Did you know that your energetic blueprint… your thoughts, beliefs and patterns run 7 generations back and 7 generations forward?
So you are not only running around with the imprints from this lifetime, but from many other lifetimes.
Unless you clear your energy field in a way that heals through all time and space… you are banging your head up against a wall in which you will end up bleeding to death before you get through.
If you do the work to deeply clear all your fields… not only are your healing your own timeline, but your entire lineage. 7 generations back and 7 generations forward.
So whatever money shit you are carrying… all the opposition that is in your system stopping you from going to the next phase of growth in your world… comes from you, in this lifetime, in other lifetimes and in the generations that came before you and those in front of you.
And when you realise… there is no time and space… then you really get… that all of that is happening for you right now. Right here. In this moment. So to shift your paradigm. You better know that doing mindset work alone is gonna have you banging your head against a never moving brick wall.
The work I do for myself and others is POWERFUL work. I work on clearing you and myself from many levels and ways.
Guess what… you are in luck. Why? Because… I have decided to teach you my Daily Wealth Clear practice.
There are so many ways I work to clear my energy field and I am going to start to share them. There is a reason I glow. There is a reason I’m full of joy and bliss. There is a reason that I am creating every single one of my dreams.
My life is full of ritual, inner work and Magick. That’s where I spend a LOT of my time. I mean… you can push a ball up a hill and make it hard on yourself… or you can play in a world of Source Magick.
I choose Magick.
And I want to begin to share some of this work with you so that you, too, can do this for yourself and empower yourself to be able to shift your own energy in a powerful way.
Join me for my DAILY WEALTH CLEAR training.
Tues 3 December at 5p MST, 11a Sydney.
Only $55.
You will walk away knowing how to Self- Clear using kinesiology. You can use this in many ways in your life and is a powerful tool for soul alignment.
You will walk away knowing how to clear your energy field so that you are an energetic match for the money that you are calling in. Most people are not vibrating high enough to bring in the money they are calling in and so you will stay stuck.
This technique will help you clear your own field on a daily basis so that you naturally vibrate at the level you desire and more and more money appears.
I don’t want to keep this magic to myself. And even with all my clients, I don’t have time to teach them all this as I clear them for deeper stuff that we are working on.
So this is for all of you.
Get this.
Do this every day.
You will feel so empowered and you will see things begin to shift… like Magic.
I’m looking forward to sharing this powerful tool with you.
Hop in now… http://bit.ly/dailywealthclear