Let’s talk… what does living within the 1% look like?
First of all, let’s look at what it takes to be in the 1% of the wealth in the world…
To reach the top 1% worldwide in terms of wealth—not just income but all you own—you’d have to possess $770,000 in net worth.
If you want to look at WORLDWIDE wealth… you have to make $32,400 per year to be in the top 1%.
Within the US to be in the top 1% of income earners, you would need to earn upwards of $389,000/year.
Whilst that is a substantial amount of money, I bet it’s a lot less than you would have thought.
Whilst that amount of money gives a person some financial freedom, it’s not the opulent wealth that many think of when they think of people like Oprah, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Richard Branson… right?
The first point I’m making that to be within the 1% doesn’t actually mean OPULENCE.
Let’s take this further…
What does it LOOK LIKE to live within the 1%?
Whether you are consciously aware of it or not… You all have your own expectations and assumptions of what it would be like to have millions of dollars behind you and what your life would like, right?
If you have taken the time to actually consider your vision of life with more money… What your vision is will be completely different to another person’s vision of what their life looks like with more money. And there is NO RIGHT or WRONG.
Let’s look at Warren Buffet. He still lives in the house that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 in Omaha, Nebraska. He doesn’t spend his money on expensive cars. He still uses coupons to shop. He’s frugal with his money and yet he is the 3rd richest person on the planet.
So who the hell is to say what it looks like to live within the 1%?
People don’t get to grow their wealth by spending it all. AND…you have NO IDEA what people do with their money behind the scenes. Instead of spending money on useless crap they do things like grow their wealth and give it to charity. And yes… they also spend it on luxury items, because they can.
Just because a person has the money to buy a massive house, doesn’t mean a person wants the upkeep or space of it.
Just because the person has the money to spend on a fancy car doesn’t mean they want it.
My grandmother drove Chevys my whole life. The last many years of her life she drove an Impala. She could afford to drive a fancier car, but her loyalty, for obvious reasons, was with Chevy and she was happy with her car that got her from point A to point B.
I remember going to my Aunt and Uncle’s house in Aspen many years ago and my aunt was driving a very old Subaru. I asked why she hadn’t gotten a new one, especially considering my family is in the car industry. She said it was her baby. She loved that car and still did what it was meant to. She drove that up to their multi-million dollar ski-in, ski-out mansion on Aspen mountain.
Who the hell is to say what you are meant to do with your money when you live within the 1%? Let’s be honest… there is no right or wrong way to use your money no matter what level of wealth you are at.
I think that in this day and age of social media and more and more people creating ‘new wealth’, they flash it and flaunt it. Honestly… I do wonder how much money the people who are creating NEW wealth are GROWING their wealth versus spending it all on flashy things to ‘look the part.’
My mom’s favourite place to get leggings for working out is JC Penny. She shops at Walmart. Some of her favourite t-shirts come from there. I did not grow up having the need to wear all the name brands. I didn’t really care. I still don’t. If it feels good and I love it, that’s all that matters.
And having worn the expensive designer clothes and bought the $150 long-sleeve t-shirt and also the $8 Target shirt… I always find it bizarre when the Target shirt lasts longer. I like both and both have their time and place.
So why am I sharing this? Because so many people have a skewed idea of what it is to be rich/wealthy.
I listen to you either over-exaggerate what it looks like OR under-estimate how much money it really takes to live an OPULENT life.
A life of OPULENCE is a whole next level of wealth, which is also available. And…You can live a really beautiful and full life with the freedom to make choices without living an OPULENT life.
So check in with yourself… what are your beliefs around what it looks like to live a life of wealth? What do you think it looks like? Is that true?
If you are ready to clear your shit around what it looks like to have your own wealth… Get on a Wealth Alchemy Call with me.
If you are ready to clear your shit around your ability to HOLD money… Get on a wealth alchemy call with me.
If you are ready to clear your shit around stepping into the next version of you that values yourself enough to work on your capacity to receive and hold money… Get on a Wealth Alchemy call with me.
You can book in here: https://kerinorley.as.me/wealthalchemy
These calls are ridiculously powerful and help you shift your energy to create results.
And… to know how to clear your energy field on a regular basis to help you grow your income and your wealth join me in my FREE Wealth Clear training. I look at this like brushing your teeth. It’s maintenance to keep your energy field clear and something empowering you can do for yourself.
If you show up and do what I share with you… it will be an amazing tool of transformation to help you move forward in your wealth creation.
This training is a NO-FLUFF zone. I was going to charge for it, but decided to give it away for free. It’s powerful and it works. Get in while I’m crazy enough to give it away.
Join me for the FREE ‘Wealth Clear’ training here: https://kerinorley.clickfunnels.com/wealth-clear-registrati…
PS: here are the sources for the stats mentioned above.
Photo: Bea Maz