The greatest gift in the world happened for me yesterday.
My entire life I have dedicated to helping others. Literally. My mom will tell stories that even as a toddler I was always there when someone was hurt, helping them.
I grew up in a philanthropic family where I would always raise the most money for charity, whenever there were fundraisers. And I donated my time to charities even from a very young age. I was licking envelopes, going bowling with kids with disabilities every week for quite some time, all dressed up at fundraising parties, giving money, etc.
I am a natural giver who grew up in a family that was trained to give. It’s a way of life… a way of BEing in the world and it’s all I’ve ever known. It’s one of the greatest gifts my mom and grandma taught me.
And whilst I have trained myself over the years to RECEIVE and allow myself to receive blessings in my life and will always lovingly accept and receive a compliment… Yesterday was by far one of the most expansive experiences I have ever had.
I asked some of my closest friends to have a zoom party with me and asked them to come and share what they love about me.
It was done last minute because I was in so much resistance to asking for this… to asking for people who I love so dearly to shower me with the love I also feel for them. But as I always do… if I am in resistance or fear… the best way to face it is head-on… so I did the thing.
And it was 3 of the most cherished hours of my life. People came in and out for the time, staying as long as they could.
Not only did I get emotional with the love that was there, everyone did. Many people cried. Many people were moved. Many people were loved up yesterday.
Many people said yesterday…
Keri.. this group of people here are a true reflection of what you bring to this world. You are surrounded by love and light and amazing, powerful people who do phenomenal things in the world and fully standing in their power.
They smiled… of course you would bring this group together, because look at who you are.
And the truth is… I rarely look at who I am, whilst always looking at who I am.
I really do focus on giving to my family, my friends and all of you.
And… for most of my life, I have been horrible to myself. I have been judgemental, critical and mean and could never be good enough.
I honestly have spent most of my life beating myself up. We always teach what we need to learn.
I got into mindset work and transformational work because I want it for me. And then after I embody it I teach it to others.
It’s because my mind has been in such darkness for so long that I was always diving into whatever I could get my hands on to help me sit in the love and light for myself.
So to sit and listen to the most beautiful and loving reflections for hours and then seeing what you all have had to say about me in the post that I put up here asking for that yesterday has filled my heart with so much love.
I have made the decision that this is my new normal.
It is normal to feel this much love from all of you. To allow it all in. And to love myself as much as you all love me. To see what you all see in me.
To stand in the light and own all of these absolutely amazing aspects of myself.
To shine brighter than ever before knowing that I am truly a beacon of light in this world.
To be a magical holder of space for people to be seen in the truth of who they are, whether that stings because it hurts to see or is amazing because you are so loved.
To truly honour how much love I pour into each of my relationships, into you.
To show you that life to can be so full of abundance.
Seeing this reflection made me so aware of how much work I have done to get to the place I am at right now.
There are few that have the courage and tenacity to dive in as deeply as I have. I am willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to create my every dream and then every dream after that. And… I’m here to guide you along the way.
I know that in every cell of my body.
I now fully own that.
I really truly am so fucking blessed to live this life, on this planet, at this time, surrounded by so many amazing souls that I love so dearly.
I’m going to say it time and time again. What you look for is what you get. I made a decision a couple of years ago that I wanted to be surrounded by love and kindness.
That is exactly what I have created with the most magical, high vibrational BEings that I am grateful to call friends. And with the circle of all of you that come into my field and want to be a part of my mission on this planet.
I am so grateful this lockdown forced me to celebrate my birthday differently.
I am so grateful to each and every one of you that has showered me with love over the past couple days and still going. I feel you. I send love back after fully receiving and embracing yours.
PS- If you want to journey into being a magnet for your own amazingness…then be in touch to join me for The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation.
We start this week. Amazing golden nuggets are already dropping, results are already happening, lives are already changing.
The more that comes through for this, I can say… this has become a high-level training, without a high-level price tag. Get in before the price doubles.
Drop RECEIVE in the comments below to get more info.