I have battled my body, my whole life.
I was told at a young age that I needed to lose weight. My Dad called me Fatso growing up when I was far from it. I’ve been on diets since I was a little girl.
I grew up in an affluent area, where what you look like ‘matters’. Where people judge you on the clothes you wear, the cars you drive, etc. For years, I remember reading that it was rated one of the highest areas in the US for eating disorders.
I have been a size 6-8 and HATED my body. I have been an 18 and HATED my body.
It hasn’t mattered what size it was, I hated it. All I could see was fat everywhere and then pick myself apart and hate myself, never ever feeling good enough.
Never ever doing the right things.
Always giving my power to what I THOUGHT others thought and caring too much about their judgement.
I mean… I’m DEFINITELY NOT good enough to lead people or to be in integrity with my message if I have any fat on my body, was definitely a thing for me. It SUCKED and totally held me back.
Right now… I’m physically heavier than I want to be. It has been an amazing lesson for me, but that lesson is not relevant for today.
That said… I FEEL SO SEXY.
I work to cultivate my energy field. I work to cultivate my life force energy. I LOVE ON MYSELF.
And because I do… I FEEL SEXY.
I feel sexier now, in a truly balanced way, than I can ever remember feeling in my life.
And recently I have had multiple people who are reflecting that to me… speaking to me about my radiance, my oozing of life force energy, my goddess-like sensuality and how it inspires them.
Truthfully… it’s a beautiful reflection to receive, cause it certainly has taken a LOT of inner work to get here and let’s be real… I still have more to go. (With love and patience with myself… The layers are being peeled back.)
I really just want to remind you… feeling sexy is an internal game.
It starts with you having a desire to create pleasure for yourself.
It is in allowing yourself to cultivate your feminine energy.
It is in loving yourself, no matter what.
It is in your ability to RECEIVE.
It is in your ability to FLOW.
It is in your ability to follow your intuition.
It is in your ability to turn yourself on. YES. Turn yourself on!
I mean… feeling sexy becomes pretty normal when you live a life that turns you on because you are so in love and in alignment with your own self and life. #justsayin
This too can be your normal.
If you want some of that… SPIRAL with me.
I have 3 spots open to Spiral right now.
It’s a transformational 1 on 1 experience that will shift you to the core.
For all you women out there living in your masculine, pushing things up a hill and are petrified to open up to your juicy, sensual self for all the reasons… this is for you.
If you know that you can be tapping into even more MAGIC and FLOW in your world this is for you.
If you know there is a part of you that feels dead inside and you want to ignite that sensual spark that makes you magnetic, this is for you.
If you know that you are ready to stop the sabotage and looping behaviours that are keeping you from your dreams… this is for you.
Going through the Spiral with me has created transformation for each and every person who has gone through it.
More money,
improved relationships,
teams building,
self-love overflowing,
loving their bodies as is,
not giving a flying F$ck about what other people think of you, in the best way,
and so much more are ALL things that happen for the people who spiral.
It’s a one on one journey that will change your life as you know it, in the best possible way.
If you feel the call to leap forward… be in touch today. Drop SPIRAL below and I’ll get you the details.