I was talking to someone today who reminded me of how SHEEPISH the humans on this planet are.
Media tells you something and you believe it as fact.
Doctors tell you something and you believe it as fact.
Government tells you something and you believe it as fact.
FDA tells you something and you believe it as fact.
My suggestion to you right now is… QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Look at different angles.
Get all sides to a story and then make a decision. Then own your decision. And let everyone else have theirs.
There is NO RIGHT or WRONG. It is just what is.
As a human race, we are being manipulated by FEAR ALL THE TIME. It fills my heart with sadness to witness and to fall into the trap of sometimes.
And because we live in a society where we have been told to trust people like doctors (pharmaceutical companies), government, media and all these massive entities that ultimately have their own interests at heart, most people do.
For many years, I have chosen the alternative path for most of my decisions.
I walk to the beat of my own drum.
I rub people the wrong way with my alternative beliefs.
I get questioned by my family on so many of my decisions.
I have done it for at least 17 years.
The biggest test of this way of questioning everything was when I was pregnant with my first son. It’s a story that I have never shared publicly, but it was a tough pregnancy that ended in an emergency c-section that was a fast life or death situation.
To keep this post on point, I won’t go into all the details of the pregnancy or birth. Maybe another day. But, throughout the experience, we had multiple times where we had to make choices that could have meant death or life. And in all of them, we went against the system.
It even led to us being reported to the Department of Child Services. All to stand for what we believe in and to keep our baby safe. All done with so much love. And anyone who knows Robbie will know he’s one of the healthiest people on this planet.
If I hadn’t been living questioning everything before these experiences, I wouldn’t have questioned the doctors who were giving me life and death choices to make and pressuring me to make the one they believed to be true, when it went against all of me to do that, was a true test in looking outside the box. Looking outside what we, as a human race, are told to believe to be true.
I look around now and see all the angles of the story playing out. The conspiracy theories, the coming of the new earth… the ascension, the 3D reality of people getting sick and dying, the immense economic impact this is having. I see it all. None of it is right or wrong. A lot of it sucks. A lot of it is amazing. And… it is what it is.
The thing that breaks my heart about this is to watch humanity fight at a time when we get to be coming together.
So many of you fighting about what is the right way to exist through this. Stay home – go back to work. wear masks – don’t wear masks. Go for social distance walks with friends – don’t go for social distance walks with friends. Tank the economy even further – don’t tank the economy. Conspiracy theory – no-conspiracy theory.
So many ways to argue. So many ways to believe each of us is right or wrong. So many ways to live in the fear and add to the chaos with even more separation.
What if we, as a human race, just returned to love?
What if we started questioning everything we are being told. NOT letting ourselves be led blindly without any thought or consideration to a bigger picture or another side to the story.
There is ALWAYS more than one side to a story. ALWAYS. Make sure you look at them all and make your own decision. Then stand in it and let others do what they will. You cannot control them, so instead… what if we all just love each other?
One of the biggest gifts and also ‘problems’ (for lack of a better word right now) about being human is the gift of choice.
We have the power to make our own choices. And none of them is right or wrong. They all just are.
Right now, we have an opportunity to rise above the fear, to rise above the noise, to rise above the fighting and the low-vibrational energy and choose love.
We all have this choice.
What if we all look within and tune into LOVE more and more and more. And what if we came from a place of love and compassion, knowing there are multiple sides to every story… how would you show up then?
How would you act? How would you behave? What if we all did that now?
Breathe in and out love.
Together… we rise.
Together… we shift the energy of the planet to love.
PS- The Energy and Art of Instant Manifestation: Alchemise Your Blocks and Step into Being the Person who creates their dreams NOW starts Wednesday 6 May.
Break the rules. Defy logic. Create your own destiny.
Drop LOVE in the comments below for more info.