It’s different for every person and it CAN change throughout life, if you do the work to expand it.
What this looks like is… You are able to bring in $100,000 a year and you sit around that threshold and you can’t breakthrough it.
OR… when you do breakthrough it more shit comes up that you have to spend your money on and even though you are working harder and making more money, you have nothing more to show for it. The cash flows right out the back door.
That right there is your capacity.
And if you do not do the work on all levels to shift that, you will continue to be stuck there, banging your head against the wall, wondering why.
In my Free 5 day Feng Shui for Cash NOW experience some people have generated thousands of dollars and some have generated $20 so far. Every single dollar that comes in is an equal celebration. Because what is $10 for one person is $1000 for someone else. It all counts.
I deeply desire that every person makes at least $1000 by the end of the week. Some won’t because they are not ready enough with an offer to sell, but many will.
Today… as more and more people came in with results of cash in… I was surprised and also not surprised to see that all the people making the most amounts of cash have worked with me personally before.
The correlation?
I help you expand your capacity to receive and hold money.
You will play a different money game and life game when you work with me.
I will tell you the things you don’t want to hear so that you can look at the truth of it, move through it and come out the other side a more aligned version of self.
I hold a container that will ask you to show up for yourself and because of that… you will.
I help you clear your energetic, spiritual, emotional, physical and mental bodies so that you can expand your container. THIS is the difference between the clients who have worked with me personally and those that haven’t.
AND… I’m an activator.
I am Source Magic.
I open portals of abundance around the world.
I connect you to your Divine Portal of your own unlimited Universal currency. I will guide you to allow yourself to receive the Divine Abundance that is 100% available to you right now.
It’s why so much money is being made in this group in such a short amount of time. Truthfully… there are 101 people in the group. About 30 are really active and keeping up with me. And altogether after TWO DAYS of my training they have ALREADY made $38,073. And that’s only the ones I have heard about, so far.
I will activate you to connect with Magical Source energy. Meaning… that I help you create Magic from source itself.
Join me in this FREE group that honestly.. I think I will sell this course it is that fu*king good and so loaded with content. I’m actually shocking myself with how much is wanting to come through me and to be given away for free. It’s thousands of dollars worth of content being dropped in here right now. No joke.
Get activated.
Drop MAGIC in the comments below to get more info.
And if you REALLY want to dive deep and completely transform your life… work with me one on one. Reach out now to connect. You will be in tears of gratitude that you did. Every single one of my personal clients always is.
PS- it was such a beautiful sunset around the lake tonight. Colorado, you are so beautiful.
I did a really beautiful Live tonight on my walk in the sunset sharing my gratitude for the blessings of life right now if you would like a bit of uplifting. Look below on my page. It’s there. 😉