Are you the kind of person who has been studying manifestation and the Law of Attraction and you get it on a MENTAL level, but want to dive DEEPER into the energetics of INSTANT MANIFESTATION?
Maybe you get that thinking positive thoughts, journaling, writing your affirmations, visualising, meditating are all great principals of manifestation, but you want more.
You do the things and sometimes it works, but you have this feeling there is more… you can get even better at creating your results on demand.
If you are ready to drop into a whole new level of calling in your dreams The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation is for you.
In this living, breathing EXPERIENCE, I’m taking you to the Quantum Fields and showing you how to tap into the INFINITE to bring your dreams down to reality.
I just did week 1 training and it was amazing. I’m still buzzing from it and at a guess… so are the peeps on the call. Amongst other things, I showed them how to move their energy to become more magnetic within minutes and they were all BUZZING afterwards.
Hey… in case you didn’t know… that buzz is a good thing. It’s that energy that is magnetic. We are cultivating your LIFE FORCE energy and using that to bring your dreams into reality.
This experience is going to be TRANSFORMATIONAL.
One of the gorgeous women in the group has FILLED her group training with the 15 people she was calling in and has already hit her financial goal for this experience and we’ve only had a PRE-WORK call. Guess she’ll be increasing what she desires to bring in. Pretty good problem to have, hey?
When you come into this container… you enter into a vortex that I am very intentionally creating for the people involved. This is a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL and multi-layered experience.
It’s 6 weeks and there are about 2 live calls a week. A content call and a clearing call.
In the clearing calls we are clearing your emotional stuff around money and manifestation.
Shifting your DNA
Opening you to higher dimensions.
Taking you into PEAK FLOW state and more
The content is designed to help you to step into BEING the person who creates their dreams NOW.
There is a Telegram chat for the group (messenger) so that I can support you between calls. This was an added bonus that came after I priced this and I can tell you… it’s an AMAZING high-level bonus for the price of the course.
I am holding space for quantum shifts.
Doors are open for another week. Get in now.
In this time where fear and scarcity are so prevalent in the collective energy, ii’s more important than ever to be in a group of people who are all THRIVING through this.
You have the ability to manage your energetic state and field. You are able to be MAGNETIC and that’s what you will become, even more, in this experience.
The truth is… you are already manifesting every day. Are you manifesting what you desire or something else? The choice is yours.
Drop QUANTUM below and I’ll get you the details.