Lately, I’ve been facing a lot of death and it’s been challenging me. And I want to come and speak to this today, because so often we read messages about all the love and flow and ease and how to create it.. but what isn’t spoken about so much is what is lurking in the shadows that brings upon death.
I am facing this from many angles right now.
*I was at a memorial service today for a beautiful mother in our school community.
*I had a few minutes this weekend where I actually thought I was going to find a dear friend of mine not alive in her home.
*And… the death from fires in Australia are really hitting home right now.
*Plus the end of December is the anniversary of the deaths of two of my grandparents.
*It’s not just the physical deaths I’m dealing with… but at the end of last year and still working through me now… I’ve been working through the death of aspects of myself.
NONE of it has been easy.
Add that to the fact that astrologically we are very much in a time of death right now and the truth is… it’s hard.
I have had more days in the past few weeks were anxiety has welled in my body than has been there for quite some time. Where darkness has been what I navigate. Where I have questioned so much about every piece of my life.
I have wanted to stay holed up in my house, in my bed as I navigate all this death.
And… I am so grateful for all my tools and my closest friends and my hubby for being by my side through this cause I most definitely have leaned in for support and love.
Why am I sharing this?
Because it’s not talked about enough and my thoughts are… that if it was.. .that maybe… just maybe it could save ONE PERSON from killing themselves… then it’s worth it.
Maybe just maybe… if it means that you are FEELING alone and sad… you reach out and know… YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Death is a natural part of our cycle. It’s inevitable on ALL levels. Meaning… we will die eventually. And… if you are doing the inner work… you will have death cycles over and over again whilst you are alive.
I have consciously navigated them for years. I have very consciously chosen this current death cycle.
I have the tools to bring myself through them… and NO.. they are NOT easy but as we evolve and grow… we get to let go of that which no longer serves us… and letting go of a piece of you that has been a part of who you are for so long can be painful.
It takes a shit ton of courage and strength to walk this path.
And… the work for us IS to navigate death. It is inevitable.
I want to speak to mental health.
OMG…mental health is so important.
Let me say… people look to me and think I have my shit together. People look to me and think I’m all love and light. I know… cause you all tell me.
But the truth is… there are demons I face that have on more than one occasion brought me into the deepest darkness. Many moons ago… I have written the suicide notes. I will never forget the day that I chose to live instead of die.
The death I have been going through this past month has been so intense as I am so clear of so much conditioning and triggers so I can see everything so dang clearly of what is serving me and what is not. And I am making choices daily to let go of the thoughts, behaviours and actions that no longer serve me in order to step into the next version of myself.
We have all been conditioned to BE a certain way in life. This started as babies and most people are still running around on this planet living life from the wounds of childhood. This conditioning can be NASTY for many of us.
And so in order to move forward… we MUST let go of that conditioning… we get to walk through the death.
Evolving yourself… evolving the human race on this planet… it takes work. It’s not easy but it is necessary.
And today… I just want to come and say… you are not alone.
I know that personally… there are times that this journey feels SO LONELY… even though I am surrounded by so many people who love me and who I love dearly.
In my lifetime… I have felt the pain of… the world would be better without me.
In my mind… I have wondered… what’s the point of it all?
Those moments… they are dark. They are not easy to pull yourself out of alone… especially if you let it consume you.
And in this time… as we as a planet navigate a time of death… I really just want to come and put my heart out here and say… that just because you choose the path of evolution… just because you are doing the inner work… does not mean that you become resistant to this darkness. Not at all. It means that you get to learn to navigate it.
It means remembering… YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
One of the biggest things that gets me through these times is remembering… I AM a spark of the Divine. I am here for a purpose. And when I deeply check in with myself… my purpose on this planet… my time is not over. It’s BECAUSE of this knowing that I honour my place in the thread of life and continue to evolve.
I continue to do the work, no matter how challenging it gets, because I know… through the darkness is the light.
Because I get that we live in a world of polarity… we wouldn’t know the light without the darkness.
Because… We wouldn’t know joy and love without anger and hate.
Because… we are here to experience being HUMAN. And let’s be honest… being human has its challenges. But we couldn’t experience all that we do if we were still in spirit form… that’s why our souls make the choice to come to this planet in the first place.
So… through the ashes of the fires… through the darkness… we can all rise. Moving towards the light is equally important to being human as death itself.
Like the phoenix… we get to rise.
From my heart to yours… if you need help navigating the darkness… the death cycles… reach out. Find a therapist to speak to… lean into friends and family… work with someone who can help you find your way.
It’s so easy to get lost in the darkness if you don’t know how to find your way… but you are never alone. It may FEEL that way sometimes… but really… you know it isn’t true.
Look around you and see all the people who love you and do what gets to be done to walk towards the light.
You are the Divine.
You are Divine Expression.
You are so important in the fabric of this planet.
You are worthy of being here.
You are worthy of taking up space on this planet.
You are worthy of being loved.
I love you simply for being you.
Please… as you read this… drop a ❤️ in the comments below so that we can spread some love on this planet in this time of death.
And please remember… this too shall pass.
The death cycle, no matter how painful it is to experience, is a beautiful part of life. Be willing to embrace it and learn to navigate it so that you can come out the other side shining even brighter than ever before.
You are not alone.
You are so loved.