I have kept relatively quiet about the goings on in the world. I have not wanted to add to the separation, the fighting, the polarising.
But enough is enough.
It’s time to WAKE UP.
We are being fed FEAR so that we can be controlled and manipulated.
No matter which side of the fence you sit on, there is more to what’s going on then a virus.
And if you can’t see that, turn off your TVs, stop watching mainstream media and look beyond.
Even beyond that, think with your own mind about the LOGIC of this.
What I want to bring to the table today is a NEW conversation.
Maybe we can’t all agree on masks and staying home, but maybe we can agree that if we all worked to be the most healthy humans we can be then we would be having a very different conversation.
It’s amazing to me that in SIX MONTHS of this madness I have not heard one dang thing from the powers that be about creating a healthy system to be able to build immunity so that should you get this virus you can survive and thrive afterwards.
I have heard a lot of fighting and a lot of fear being spread and I have seen the effects of this beyond what we can even begin to comprehend moving forward.
It’s amazing to me that we are hearing about the decreasing percentage of deaths from Corona alone and yet NO changes to our living standards are being made. On the contrary, we are forced to wear masks and stay separated with many kids still unable to go to school.
And whilst we hear about the totally blown out of proportion statistics day in and out, we do not hear about:
– the percentage of suicides happening now. I mean, do their deaths not matter? Is it only if you die from Corona or a hodge podge of diseases because your immune system is weak does your death count and matter?
– people going onto anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications,
– the amount of people who are turning to drugs (over the counter and otherwise) and alcohol to cope,
– the effects on the kids who are not able to be kids with their friends and how that will have a long term effect on their already lacking social-emotional skills
– the heartbreaking experience for many people who are financially not able to support themselves, for those who have spent their lives building their businesses to have them close doors and the effect that has on people.
There is more to be considered in making these decisions that are keeping us separated, distanced, silenced and dis-empowered.
And so I come back to IMMUNITY.
We have these AMAZING bodies that are built to SURVIVE.
We have so many tools that can help us live a healthy life and all that is being said is that the only way through is vaccinations, masks and distance.
It’s what the powers that be want you to believe is true to keep you in FEAR and be able to control the masses.
As we are seeing around the world, people are speaking out.
Peaceful protests are happening all over Australia today. They happened in Berlin, London and other major cities around the world over the past week.
People, it’s time we stand up for our rights, as humans on this planet.
It’s time for you to take your own sovereignty and be the ruler of your own life.
In order to do that, building a healthy immune system is CRUCIAL.
The majority of the deaths from this virus has come from immuno-compromised people.
The world has been BLINDED by pharmaceutical companies preaching that they have a pill to answer everything and since we, as a species, are pretty lazy, we take the pill, mask the symptom and go on with our lives.
Until the day that pill doesn’t work.
Until the day that pill has meant that you didn’t actually deal with the reason you were sick in the first place and so your body screams louder at you and you get sicker.
We are multi-dimensional beings. This means that to truly HEAL you must look at yourself from a multi-dimensional approach and do the work to clear your field on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic level to be the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself.
Emotions stored in the body create blocks and eventually can lead to sickness.
Physical toxicity stored in the body can lead to sickness.
Energetic blocks in your field and body can lead to sickness.
Mental blocks in your field lead to distress, frustration, looping, stuckness and of course depending on what you are telling yourself can create an immense amount of dis-ease and lead to sickness.
And blocking your spiritual connection and thinking that you are here alone and in complete control of your life without anything beyond you can block you from flow and dis-ease and lead to sickness.
Why isn’t any of this being talked about?
Why aren’t we learning how to self-heal?
Why aren’t we learning to build our IMMUNITY so that we don’t get ‘sick’?
Why? Because like for many years, there is far more money in being SICK than there is in being healthy.
We are all part of the whole and what is in one, is in all of us, so right now as more and more fear is spread the collective consciousness there is an immense amount of distress and dis-ease throughout humanity.
It makes my heart so happy to see the ones that also feel that enough is enough are standing for our rights and asking for this to end.
If you do not have the tools in your tool belt to know how to treat yourself well and build your own immune system, LEARN.
GET OFF mainstream media.
Take your attention and time AWAY from the fear-based propaganda and LEARN how to build your immune system to feel your best and have the ability to fight off whatever comes your way.
Fear, stress, anxiety, scarcity all contribute to Dis-ease and a weakened immune system and consequently getting sick.
Instead of wallowing in fear. Instead of playing into these games. Instead of being part of the spread of fear, choose sovereignty.
Choose to empower yourself with ways to feel your best.
Choose to believe that your body is the most amazing machine ever placed on this planet and you have the ability to THRIVE.
We are made to LIVE. We are designed to ‘Self-Heal’.
Our bodies are brilliant beyond science or what any human mind can even comprehend. Trust yourself. Trust your body.
And if you have NO IDEA how to do this or what in heaven’s name I’m talking about, LEARN.
Make it your mission right now to DIVE DEEP into learning about creating the most optimal environment for you to thrive in, in all ways.
If you want one of the most amazing, simple and easy tools I have EVER come across to shift your vibrational field to BUILD your immunity, join me tomorrow for a LIVE HEALY DEMO.
DISCLAIMER: Healy does not treat or cure illness, including Co-Vid.
That said… it clears and shifts your fields and allows you to raise your vibrations and build your immunity and stay healthy.
It’s a gamechanger.
Come and check it out.
Saturday at 12:30p MST I’m running a LIVE experience of HEALY.
This will be my fourth group experience sharing this in a week and the results I have seen this week from just a few minutes of receiving the Healy vibes are blowing my mind.
If you are curious… come and play. No obligations. Just check it out and make up your own mind because you are a sovereign being and can do that.
Drop THRIVE below and I’ll send you details.
If you want to THRIVE through this, for however long it takes do whatever it takes to build your immune system, become conscious about your multi-dimensional self and choose to be a sovereign being on this planet.
In doing so, you become a part of the change.
In doing so, you help to raise the consciousness of this planet so we can RISE ABOVE all the fear.
If you want to be living a life of LOVE, Abundance, Bliss, Joy and more, this is the path.
Choose it for yourself.
Again and again and again, choose LOVE.