Over the past two weeks, as I have been living away from home, I have gotten to see so much about my behaviours that are not serving me.
One of the things I have been massively shifting is giving my power away.
Giving my power to food, people, and ultimately things outside of me. Let’s be real, even giving my power away to my emotions. I have let them dominate my life too.
Before you get your knickers in a twist about the last statement, give it some thought. How many times have you said to yourself, ‘I don’t FEEL like it’?
I mean, really how does what you FEEL have to do with anything? I say it with so much love to you and myself.
I say it because having battled bipolar my whole life and never realising how much it had its grips on me and how much it ran my life, I can see how I have been so disempowered by letting that control me. I can see how many times I have hidden, not shown up for myself because I didn’t FEEL like it.
I can also tell you, that there are things that get to be done whether we FEEL like it or not.
I don’t FEEL like facing my deepest darkest shit. It’s hard and can suck, but if I don’t do it I will stay looping forever.
Sometimes I didn’t FEEL like eating healthy foods, so I would eat crap, but how does that serve me?
I don’t always FEEL like getting up at 6a to workout especially when I am a night owl, but how does that get the results?
You following me here?
To be able to manifest on demand, you must be sovereign in your energy and in your power when you COMMAND as the sovereign that something will show up.
If you are not, then your command means nothing and it is not likely to show up because you give your power away to everything besides YOU.
Then you may end up in a tantrum fit screaming at universe saying… ‘WHY? I’m doing everything but nothing is working. What the heck do you want from me?’
How many times have you said this to yourself? Be honest with yourself. 

The universe wants you to show up in your power and stop giving it away to everyone and everything else.
It wants that when you say you are going to do something, you commit to your word and you move through whatever ‘stuff’ is in the way as you keep your word, no matter what.
It wants that most importantly, you keep your word to yourself and you stand fully in your power.
I tell you, the better and better I get about this the faster and faster my manifestations become reality. Magic is most certainly everywhere in my life right now and there is no way I could predict what has been showing up for me.
I just keep taking more and more power back and feel so much immense gratitude for the way that everything is so magically unfolding with ease right now. I honestly keep pinching myself every single day by what is turning up.
If you are tired of all the ‘Why me?’ moments…
If you are tired of your dreams always just a step away from you…
If you are tired of tomorrow never coming, then drop POWER below and let’s play together and create MAGIC.
Let me help you see the ways you are giving your power away and let’s LAND your dreams into reality. If you really want to dive into this, it’s pretty tough to do on your own cause you will miss a lot that is lurking in your shadows.
Let me tell you, this wild ride that is going on right now in the world… it’s not going to get better anytime soon. We are in for the long haul with this, if you haven’t noticed already.
So the time is NOW to step up your game and BE the person who increases your income, increases your wealth, gets into the best shape ever, transforms your relationships into the loving ones that you desire and whatever else you are dreaming of.
The time is not tomorrow and when the economy gets better or when the stars align or when you FEEL like it. The time is NOW.
If you are done with your excuses and BS stories, drop POWER below and let’s transform your life.
I’m VERY selective of who I bring into my circle right now and only available to take THREE people in for one on one DEEP DIVE work, so apply today and get one of these spots fast. I’m already in conversation with two people so the time is NOW.
Let’s do this beautiful. You’ve got this and I’ve got you!