I feel you.
I’m calling you in.
You feel me.
And you resist.
You make it about me.
I trigger you.
You want what I have.
You want the magnetism.
You want to feel the call of your womb.
You want to know the feeling of penetration.
You want to live an orgasmic life.
You want to come back home to the truth of who you are, on EVERY level.
You want to be the Divine Expression of your Soul.
You are SCREAMING FOR IT and you resist.
You do not know what is on the other side and that is scary AF.
You have to leap. You have to TRUST and SURRENDER and just say YES. You have NO IDEA how it will work.
It’s a FREE FALL and your ego does not want you to go. It will put up walls. It will put up blocks and you will take it as a sign to say no.
FUCK THAT SHIT. You have to bust all the way through it. You are at your threshold and you are not smashing through it and you are choosing to playback into your small self. It is not serving you.
It’s time to look all of your little devils straight in the eye and see the truth of who you are. It’s time to see where you are lying to yourself and letting yourself down.
It’s time to take FULL and RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for your life. And it’s because of THIS standard that I will ask for from you, as I do of myself, that you RESIST because it takes a shit ton of courage and strength and trust to come to me and allow me to be your mirror and show you the truth of who you are in every which way.
AND… if you want to move through to the next experience of life, hop off the hamster wheel you are on, this is the only way.
Most of you want to RUN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION when I say to you this is what it takes. And you will. And you will stay on the same hamster wheel of life wondering why everyone around you is getting what they want, but you are not.
It’s those that have the courage that it takes to drop the masks, drop the stories and show up as fully and authentically as you can that will truly shift their reality of life.
Your power is in your vulnerability. And most of you are scared to show who you really are. Most of you are afraid to drop the masks and let us see you. And so you never really get what you want out of life.
It’s in truly seeing you that we can love you. Warts and all. It’s the nuances of your life that make you fascinating. It’s in overcoming the highs and lows of life that make you who you are.
And you are a gorgeous BEing.
A spirit in the physical realm.
You are light.
You are the Divine.
You are the Everything and the Everything is you.
And I see you, at the truth of who you are and help you see the Divine spark in you too.
You become MAGICAL.
I see it happen time and time again with my clients.
I am MAGICAL SOURCE and when you work with me, I spark magic into you. I help you bring your dreams into reality by completely awakening your energetic field for that.
I open portals for you to connect with Divine Abundance.
I spend a lot of time and energy learning about high-level energetic work. I have been traveling different realms for about 6 years.
I feel your energy.
I am a channel for source.
I connect with dragons.
I channel light language.
So yeah… when I say that… I get why you resist.
Please, stop.
I won’t bite you. I won’t hurt you. I will love and support you in a way that most don’t.
And please don’t let finances be a thing. If there is a will there is a way, of that I have no doubt. And I bet that this round… what I am giving away is way cheaper than you think it is.
Feel the call. Don’t doubt it. Let your life be led by this call for everything you do.
All you are doing is saying yes to YOU.
I will bring you home to the truest expression of your soul.
It’s an amazing GIFT.
It’s a true honour to do this work and to be a witness to so much deep transformation.
My prices are going up after this round. I am giving IMMENSE value this round of Spiral.
If you show up and go ALL IN. I mean ALL IN… you will create massive transformation. I will help you collapse time and you will wonder how it all happened so fast. And then you will think…’oh yes… Keri. Thank goodness for Keri.’
Say yes.
You know you want to.
6 Spots still open. Talking to 8 people. They will go.
Who are my courageous ones?
PM me or comment below SPIRAL and let’s do this.