I’m going out on a limb and saying…
If you are a coach/healer/mentor and you are NOT WILLING to pay OTHERS to work with you to help with YOUR mindset/energy/mentoring/healing… YOU are limiting yourself.
You are not placing value on the incredibleness of the work that YOU do.
Because IF YOU EXPECT OTHERS TO PAY YOU… so that you can live a rich and abundant life… then you MUST be willing to do the same.
You must be willing to create the money and find the resources to do what you are asking of others.
This doesn’t mean that you have to pay someone to do what YOU do. You may choose to see a healer, a mindset coach, a coach in an area of your life that ISN’T working…
it is simply saying that you are willing to invest in YOUR growth at some level… Just as… YOU are asking Clients to PAY YOU.
And… sure you can do swaps. It’s pretty RARE that I will do them… like ONCE in the past many years… and it was an AWESOME swap for us both. (Thanks @angie who is AWESOME at reading hands and akashic records… whilst I did feng shui and numerology. SO FUN and soul-aligned for us both).
But I know plenty of people who do swaps and love that and if it works for you to grow your abundance and create your dreams… then keep doing it.
And yes… if your life is full of abundance and your most extraordinary dreams becoming your reality and you are NOT doing this… CONGRATS. I honour you. You can simply ignore this, because you somehow found a magical way to create your most epic dreams without money exchanged. I’d love to hear about it, with love.
If not… and you are wondering why others can have what you want, but it’s not coming to you…
By looking after you… And do what you ask of others.
That’s integrity, if you ask me… and this ENERGY is felt long before a client ever says yes to you.
And people… it’s NOT ABOUT THE MONEY… The money is a BY-PRODUCT of your energy, thoughts and beliefs and the way you are showing up.
PS- If you want to invest in yourself and be willing to DO THE WORK to catapault you life and biz next level by re-wiring your energy and mindset to that of your dreams…
If you are tired of making up excuses for playing small and feeling stuck…
LIMITLESS is for you.
Join me for my transformational 12 week program.
The shifts that occur in this program are SO MUCH MORE than money.
– Relationships that blossom OR finally get LEFT… CELEBRATE that…
– complete shifts in career to that which is soul-aligned.
– blowing up the way you do biz so that you are in complete alignment, joy and flow.
– Health improves, energy levels improve…
– Travel opportunities appear.
Really… it’s limiltless…
PM me now to DIVE DEEP!
you got this… and I’ve got you. Stop trying to do it alone.