As I started my self-pleasure ritual today… Laying in bed totally enjoying the feel of my fingers running up and down my arms… I thought to myself…
These are the things I hear people say to me far too often, especially when I introduce this concept to my type-A driven female clients.
*** I don’t have time for self-pleasure…
*** I don’t WANT to touch myself…
*** Can’t I just have sex?
*** Uck… that feels so uncomfortable
*** I’m not in the mood
*** Can’t my partner do it for me?
*** I don’t have the energy
*** Yeah… I do that every few months
*** Insert your story here…
I’m sure you have said a few of these at least once before. I certainly have.
But if you are continuously saying these things to your self and not making time for self-pleasure ritual… you are missing out on one of the greatest ways to call your dreams into reality.
I mean this is how I look at it…
Go out and do a lot more hard work than is necessary OR… Self-pleasure ritual and literally connect your dreams to the moment of creation and allow magic to happen.
This is not to say there isn’t work to be done. But, you can do the SAME amount of work and get far better results if you work with your energetic field to create magick.
And far out… it feels so damn good. So why wouldn’t you?
Why do you stop yourself from RECEIVING PLEASURE?
I would be willing to put money on the fact that if you are stopping yourself from giving yourself the greatest pleasure in life… than you are most definitely stopping yourself from receiving pleasure, love, joy, bliss in other places too, including your financial abundance.
And yes… it makes a difference if you do this for you alone or if you are in combination with your partner. Both are amazing. Both are powerful. Both create magick.
But SELF-Pleasure is about you loving on yourself. And that is so important if you think that anyone else is going to want to look after you like the Queen that you are.
And… this ritual done regularly cultivates your life force energy.
People very often say to me… ‘Keri, you have an amazing, bright, magnetic energy. I just want to be around you.’
I always appreciate that compliment because it’s not by chance that this is so. I spend time each day cultivating my life force energy, in some way shape or form. I do this for my own well-being and also because… it is part of the magick.
Knowing how to cultivate magnetic energy is a thing. And if you are not using the powers of this, you are making life way harder than it has to be. #justsayin.
So… as I was writing this I had the download…
My answer to the call…
OMG… YES. I will.
So… join me in my new FB Group… ‘ELEVATE: Ascend Your Wealth’ and I’ll do a Live in there all around using self-pleasure ritual to create magick.
If you are already a fan of self-pleasure and not realising you can use that for manifestation… join me as I explain the way that works.
If you are like… ‘uck… I don’t really do self-pleasure.’ Then WOMAN… Get yourself onto this training. It will change your life forever.
I am by no means a sex therapist or tantra person. I am simply a woman who cultivates my life force, magnetic energy and one of my tools to do so is self-pleasure.
I’m tired of the shame around this so it’s time to bring awareness to one of the most enjoyable ways to create magick and bring your dreams into reality.
Join me here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/elevatewealth
PS- My intention for this group… to be able to have the amazing conversations around using magick and connecting with your Divine Purpose, free of the nasty energy that is currently keeping you trapped in the reality of the world you are living in.
In doing this… you can ascend your wealth and be able to give back at the level that your soul is calling you towards… and to live that first class life.
It’s a place to show you the ways to step into the feminine aspects of self whilst driving towards your dreams. You only have so many hours of the day. You are not going to get to the next level by thinking you can add more to plate. It’s already full.
This is where magick becomes crucial to growth without killing yourself. Literally.
Come join me for some fun and epic conversations.
Oh yeah… pun intended. 😉
photo: Bea Maz