I had my best month of sales this year (longer than that, really) in the last two weeks of April. BOOM!
I keep saying this… I deeply feel for everyone who has been financially affected by the shutdown going on around the world. My hubby isn’t working either. I’ve ‘lost’ a significant amount of money in the stock market. I get it. I have felt it too.
AND… I also know that this is a time for a massive shift in the distribution of wealth on this planet. It is a time where the wealth consciousness of the planet is shifting.
We all have a choice as to how we show up for it.
I’m choosing to THRIVE through this and I’m helping my clients do the same. For me… it has been a catalyst for transformation and a deeper embodiment of the principles I teach.
I 100% know that if you can energetically RISE ABOVE the fear and scarcity that is consuming the world right now there are many opportunities to thrive and that is what I am teaching and helping my clients do in The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation.
This past month, I’ve had clients make more than they ever have.
I have had clients increase their income immensely, like 1000%, bring in new team members and increase their bottom line, double their money received with more ease and flow than ever before and so much more.
Truthfully… they are not DOING things differently. They are not working harder. They are shifting their magnetic field to be able to call in that which they desire with ease and flow.
And… we are diving into the Art and Energy of this over the next 6 weeks in my Live Experience of The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation: Alchemise your ‘Blocks’ and BE the person who creates your dreams NOW.
Now is NOT the time to be in FREEZE. It’s the time to show up in a way you have never before and declare your ability to RECEIVE ABUNDANCE on this planet.
It’s here for you. Many millionaires will be created in this time. Are you one of them? Remembering… what you focus on, you get.
We start with our first official call on Wednesday.
Telegram chat is open and I’m already dropping gold into there.
If you know you were born to be abundant… If you know you are here on a mission and want to be a part of making this world a better place by shining your light and magnetising your reality towards you… this is for you!
If you are sick and tired and BORED of the haphazard results you are getting with the Law of Attraction principles and know there must be more to this… this is for you.
I’m going to take you on a deep dive journey into the art of instant manifestation. We are working the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and energetic realms to clear that which is no longer serving you in regards to the way you are showing up for money and bring in that which you desire now.
We are also diving into the aspects of what it takes to BE the person who creates the results NOW.
If you are ready to QUANTUM LEAP and smash through your glass ceilings… say yes to your soul and join me.
Comment QUANTUM LEAP below and I’ll be in touch with details.