remind me, to take a breath and remember this too shall pass.
And we all giggled, smiled and laughed instead.
Then got Robbie stuck into things.
This kid has gone from 20-45 minute meltdowns to being able to pull himself out of them within minutes.
He has gone from blaming the world and never taking responsibility for his actions (still happens too and we are still working with it), to writing notes to say he doesn’t want to be mad anymore.
He last spring fought us most days to do his schoolwork. Now he just gets it done.
The change I am seeing in this child is blowing my mind. There is still room for lots more improvement, but within a few months of having Healy, this is pretty amazing. I’m still wanting to put him into Neurofeedback. I think the two combined are so amazing. One step at time.
He is one of the most joyful, sweet, kind, loving and helpful beings on this planet when he wants to be. He is the complete opposite when he doesn’t want to be.
And I’m so grateful to be seeing more of his sweet, kind side that is bringing more and more love and joy to the world and most certainly my life.
Most people talk about Healy and how it helps from a physical perspective, which it absolutely does.
For me, the most amazing long term aspect of Healy is how it’s completely shifting ancestral patterns and changing the dynamics of our family by helping us all let go of that which is no longer serving us and show up as our best selves.
Healy is designed to raise your vibrations, in so doing raise our consciousness and in doing that, we shift the consciousness of this planet.
Right now in order to move beyond the chaos, it’s not about fighting.
It’s not about picking sides.
It’s not about who is right or wrong, in the world or in our homes.
It is about rising above to LOVE.
My book, ‘The New Wealth’ that is coming out is all about this transition out of a world of hate, anger, madness, frustration, war, separation, scarcity and more into a world of Love, Peace, Joy, Bliss and Abundance.
It starts in our homes.
It starts with each and every one of us.
I am talking about it a lot at home and calling it in deeply in my life.
I am so grateful for Healy to help us shift our vibes personally, within our homes and consequently the consciousness of the planet.
I’m on a mission with the Healy tribe to get this into millions of hands around the world.
If you could use some help with some massive change in your life and your home, please drop HEALY below.
Whether you want the biz or not, this will be an amazing part of your life.
That said… If you want to create financial freedom in your world, I’m calling in 4 people to work with to help you accelerate this business and completely alter your future financial reality.
This has completely transformed our lives, in every way, and I would love the same for you too.
Ready for some Healy Magic? Drop HEALY below.
Your life will never be the same again.
PS- in case you have been living under a rock and not heard me talking about it, Healy is a medical-grade vibrational healing device that in a push of a button shifts your vibes by running frequencies through your field. You don’t have to understand this yet for it to work. It works.
PPS- DISCLAMER: Healy is not ‘approved’ to work with kids. We choose to use it with our kids and they LOVE it.
PPPS- YES, this post is Sam approved.
He’s so happy with what his happening for himself and us, that he loves sharing Healy too and wants everyone to have one, even if that means sharing the most vulnerable sides of himself with the world. This too has changed.
In the past, he would never have let me share this.