Whether you are in Network marketing, affiliate marketing or are self-employed… You have a message to share… a product or service to offer the world.
One of the BIGGEST problems I see in people who are NOT creating the success they desire is that they are afraid to share their message.
I believe that one of the most pivotal pieces to this is that you are not in 100% FULL BELIEF AND CONVICTION that you are THE PERSON… THE PRODUCT… THE SERVICE that can help ALL THE PEOPLE who are completely soul-aligned to it/you.
And then… once you TRULY believe that in EVERY CELL OF YOUR BODY…
1. You will OOZE it and energetically you will MAGNETICALLY ATTRACT those who are called to work with you because you won’t be able to contain yourself from sharing the epic ness of what you provide because you KNOW it will help others in a profound way and you will realise… ANYTHING LESS THAN SHARING THAT IS SIMPLY SELFISH!
2. You will get over yourself AND SHARE IT!
3. You will stop feeling bad that you might PISS SOME PEOPLE OFF IN DOING SO.
I am 100% sure that I have pissed people off in sharing my message. I am 100% sure that I have messaged people who had the thought of… FAR OUT… Who the heck do you think you are? Leave me alone, etc… You are so SLEEZY for messaging me… BLAH BLAH BLAH.
And here is what I say to that. OH WELL!
Because I KNOW… that when I stand here and share my message…
When I send people personal messages to invite them to life-changing opportunities… that the absolutely most perfectly aligned people will be so excited that I did and will be shouting how GRATEFUL they are for the fact that I did as it will have changed their life.
SO… should I hide and NOT share because some people will be pissed about it?
HECK NO. Those people can leave my energetic field.
ANYONE who chooses to leave my space because I invite them to amazing opportunities to live their LIMITLESS life, however that shows up… isn’t meant to be in my life and that is ok.
And if it’s a friend who doesn’t support me in this mission… they aren’t meant to be my friend anymore. And that is ok too.
And if that’s not you… feel free to unfriend me, walk away, etc… I release you to find your soul-aligned peeps.
When you get this… TO THE CORE… You will get out of your way and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to engage people in your message knowing that the right people will be singing your praises for years to come and you will have the opportunity to SHINE YOUR LIGHT brightly and help the people you are here to help.
That is what you want to do, right? Create a positive and incredible IMPACT on this planet by helping people with whatever magic YOU weave into the fabric of this planet… yes?
So why are you STOPPING yourself for fear of what OTHERS WILL THINK?
Instead… EMBRACE what others will think and get excited for all the praise and gratitude coming your way as you build your empire.
This shift in mindset will change your life, FOREVER.
If you are ready to stop HIDING.
If you are ready to Dig deep and OVERCOME the immense amount of baggage and self-sabotage and limiting stories you are telling yourself that are stopping you from creating each and every one of your dreams… and creating the incredible IMPACT on this planet you are here to have…
When you say YES to working with me in my 12 week LIMITLESS one on one journey… I will give you a BONUS MONTH FREE.
Assuming you SHOW UP and do the work… Which of course you will since that is the only people I want to work with … This 4 months will be transformational for you.
We will collapse time on your dreams and you will have the ability to create more than you are even able to dream of right now.
I mean… it’s only your dreams, right?
It’s only your soul mission and purpose on this planet to create IMPACT and INFLUENCE and make a difference on this planet, right?
So why are you waiting to UPLEVEL your game?
NOW is the time.
PM me now and let’s get you started.