I HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR SO LONG. It’s time to stop running.
The fame. The name in spotlights. Everyone knowing who you are.
Opulence everywhere.
I grew up in the most magical life.
I went to Australia and I RAN from it.
I ran into the complete opposite.
I ran to IMMENSE heart break.
I ran into a terribly unhealthy emotionally abusive relationship.
I ran into a life on my own, without anyone knowing me.
Creating a completely new reality.
Creating a totally different story.
A story of struggle.
A story of not enough.
Not enough money.
Not enough Love.
Not enough joy.
I ran into deep pain that caused me to HIDEAWAY from my ‘TOO MUCHNESS’.
I didn’t know who I was when I went there… and I created a new version of me, but it was never the complete and full version, because in doing so…
I left behind so much of who I am, to the core.
I also FOUND a lot about me in the most wonderful ways and consciously learned many techniques and principles that have given me the ability to help others in a powerful way to create their dreams.
I am a shining light put here on this planet to make a MASSIVE Difference.
I am here to make a significant positive impact on this planet for simply being on it in this time.
I LOST TOUCH with my deepest knowings of success… thinking I had to MAKE IT UP, MAKE IT WORK, FORCE IT… And instead of creating what i deeply wanted, I created ROADBLOCK AFTER ROADBLOCK.
Until it was just time to leave.
To integrate into ALL OF ME.
Why am I telling you this?
Because I have been running from who i am for YEARS and YEARS.
Even when I have been home in the past and I was with my gram somewhere, I would want to hide in corners vs be in the spotlight that comes with walking with her arm in arm, like an Empress.
Since I was a young girl, my family would tell you that I always just wanted to help people to feel good.
In the past few months, I have come to the deepest knowing and realisation that my deepest purpose is to help shift the wealth consciousness of this planet.
I know without a doubt that is why i am here.
And it has CHALLENGED me in the most massive way to say yes to this.
Imposter syndrome comes flying in my face… WHO THE FUCK AM I to do this is a question that gets asked regularly?
And every time… the answer… You are Keri Lynn Kaplan Norley. That’s who and that is what you are here to do, so STOP RESISTING IT.
And so the only way to overcome resistance is to take a deep breathe and lean into it.
SO here I am… claiming… I am NO LONGER RUNNING.
I am claiming my RIGHTFUL place in the web of humanity on this planet, at this time… I am here to be a catalyst for change to help raise the wealth consciousness of the planet.
The more that I can help you see that having money and abundance all around you is really the most wonderful experience of life, so that you break free of the ridiculous stories you are telling yourself… and create the abundance your soul desires and deserves…
the better the world becomes.
I do this work by helping you shift your mindset and energy to release the limitations and lack currently PLAGUING you.
And by helping you create an opulent life with the most incredible 90% automated business platform to create wealth.
I am so blessed to get to do this work.
I am so in alignment with everything about this work.
I am ready to stop running and to stand here and own my truth.
If you want to work with me …
There are 2 choices right now.
1. Hop on board to do some incredible, kick-ass one on one work where I will help you QUANTUM LEAP to the next level of your life.
We will do energetic upgrades, clear old mindset beliefs and ultimately… re-wire you for the level of success you desire.
2. Join me in my 90% automated business. This is one of the most incredible businesses and experiences I have ever been a part of. FOR REAL.
We are currently going through a DEEP DIVE Personal Branding and Social Media training that is being run by my mentor who is a 7 -figure business earner. It’s KICK ASS and it will help you not only build this biz, but anything else you want in your own personal brand.
In this business… we are shifting the wealth and health consciousness of the planet and helping you have the financial and time freedom that you so deeply desire.
If either of these resonates with you… Drop an emoji below and we can have a ‘Get Into Alignment’ call to see if it’s a HECK YES fit.