By Published On: February 5th, 2019

Yeah… I’m talking to you.

The most important relationship you have is the one with yourself.

And I’m gonna make a big statement and say… I’m guessing you are lying to yourself.

In a multitude of places.

And the question… IS IT WORKING FOR YOU?

Maybe it shows up like this…

*** I can eat that chocolate all day long and not get fat.
(Umm hello… been there done that. DEFINITELY doesn’t work.)

*** I can sit on my butt, not exercise and feel fit and healthy.
(Ummm… I can tell you after doctors order of having to sit around and limit my moving… YEAH… I DO NOT feel more fit and healthy for that. AT ALL)

*** I don’t really want to have a nicer home and a cleaner and massages weekly or whatever other BS you are telling yourself to JUSTIFY that you aren’t there and can’t afford it… Or because somewhere down the track… someone TOLD you that having an amazing support team around you is NOT OK… you are lazy, etc…
Either way… if deep down, it’s what you want and you are not permitting yourself to have it… YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF.

*** I don’t need a man in my life… I can do it all by myself.
(Whilst this one MAY BE true… maybe you CAN do it by yourself… DO YOU REALLY WANT TO? Deep down… don’t you WANT an INCREDIBLE SOUL-ALIGNED person to walk through life with?)

These and SO MUCH MORE are simply lies you tell yourself.

They keep you playing small.

The keep your ego happy and feeling safe.

They keep you feeling OK with the fact that you don’t have what you are wanting in your life RIGHT NOW.


And the person it hurts the most… is YOU.


OWN that you want whatever it is that you want.. and be willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THERE on all levels… ESPECIALLY when it scares the shit out of you.


Look at where you are NOT getting the results you desire right now and see where are you lying to yourself?

When you stand in your truth… the part where… no matter what anyone else says about the ‘thing’ you so deeply want… you claim it as yours.

UNTIL YOU CLAIM IT… you will not receive it…

and for as long as you LIE to yourself and AVOID doing the work to see where you are not fully aligned… your dreams will be for another day…and another day… and another day…

You must be energetically aligned to your dreams for them to appear.

So… for the love of yourself and your dreams… no matter how big or small…

Stop telling yourself lies that are disempowering you and be willing to stand in your truth and OWN all of who you are.

And… if you are ready to stop telling yourself the most RIDICULOUS, albeit true for you right now, stories about money that is keeping all the money you desire at arms length… join me in MILLIONAIRE MINDSET.

I will say this til I’m blue in the face… IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TIME AND ENERGY TO HEAL THIS RELATIONSHIP and ultimately… FALL IN LOVE WITH MONEY…

You will continue to push it away.

This doesn’t matter what level you are playing at.

Your money stories are dictating how much you have.

Change your money story and change your life.


So if you feel anything less than that…



The BONUS training went live yesterday on HIGH LEVEL MANIFESTATION. That training ALONE is worth the price of the course.

We start our first LIVE training today. We are going to dive DEEP into your current money blueprint. In KNOWING this… you will get to see where you are limiting yourself and probably lying to yourself. And from there… we can shift everything.

I’m so humbled to be holding space for a gorgeous group of people to do this work.

Are you one of them?

BTW- if you keep reading this and feeling like you WANT to join.. that you KNOW it would be SO GOOD FOR YOU… then do it.

STOP MAKING UP EXCUSES AND LYING TO YOURSELF… thinking that if you ignore it long enough and just keep working that it will magically change. It doesn’t work that way.

Make time for this relationship… or it won’t make time for you.

It really is that simple.

Hurry up… you can still get into the first training LIVE. AND YES… everything is recorded and you will have access to it to review over and over again.


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