We are almost one season done in our gymnastics life and it’s been a fascinating experience to sink into this life. Because it is life. It’s a commitment for the whole family. A lot of time goes into this for all of us.
One of the things I worried about in surrendering so completely into gymnastics as being the only thing they focus on in their youth… was missing out on team sports. There is so much growth in learning how to be a part of a team.
And in this season… I was shone what TEAM is.
The boys are FAMILY. ALREADY.
AND… we have extended family. We are all in this for the long haul so know we will be seeing a lot of each other for years.
It’s beautiful.
And… already we can see where the boys all sit amongst each other in their scoring and awards… and the beautiful thing about it…
Whilst they are all in competition with each other… they all love on each other and cheer each other on and congratulate each other. It’s beautiful.
And… amongst the parents… we love seeing the others kids grow and develop. It’s not only fun to watch our own kids… but to watch each others and see how they blossom.
Each meet… a little more confident… a little more polished…
Each meet feeling the competition with each other and themselves and how it excels them in thinking and in mind…
There is a big MIND game to this sport.
When they mess up, will they have the mental strength to get right back up and finish strong?
What an incredible lesson to learn in life.
The better and faster they get at that… the better and faster they will excel…
You can see the kids who struggle with it and the ones that get better each time.
But through it all… comradere…brothers.
They work hard and they laugh hard.
This sport is no joke and these boys have more muscles than adults I know with 6 packs and pecs and shoulders… It AMAZES me how fit they are becoming.
It seriously inspires me. But of course… how could they not be? They train HARD 9 hours a week and have 3 hour competitions on the weekends…
When they aren’t competing or in the gym, they are downstairs in Hugh’s gym or doing pull-ups and swinging on the monkey bar in the kitchen… or doing handstands and bridges, etc.
It’s incredible to see.
And you add this to the fact that their coaches are all Olympians or have been on world stages… they aren’t dumb. They know they are being trained by the best in the world.
They have gotten to the point that when the team gets called for a medal… They are ready to run when they call first place.
As a team these boys are unstoppable.
His coach has said… I like these boys. They are a great group… they are going to go far.
We all know the potential of what they are being trained up for, should they want to go all the way.
And it’s been interesting to watch Sam (6yo) grapple with the pressure of that.
And it’s all in his mind.
He came out at his first meet WINNING… totally unexpectedly… and he shined, feeling pride and joy in a way I have never seen a kid shine before.
Then he felt the pressure to do it again.
And he placed each time after that, but has been falling lower in his scores.
His mind hasn’t been there as fully as it could be.
And yesterday he didn’t get a medal and it CRUSHED him.
It was the most beautiful lesson for a person. It was an honour to hold space for him to move through it.
Lessons like…
You want it… you gotta work for it.
And don’t take your eye off the game.
He loses points in toes coming apart, hips breaking, etc. FORM must be PERFECT.
And all day long as they train, they are being told what they are losing marks on… to perfect it…
The mental discipline to get it all into you and be fully focused on every sense in your body is so intense for these kids.
And it’s those tenths that mean 1st or 4th place. A medal or not.
These medals are earned… fair and square. Except when the judges make shit house decisions and I’m left wondering if they were watching the same routine i was.
For every piece of this sport… I am grateful.
I look forward to the years in front of us as we watch our boys shine.
I look forward to the gorgeous friendships the boys are creating and the incredible relationship they have with their coach.
It is such a beautiful and gorgeous respectful relationship on both sides. They have the most incredible and gorgeous coaches leading them.
The coaches want the best of these boys so they ask for the best… but they do so with mutual respect and love.
They are learning so much about having healthy relationships with other ‘elders’ that are not us.
They have these people that they completely look up to for inspiration and guidance and these champions teach them how to step up… day in and out.
It’s incredible to witness.
Add that to the fact that a steiner/waldorf school, the kids have teachers for all of elementary school and Sam has had the same one for 2 years of kindgergarten…
they are learning beautiful healthy relationships and humaness. emotions, relating to other people in day to day life… but really getting to know all their quirks and ins and outs after MANY hours a week together year in and out.
I truly am grateful for the experience in life in which my kids are growing up in.
PS- If you are ready to up level your thinking to that of a champion…
If you think that you can uplevel your life without upleveling your thinking… you are crazy wrong.
You will stay stuck there for years and years until you uplevel your thinking and it simply won’t get done alone because you cannot possibly see where you are STUCK in yourself. It takes someone mirroring you to do it.
It takes you having someone who holds space for you to look at yourself and see in a raw and vulnerable way where you are NOT showing up for yourself and where you are letting yourself down.
This is the work it takes.
many of you will never walk this path cause you would simply rather stay in the ridiculous rat race that you are in and make up excuses about how it’s ok and how you can’t possibly afford to invest in yourself and instead… I’ll read some book and by some puff of magic… you will be changed.
So… if you are really ready to make your life everything you ever fucking dreamed of and MORE… then you absolutely must PM me now and I will help you blow up your life in the most amazing way.
You absolutely must COMPLETELY SHIFT your paradigm in order to blow up the current reality you are living in now and shift UP TO the next level.
AND if there is one thing I have witnessed with people after 13 years in this work…
Unless you get help to BLOW OUT YOUR CURRENT THINKING…
You will stay stuck where you are.
If you aren’t going to work with me… work with someone else to do this work… it’s the only way to get yourself to where you want to go.
But if you are going to do this work with me… there is no better time to do this.
I don’t imagine myself EVER doing this offer again.
Business is taking off and life is getting full in the best way… and I won’t be running one on one high level experiences with me that often.
So… if you are ready to take life to the next level… LIMITLESS ONE ON ONE… GET IN NOW.
For the month of february… I’m offering a BONUS month. SO join my 12 week LIMITLESS program and I will give you an EXTRA MONTH of coaching FREE.
That means you get ME ON CALL to help you shift your mindset into the next level thinking so that you can create your dreams for FOUR MONTHS. DO YOU KNOW what INCREDIBLE MAGIC CAN BE CREATED IN YOUR WORLD IN 4 MONTHS when you begin to believe and embody the magic of quantum reality? YIKES.
MAGIC IS EVERYWHERE. Let me show you the way.
This is an INSANE OFFER.
It doesn’t matter what level of life or business you are at… I promise I will reflect stuff back to you and ask you to stare right the heck at it and until you can gain the awareness around it, let it go and move up.
It’s your limited thoughts and energy field that is keeping you from each and every one of your dreams.
If you are ready to get real with yourself… So that you can change your entire life in the most incredible way…
You know what to do, PM me or comment below… LIMITLESS.
Let’s do this.