Those three little words are powerful. And… so is allowing yourself to respond truthfully.
I just read about a friend who witnessed someone jump to their death yesterday. I reached out to ask ‘are you ok?’
I wrote a post only a week ago about death, including… A friend of mine who possibly took her life. Yet to be confirmed.
I went to see a friend that I’m not kidding… when I walked into her house and it was dark and quiet and she knew i was on my way… I freaked out that I was going to find her gone and that she had done it then so that I could find her.
I have been in conversation with another friend worried about her mental health.
This is all within the last couple weeks.
I have been down this path. I have written the notes. I get the depths of depression and have plenty of battles with darkness in my life. I know how hard it can be to journey those places.
But really… THERE IS A WAY OUT.
There is a way out.
And your life is soooo valuable.
There are a couple things I want to say about this.
1. These past few weeks energetically have been a time for death. The planets are aligned to show us the places that are no longer serving us in order to let go of that and step into the new.
It’s a turbulent time. My clients and friends have all been commenting on how they have been kinda spacey. And… we are all noticing places that we simply are not showing up for ourselves.
It’s not FUN to see that. But it’s SOOOOO worth taking the time to pay attention to, to see, and to make the changes that get to be made because of the awareness that you have because of this journey and the ability to do the work.
And so… if you are feeling this energetically… look to what you can let go of… and know… this too shall pass.
2. If you are not ok. SPEAK UP. Especially when someone asks… ARE YOU OK? I have reached out to people that are NOT ok. They admit it and they shut me out. I cannot help a person who doesn’t want to be helped. I cannot support you. No one can.
And of course… I know… that’s part of this horrid space in life. Not feeling worthy of taking up the space to receive the help that is being offered. It’s a cruel part of the human psyche.
I’m just here to say… You are worthy. You are worthy of space on this planet. More than that… you are needed.
The spiritual path is long, windy, and never-ending. Choosing to be in this human form to learn what we are here to learn brings shit tons of challenges and things to overcome on the path. I know. I feel them too. But that is the journey.
Of course… no the other side of that darkness is the beautiful LIGHT. Is the joy. Is the love. Is the bliss.
On this path… look for those. Let those guide the way. No matter how dark it gets… there is always light somewhere to look too and follow.
AND… please… if someone asks you… Are you ok? Then for the love of yourself… dig deep and answer honestly. Get help. Professionally, personally… all ways.
It’s ok to not be ok. We are all human and have all been through the darkness at some point. There is no shame in that.
As we traverse these turbulent times… coming through to the other side to the light right now… I am sending love.