Just in case you didn’t know… if you want to create next-level results, you are going to get to show up in a new way cause otherwise… you are expecting that by doing the same thing, you will somehow magically create a new result. It doesn’t work that way.
The ‘up-level’ happens in the SUBTLE (and not so subtle) shifts in the way you think that will make the difference.
It’s in your energy.
It’s in your decisions.
It’s in your ACTIONS.
So what would happen if you ask yourself… what does my next level growth require from me, in all areas? And then commit to doing them.
For me… Next-level growth always requires NEW mentors. It requires for me to work with someone who can guide me to where I want to go. It makes the journey so much easier. I am spending thousands of dollars on mentors right now and an IMMENSE amount of TIME investing into my growth right now. I can’t imagine a time that will ever stop.
I had a beautiful reminder today from Ron Ben-Joseph who is helping me to be a better speaker, create impactful content and shine in this world right now. I was talking to him about this… and how it can be painful and really uncomfortable to bridge this.
He said… ‘Keri, from someone who is listening to what you tell me and implementing and… guess what… INCREASING MY INCOME and getting better results… You make it EASEFUL. You actually make it so much less painful.’
So… If you are ready to peel back layers and step into your next-level growth with someone that can break it down for you to help you shift your energy to be the MAGNETIC person that attracts their next-level dreams then join me in The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation.
The time is now. Quantum leaps… Collapsing Time… it’s available for you.
Ready to step through? What does your next-level growth require? If it’s a kickass mentor who will love you through the death of what no longer serves and stepping into the most magnetic, aligned version of self… I’m here for you!
Drop GROWTH below and I’ll be in touch with details to join me now. We start in 2 weeks. Get in before it begins!
PS- THe kids wanted to be in the pic and say hi today! 😉
They are diving into what next-level growth looks like for them too and we are DEFINITELY working to help them shift to BEIng the people who create the results they want. ❤