Are you striving for more money? Are you always wishing for more and feeling like it will be your saviour?
What do you think that money will give you?
What if you began to realise that whilst having more money consistently definitely helps reduce stress knowing that you can look after your basic needs, it does not necessarily ‘fix your problems’.
If you want more peace, choose it now.
If you want more joy, choose it now.
If you want more love, choose it now.
So often people think that by having more money life all of a sudden gets better and easier. And in some ways, it does. There is more CHOICE when you have more and more money.
That said, you don’t have to have more money to have choice. I have friends that travel the world with sometimes only pennies to their name because they never let money stop them.
In other ways… you are still you and you can’t run from you. Your mental abuse, your lack and scarcity, your unworthiness, your lack of self-love, your self-imposed misery, your insert your shit here… that doesn’t just disappear cause you have more money.
And often that’s the very thing that will keep you from having more of it in the first place. But let’s just say that you manage to break through your upper limits without dealing with your own demons… they are still with you.
And often, people place the thing that you think you will ‘get’ when you finally have that money outside yourself and into the future.
The reality is… yes… you can buy more with money. You can acquire THINGS, but truly what most want is FREEDOM and you believe that you will have it when you get money.
The best way to match your frequency to that of which you desire is to LIVE THAT FREQUENCY NOW.
So… if you want freedom, tap into the feeling of freedom now. Look for all the ways you are currently free and have gratitude for that.
If you feel like you will have a more joy-filled life, then be joy now.
Mostly what people deeply want when it comes to money, at least those of you in my field, are intangible at the core. So… start to LIVE IT NOW and see what magic happens.
If you are reading this and thinking… yeah, that totally makes sense and you may have even ‘tried’ to BE the person, but still looping around in the same lack-filled behaviours living a life that feels frustrating and not purpose-led, it’s likely because you are running around looping child-like behaviours and triggers.
So, if I say step into joy and joy brings up shame, anger and paralyzed will, then being in joy will not feel so good and will be loaded with a triggering looping pattern that is stopping you from experiencing the deeper level of joy and repelling that which you so deeply desire. Make sense?
It’s why the Spiral is so dang powerful.
The Spiral is a systematic approach to removing the looping patterns of 22 of your most prevalent emotions. Things like fear, grief, shame, guilt, dogma, love, paralyzed will, truth, trust, joy, peace and more.
When I take people through this process it is absolutely transformational. You will feel clear and these emotions will not run your life the same way anymore, so that you can BE them and experience them in a cleaner more pure way.
In doing so, you will vibrate higher and attract in that which you desire.
My clients make a ton more money and are able to grow their wealth when they go through this process.
I have one client that wanted to bring on other people in her team to be financial ‘advisors’ where she had been focused on clients only before. Within months of the Spiral she is at 30 new active and amazing team members. They are all making more money because of that and helping so many people in a time of need right now.
I have one client was jobless and uncertain in his direction in life who has since landed a job with a $250,000 salary plus bonus commissions. AND… has started his private consulting work and written a kickass life-changing book.
Another client took her business internationally and has at least doubled her membership database and infinitely growing since completing the Spiral.
I could go on and on…
When you clear these anchors that are holding you back, life is never the same again. The money results are only one piece of what happens… relationships improve, health improves, your own love for yourself gets stronger.
It is one of my greatest honours and pleasures in life to take people on this journey and watch you transform before my eyes.
The Spiral with me is 10 sessions done over about 4 months in a one on one format.
I am only taking a couple new 1 on 1 clients on right now. Drop SPIRAL below, if you are ready to clear your shit and live a purpose-led life full of abundance, joy and bliss that you can feel in your soul.
It truly will transform your life.