Hear me out… this is a SUPER powerful lesson.
When it comes to manifesting if you are coming from a space of lack and limitation, which most people are… you will create limited results.
If you are fearful of spending money because you don’t know where the next dollar will come from… you stay stuck in the fear.
If you are only buying super-low cost things… working with the cheapest people… doing only free trainings… you are likely showing up that way in YOUR biz…
Under-charging for your services, giving everything away for free and not valuing yourself and your brilliance. And you will attract others that are the same and struggle to pay for you.
This is not to say… there isn’t a lot of value in free and low-end products. My Millionaire mindset program happening right now could be sold at thousands because of the value received…
And my reason for doing it low-end… to make it reachable for many of you who really need it and I know… at even $300 it’s a stretch for many… And I honour that. I honour the incredibleness of low-cost trainings. I have done many myself.
What I am saying though… look at how you show up for yourself and your personal development.
If you are constantly in a place of… I can’t afford it and lack and stuck there… you are vibrating there and attracting that to you… and clients who also show up and say… I can’t afford it and it’s a self-perpetuating vicious cycle.
Come from a place of… I want this and I am allowing myself to create the money to do whatever I want… and guess what… it shows up.
As you start investing in yourself at a higher level… and TRUSTING that when you do… it comes back to you ten fold or more… guess what… it does.
When you decide that you are WORTHY of all that you desire… you will ALLOW yourself to have it and in doing so… you will create even more of that.
Your vibrations rise and you manifest even more wonderfulness into your life.
The amount of times that I had no idea how I would pay for something and said yes and then the money showed up is countless and I’m NOT alone in this. It simply works this way.
But it comes first by saying that you value yourself enough to say YES to you.
You value yourself enough to CHARGE MORE.
You value yourself enough to package up your work in a way that means that you are not chasing after hundreds of clients for one off sessions and running out of people to work with because they come once… and you have to find more. UGH! It’s tiring. Been there done that and then threw that biz model away.
You value yourself enough to buy the flowers.
You value yourself enough to buy the healing tool that is calling you day in and out for weeks/months… and NOT EVEN asking your hubby permission. OMG. Would he ask you permission to buy the random little things he buys? Umm… NO! So stop asking him.
And if you don’t feel you can buy things in your relationship without permission… then seriously… it’s time to work on that too. The amount of women I work with that have guilt around spending money on themselves when they KNOW that their partners don’t actually care and completely support them is insane.
And the ONLY ONE who can stop it…
The only who who simply gets to DECIDE that you are WORTH IT… is YOU.
And when you show up and take a stand for yourself…
When you show up and really own your power by SAYING YES TO YOU…
By investing in yourself at the next level… whatever that is for you…
whether it’s moving from the free trainings anywhere you can get them… which when you are starting out… I totally get… but eventually… you just gotta pay some money to people to help you.
Or whether you are doing lots of low-end courses and it’s time to invest in that thousand to multi-thousand dollar price point…
Or whether you always buy things in one-off… one off healing sessions, coaching sessions, etc… it’s time to work with someone in a package and be held by them to move through your stuff over time.. OMG that will make a MASSIVE difference in your world and why I stopped offering one-off sessions. I can help you create results in one session… I did it for years.
But ultimately… it was doing a disservice to you cause it takes MORE THAN one session to move through your stuff and create your dreams. And you KNOW in your heart the same goes for your work. It’s not going to all be better in ONE session… so look at how you are structuring YOUR business and be willing to value YOUR work in the same way.
And then INVEST in it yourself.
And if you are already working with someone in a long-term coaching capacity… in ONE area of your life, be willing to invest in other areas too. Maybe you have a biz coach, but your life is falling apart. Be willing to invest in someone who can help you put your ENTIRE life together. Ahem… PM me.
Get what I am saying… be willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you continue to say YES to you… and value yourself enough to INVEST in you.
UPLEVEL your investments so that you are saying energetically to the world… I value me and so others will too. And actually… it FORCES you to create the money.
+++ MONEY LOVES A PURPOSE. So give it purpose and it will show up.
If you expect OTHERS to pay you for your packages and higher price points and you aren’t willing to push yourself to do the same… why would they?
People… this is simply a decision and then… a walk of faith and trust.
DEEP faith and trust.
it can be SCARY AF when you start this walk, because you haven’t earned the trust with yourself or source yet and you are leaping, hoping that it works.
But what I will say… you must do it if you want to level up your life.
AND… if you do it with the belief that it won’t work… guess what… it probably won’t.
If you jump in with guilt, freaking out bout HOW it will work… you are missing the point.
This work is challenging, especially when you first begin. I get it. I was there too.
But every year, I push myself a bit more. I invest… a bit more… I say yes to my energetic upgrades more and more and I surround myself ONLY with HIGH VIBE people, things and experiences and I call the same in.
i call in people who choose to do the work and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
And let me tell you… I know plenty of you that are making well-over 6 figures a year that don’t get this at the deepest level and are stuck at THAT level. It actually isn’t about how much you make.
It’s about deeply trusting the universal laws and knowing there is always another level to rise up. And the only thing stopping you from doing that… is you.
Is your ridiculous stories in your head that are telling you… you aren’t worthy… you don’t deserve every single one of your dreams.
Gorgeous one… the time is now… to choose you. To value you.
AND one more thing… NO ONE is going to come down from the heavens above… or even on this planet and appoint you as the person who values themselves and then gives you everything you desire… You get to simply decide and then show up from the place that it is DONE.
This right here… will change your life forever when you deeply get this.
And if you really need permission from someone else…
Are you ready to take your life next level?
You will need someone to support you through this. I don’t know anyone who does it alone.
For the month of February… I am doing an AMAZING LOVE DEAL.
Sign up to work with me in my 12 week one on one LIMITLESS experience where we will BUST through where you are stuck right now and help you RISE UP to the next level of amazingness in life… and I will give you an extra month FOR FREE. That’s INSANE value.
And the reality is… I RARELY offer one on one packages like this. And as biz gets more full, which it is… I will do it less and less.
SO if you know you want to BE IN MY INCREDIBLE ENERGY FIELD…
If you know you want to dive into the inner workings of being a MASTERFUL manifestor…
If you have been following me and reading these posts day in and out and getting results in your life simply from reading these… IMAGINE what magic happens when you get me on tap… FULL ACCESS to me on What’s App/Messenger to help you on a day to day basis.
OMG… it’s MAGIC and you collapse time on your dreams, NO DOUBT.
If you know you are sick and tired of being stuck in the same place year after year and wondering what in heaven’s name you are meant to do to BREAK THE CYCLE… No matter WHAT level you are playing at…
Then PM me now.
I have been doing this work for bout THIRTEEN YEARS. It gets more and more powerful year in and out…
And always… if you SHOW UP AND DO THE WORK it works… time and time again.
Invest in YOU.
Let me guide you home to you.
It’s time.
It’s time gorgeous one.
The world needs you to stop playing small. More than ever before… it’s time to RISE UP and shine.
You have got this and I’ve got you!