Those four words were four of the most powerful, driven words I have been penetrated with in my life.
At Wealth Spiral in Bali last September, Dane Tomas looked at me firmly and made it very fucking clear that I was acting like a child and was never going to get what I wanted in my life acting like a child and caring about what everyone else in my family thought over my listening to the call of my own soul.
If you are lucky enough to get close to Dane, you will know that his energy penetrates. He is impeccable with his energy and it’s absolutely amazing to receive his transmission and have your Divine Masculine activated. He’s a very powerful wizard. The only limits he has are the ones he places on himself. And I admire him. A lot.
So… when he looks at me square in the eye, in a space that I bared everything onto the table and he said… GROW THE FUCK UP! It was like a lighting bolt smashed through me. Penetrating my soul.
And since then… I’ve been diving deep into where I am acting like an entitled princess, where I am acting like a child, where I am selling my soul, where I am playing the victim… I’ve been lurking down in the shadows.
It’s been dark and intense. I will not lie. But it’s because I know how to navigate these spaces and I have plethoras of tools to help you through them… that you will eventually trust me to help you navigate them. And truly… it is the path forward.
I am emerging from these shadowy places and seeing my life in a whole new world. It’s because I am choosing VERY MINDFULLY to create every amazing piece of my life right now and do whatever it takes to be standing in my dreams come true.
It’s with these awarenesses… it’s when you can stand in the truth of all you are, ALL OF YOU, that you can see where you are totally limiting yourself and getting in your own way.
If you want to stand in your SOVEREIGNTY… if you want to be the ruler of your own life… you must GROW THE FUCK UP!
Stop thinking that by some miracle someone else is going to do it all for you. You actually have to take the aligned actions.
Yup. I’m hearing this too. I hear it every single day right now. I question… which part of me is playing out right now? Am I giving my power away to the child or standing in my sovereignty with each decision I make?
It’s a journey to stand in your sovereignty. That is for sure. If you think you can just declare QUEEN or even more… SOVEREIGN… of your life and then by some miracle you are… oh my… you are kidding yourself.
It’s a journey to walk this path to truly being in Divine Union with yourself… where you walk the path to being your own SOVEREIGN being.
It takes work but it’s oh so worth it.
If you are ready to start this path… the path to your own Sovereign BEing… comment below SOVEREIGN or PM me to allow me to be your guide.
I have 5 spots left for people to come on this EPIC Spiral journey with fully aligned regular bonus content that will be downloading for you around Human Design, shadowy stuff, Wealth Dynamics, everything will be happening in here. Well… as much as I can give you and share with you at the pace you are all going. 😉 I’m so excited to play.
I will never again repeat what I am giving in value in trainings alongside Spiral at this price again. Jump in now if you have been sitting on the fence.
BTW- You can make up all the excuses in the world to not say yes like… it’s not the right time, not enough money, not ready… whatever the excuse… you have a choice… Take the steps towards creating a beautiful, loving relationship with yourself as the Divine or not.
I always choose to dive deeper into the remembrance of the light of my soul. The desire, of course being, to know the essence of the truth of who you are… and, of course that is… you are the Divine.
You are a spark of creation and you are everything and everything is you.
When you really truly get this and you realise there is no separation between you and all that is… abundance begins to rain down on you in more ways than you can count.
So stop making up excuses and do the damn thing. SPIRAL with me. You know it’s time. You feel the call. Say yes.