I see you. I know you. I feel you. I was you.
Constantly going.
Doing more.
Never feeling enough.
Always wanting more.
Filling a void.
Being told your energy is ‘too much’.
You are intimidating.
People may even be scared to work with you.
You want love, but don’t fully let it in.
You put on a brave face, but inside it’s messy.
Your walls are up.
You are petrified that if you let them down… that if you put all the pieces in your life that you are manically juggling down… everything will collapse. So… you keep juggling to feel like you have it under control and like everything is all going well for you.
You are afraid of the space. You are afraid of the silence, cause then… just then… you may actually hear yourself. You may actually FEEL those emotions that you have been AVOIDING for so long.
And consequently… constantly looking unconsciously to FILL THE VOID. So you are always on the go. Your calendar is full and you probably make that feel good for you even though deep down… you are screaming for some REST.
It’s scary AF for you sitting here reading this to even consider what would happen if you learned to SOFTEN because to you… soften probably means some variation of… let your boundaries go, let people in, be taken advantage of, get hurt, end up broken hearted.
SO you THINK you are keeping yourself SAFE by keeping those walls up.
Oh loves… this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
When you soften into the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE…
When you know how to live BEYOND the physical body and your 3D very limited MIND, you become EVEN MORE powerful.
You become UNSTOPPABLE and UNFUCKWITHABLE in the best way. And you also become APPROACHABLE.
Trying to soften into the feminine. Trying to become MAGNETIC doesn’t happen in the HEAD. You cannot MIND your way to this.
I tried that for YEARS and only ended up BANGING MY HEAD, ending up in burnout over and over again.
Maybe you can relate?
You deeply want the best for everyone and know that what you do changes people’s lives and yet somehow you are PUSHING them AWAY. And the THEM is your potential clients, your friends, lovers… not really ever letting them fully in. Cause if only they knew the real you, they would for sure runaway and/or hurt you, right? Because you are protecting the pieces of yourself that have been hurt time and time again in the past, even though what you DEEPLY DESIRE is just the opposite.
You desire to be a BEACON. You desire to be a MAGNET for all the amazing juiciness that you know is available in this world. You desire to help the world and make it a better place and you want to build your large tribe and create the impact on a global level and wondering if you can do it since eventually… you know you are leading yourself to burn out the way you have been driving the bus of your life.
Stop letting your shadows and wounds drive you.
Choose differently.
I’m not asking you to change yourself AND I am telling you that if you don’t get support to have a safe space to see the aspects of yourself where you are living from your wounded self and putting your pushy, masculine energy and spraying it all over the world (not always effectively) that you will continue to wonder what is wrong with you. And then think… why do I keep pushing people away?
It’s your energy.
It’s not WHO you are. YOU are amazing.
It’s a journey to learn to shift this aspect of yourself. It doesn’t happen overnight and you most certainly won’t THINK or MIND yourself there.
The truth is… you probably can’t even see into your shadows to know where to even begin this journey. And that is PERFECT.
That is why you work with me.
I’m a recovering A-type woman who pushed people away, kept walls up so I didn’t have to be hurt, drove myself to the ground, thought if I DO MORE I can HELP more, over-gave, people-pleased and so much more.
The more I let go of THIS STORY… the more I SOFTEN, the more and more that I receive with ease. In all areas of my life.
I’m a recovering addict of this, so I still fuck this up sometimes, but dang it… I get better at this every day and can show you the way.
The same is true for my clients.
Phones start ringing off the hook with clients, people want to build businesses with them and partner with them, their very messy and/or disconnected relationships are all of a sudden miraculously filled with more love and connection, etc.
I TOTALLY get it… dropping the masks and the walls feels SCARY AF. And saying yes to the journey before you, whether you work with me or not, feels intimidating and daunting and vulnerable AF and you don’t REALLY want to do it. Tears will be involved and you don’t like showing that side of yourself to yourself nevermind anyone else.
Yup. Get it.
But if you want to soften… If you want to be the magnetic spark that you are on this planet to be and do the work you are here to do from a connected, approachable, loving space… you’ve got some work to do.
There is NO WAY around this.
Of course… you can just keep DRIVING and PUSHING yourself and wondering why you are still banging your head against the wall, feeling all alone (even if you have a partner or friends around you) in a year’s time. Or not.
Your choice.
If you are ready to be seen for ALL of who you are… the light and the shadow and you are ready to create deep and lasting transformation that will leave you in tears of gratitude… join me NOW for an INITIATION into the TRUTH.
Let me help show you the most beautiful, loving, soft person that is hiding behind those masks.
Let me show you that FEELING doesn’t have to be SCARY.
Let me show you that you letting down the walls will actually help you be EVEN MORE powerful in all that you are and all that you do.
Let me help you feel SAFE as you take this journey. Let me see you as those tears fall and love you even more.
Your standards are high enough on yourself. I know. You don’t need tough love from me. You need the deepest form of love… the unconditional kind… that comes with no judgement or shame. I will show you all the ways you are completely HUMAN and love you all the way through it.
This 4-month experience that I am inviting you into will never be repeated this way again.
You get me 1 on 1 in a high-level capacity PLUS BONUS content for the group of you that show up for this work that will help you learn about your energetic blueprint and how you can show up to best serve yourself and the world.
I am going to help you come home to the truth of WHO YOU ARE without the baggage, without the BS stories, without the LOOPS keeping you playing life the same way, getting the same results, no matter how much you meditate and visualise the life of your dreams.
My clients get results and I teach them to soften.
I teach them to be EVEN MORE of WHO THEY ARE.
I help you REMEMBER your truth.
I help you remove the veils and stand raw and strong and create your dreams.
These 4 months are going to change 6 people’s lives. Of that I have no doubt. The question is… are you ready to finally say yes to the call of your soul? Are you ready to start the journey home?
You’ve got this beautiful one… and with all the unlimited love in the world… I have you.
PM me for details, cause I know you are not the one who will put SOFTEN in the comments below. But hey… go ahead and surprise me. Put SOFTEN in the comments below and maybe you’ll show others it’s ok to be human and imperfectly perfect, just the way you are.
Love you! Truly. You are amazing and it’s time to light up the world and create the impact you are here for.
PS- These spots are already going. If you know this is for you… jump in fast before the spots are gone and you are paying a lot more for the experience. The value I am offering for this right now is almost like I’m giving it away. Life-changing content will start dropping next week.
I have 2 spots for one on one work to start next week. Otherwise… you are waiting another week to kick this off.
Let’s do this.