I have moved from one co-dependant relationship to the next. I have struggled to separate myself from them.
To know what is me? What is them?
To know my own worth.
To see myself as whole and individual.
I look at younger people and think you are blessed to be able to figure out how to break free of this earlier than me.
And… I honour that we all have our own journey and it’s not about how fast we get there… just that eventually… we keep waking up to deeper layers of ourselves and move forward in our journey.
I said to Hugh today… One of the problems of our relationship has been that I didn’t have a relationship with my own masculine. So I have depended on Hugh to be my masculine for me. #dependancy #doesntwork #itsmessy
My inner masculine, Mike, has been driving me… this teenage boy that wanted to fuck everything that came his way as his hormones were raging.
What that looked like in my life… Being too forward with people. Remember teenage years and how awkward it could be to talk to someone you really like and how you can either go overboard or shy away? Yeah… that.
Remember teenage crushes? And fantasizing about people you can be with, someone saying yes, liking her so much and thinking… did she message me? Did she call yet? Infatuation with friends and boy/girlfriends, much?
Yeah… that kind of stuff and more. Teenage boy years are awkward. And my teenage boy had been running the show.
And the reality is… for most people out there now you, too, are being run by young kids. And until you clear that energetically out of your field… you will continue to be and run around in circles.
Over the past year… as I have cleared away trigger after trigger of childhood wounds, I have been able to grow myself up.
I have begun to build a relationship with my inner masculine, Mike, and ask him to help and support me and hold my emotional and wild feminine so that she can fully express herself.
And as I do this… I am less dependant on Hugh to do this for me.
These past few months, I have spent 3 months deep diving in my own shadows, alone, seeing my reflection in everything… hurting as I see what I see… and actually learning to hold myself through it all. This has not been comfortable or ‘easy’, but it has been healing in so many ways.
If you are able to do this already, hats off to you. I honour you.
If you cannot.. or even if you THINK you can, check in and ask yourself…
How would it feel to be able to call upon your masculine to show up in a healthy, loving and beautiful way and hold you?
And how would your relationship with your man change when you stop being dependant on him to fulfil the role of your inner masculine?
BTW- This is NOT the same as being a type-A Driven woman. You are living from your masculine in the actions you take. This does NOT mean that you are actually in a relationship with your masculine, he’s just running the show. And let’s be honest… sometimes you ladies (and men) need to ask the masculine to take a back seat.
He is totally running the show going a million miles an hour down the highway, totally unruly. He doesn’t give a flying f*ck what you think. He just wants to drive. Catch what I’m saying here?
This is sooo important.
In our order to be in Divine Union with yourself you need to have a relationship with yourself. Your own inner masculine and feminine. And from that space… your external relationships begin to shift and change around you.
Think about it this way… What you tolerate for yourself, you are allowing others to treat you that way too.
So, as you love on yourself more, the reflection will show up as love towards you, too.
Why am I saying this to you? Because working on your relationships is always an inner job. It starts with you building a beautiful loving relationship with yourself.
And the healthier that is… the healthier the relationships around you become, because you only want to be around high vibe, loving people who are raising each other up.
Would you like to know how to learn to build a beautiful relationship with yourself that is free of the looping triggers that are driving you and keeping you stuck in the same stories from when you were a child?
Do you want to take a journey home to you so that you can release the hooks that are keeping you locked into sabotaging patterns?
If you are ready for 2020 to be the most amazing year ever… Spiral with me.
I am taking applications for the next round of Spiral. Starting in January. This will change your life. And I definitely can help you start to build a relationship with your own inner masculine and feminine so that you can create your own healthy Divine Union. Comment SPIRAL below or message me and let’s do this.
photo: Bea Maz