I am LOVING selling my programs on Messenger. It’s faster and easier for all involved.
If you need me to convince you that working with me is the right thing… you are giving your power away.
If you feel like you NEED to get on a call with me to decide… you are giving your power away.
Part of the work I will show you is how you HOLD YOURSELF throughout life. Otherwise… you will give your decision making power away to others.
If you are wanting to work with me… you are already at the stage in life that you know your own BS objections. The ones you tell yourself EVERY TIME. it’s your own job to take your power back and make a soul-aligned decision that feels 100% fuck yes aligned.
So… if you are thinking about joining me for my high-level work… I put this here for you…
If you KNEW that everything is working out for you in your highest and best and that you are COMMITTED to creating your dreams and playing full out, whether you work with me or someone else… then REMOVE EMOTION and ask yourself… what is the next aligned move for me right now?
If it’s a ‘fuck yes… I’m so called to work with Keri’. Then do it. Stop doubting that.
Of course… you have questions. Of course, I will answer them. Of course ‘I’ want to ask you questions to make sure this is a fuck yes fit for me too. We get to have an impactful and empowering conversation over messenger, for sure.
And… let me say… I have signed up for programs that are anywhere from $3000- $8888 with only a few messages back and forth and maybe 10 minutes of time between us both because when soul asks me to do something… I SAY YES no matter HOW FRICKIN UNCOMFORTABLE IT IS.
I am already so happy for the first person to sign up to Spiral this month because she went through her buying process on her own and held her hand and made her own decision. She saw her objections and mostly handled them herself. It’s so empowering to do this for yourself. in the end, she thanked me for empowering her to do that for herself.
That is what LIFE is. So many of you are little kids waiting for me to mother you through this. I used to play that role. It doesn’t serve you or me.
All of you sitting on the periphery thinking about this… waiting… wondering if it’s right… afraid to say yes… you are living from fear. And that fear is running rampant in your life.
This is not me shouting at you because I’m ‘better than you’. I only know this from my own journey. I have given my power away most of my life. I get it. Fully. I can still get caught in this too., but doing my best to see it. #humanAF
This is also why a mentor who can hold space to be fully seen is SOOO IMPORTANT. You won’t see all your own shadow, fears, excuses… but that’s why you hire someone like me.
And there comes a point in life where you get to decide to breakaway from living from fear and choose to live in abundance and love and FULLY TRUST and SURRENDER into the complete unknown as you do.
YUP. Scary AF. Yup. BUMPY RIDE, for sure.
You KNOW your truth.
OR… You KNOW it’s in there… and you have buried it under so many lies you are telling yourself… so many masks that you are wearing and you are ready to throw that shit away and take a step towards REVEALING even more of your truth so that these soul-aligned decisions are NOT QUESTIONED.
You hear the call and you act.
DO NOT let emotions get in the way. DO NOT let fear decide for you. It will only keep you trapped in the never-ending cycle and living on the hamster wheel you are on right now.
Ready to leap to fields of freedom and soul-aligned living in the truth of who you are… trusting your own decisions… SAY YES to you.
CHOOSE YOU and do not give your power away to someone else to make your decisions for you.
That said… the moment you message me to join my work, the work begins. I will hold you to this. I will hold you to your higher self. I see right through your excuses and BS. So… if you are wanting to hide and stay in your safe and mediocre place… you need not apply.
If you are wanting to be called out for all the places you are not showing up for yourself and allowing what’s lurking in your shadows to rule you, then say yes to you. PM me now or comment I’M IN below.
Trust me when I tell you… the more I consider what the immense value provided in this work with me, the more I KNOW I am practically GIVING this away. This price will go up, A LOT, or will not be formatted in the same way, the next round I do this.
Your soul is calling. Say yes. I got you.