I’m DAY 3 with Hugh Norley away and if there is one thing I have taken away from this experience already… is how much I love time with myself.
Since Hugh and I both work from home… we are around each other A LOT. And I love that we have created this life and we co-parent and there is a lot of GREAT that comes with that…
But having time at HOME without him… has really been wonderful in how much I am loving time in MY space alone..
If you know anything about human design… I’m a Manifestor (which is different to the part of all of us that is able to manifest our dreams.). If you don’t know about Human Design. Learn about it. Ask me. It’s AN AMAZING tool to really know yourself in a BIG way.
As a manifestor… I need to have ALONE time… without ANYONE’S energy in my space to re-charge. And it’s not often that I get big chunks of that. I CHERISH the time I do.
it’s one of the reasons I am a night owl… it’s the hour or 2 of the day that I get to be ALONE without anyone to distract me or be in my energy… but the reallity is… the are still HOME and energetcially… I know that and feel that.
There is something different for me about being in my house alone that feels AMAZING.
And not only that… I have been a CLEANING CRAZED woman.. since when I CLEAN and Tidy it up… the only one to mess it up is me.
EVEN the kids have gotten on board and my house is cleaner and tidier than it has ever been right now. And i’m not finished with that mission.
I am also grateful that Hugh is glowing from every cell of his body for getting to put his feet and his soul on his homeland. I totally know what it’s like to miss HOME like that. There is something about your birth country when in situations like this… that is always home.
I knew how much he was craving being home… and I knew in every cell of my body that his whole soul needed to go home and I’m so grateful that he was able to go, even though the rest of us couldn’t join him, YET.
But oh… we all want to go put our feet on Aussie soul… the magical land.
I am so grateful we have a relationship that allows us to enjoy our time together.. but also… enjoy our time away.
it’s ALWAYS been a crucial piece of our relationship as we have always had a lot of time together with the dynamics of our businesses since the day we met.
As they say… distance makes the heart grow fonder.
I think for me over the last couple years and especially this time with ME getting to be home… i fall more in love with myself as I just get to move through my day in my own flow without having someone else in my space or to think about.
And I think that love flows out.
And we grow stronger in ourselves and together.
Today… In this moment… I simply feel so grateful for how much I have grown and shifted and that I can come here hand over heart and say… I LOVE TIME WITH MYSELF!
And that… feels magical cause it certainly wasn’t always this way. Geez I have spent a lot of time hating myself over my lifetime.