If you EVER thought you control your life and have struggled to learn how to SURRENDER… You now have the most amazing opportunity to FULLY SURRENDER.
You have a big opportunity to see that you are NOT in control of the EXTERNAL world that is shifting and changing around you.
You also get to see that time can expand and contract. It’s not linear. Look at how FAST everything literally just shut down. Who would have ever guessed the world would ever go into such a lockdown, collapse, in such a short amount of time?
Time is collapsing and we are not in control of what happens around us.
That said…
You are in control of how you choose to RESPOND to it.
And this is how you will find peace. Stop worrying about or trying to control the external circumstances. Things are going to happen no matter what. This is a collapse of epic proportions and is a massive part of our shift in consciousness.
How you respond to it is the most important part of this and the way that in amidst the chaos, you can find peace.
You are being FORCED to surrender. You are being forced to submit to the will of the Divine. Are you listening?
This is a time to go within. You are being forced to stay home and be with yourself and the ones around you. We are all being asked to fully surrender to the humanness of life and trust that we will make it out the other side alive.
We are never given what we can’t handle.
We, as a human race, will survive this.
And, everyone is taking a financial hit. Except, and even some of those, who are seeing the opportunities to be of service throughout this uncertainty.
So… what would happen if you do that thing that you have resisted time and time again? What if you finally… SURRENDER?
Let me be clear… surrender DOES NOT mean to be a VICTIM. It’s not throwing your hands up in the air and giving up.
Surrender is noticing the external experience and not getting caught up in it.
Instead, it is about managing your own experience of life… it is about remaining clear in your energetic field or your bubble. Right now it’s a time to look after every single one of your 5 bodies… your energetic, emotional, physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies.
Surrendering is looking after what you do have the ability to do something about, YOU, your personal space. It’s about looking after how you choose to show up right now.
Nothing and no one can determine that but you.
I invite you to take a breath.
Unplug from the noise around you.
Take time to go within.
Surrender to what is and listen to what your soul is guiding you towards.
Listen to the call of the Divine. You are being led. Are you listening?
There has been no better time than right now to deeply surrender.
I wonder… what does this bring up for you?
Have you been ‘trying’ to surrender and epicly failing for years? I’ve been there too.
How do you feel about surrender now?
Are you afraid to? Why?
Please let me know in the comments below.
And know this… You are not alone. This concept of surrendering is a challenging piece of Divine Co-Creation and also the piece that keeps you from actually co-creating if you don’t truly surrender.
And the world is giving you a perfect time to embody this Art of Surrender.
Let me know how I can support you to move through this.
PS- In this time of financial uncertainty… I’m collaborating with an amazing financial advisor to bring you ‘Money Solutions in Times of Chaos, Uncertainty, and Changing Financial Situations’.
We are going to help you find peace and create a financial plan to get through these interesting times.
This is going to be a safe space to shift your internal reality in the way you are coping right now and get more grounded in your financial reality. @Tamara is even going to help you find places to look for extra money right now.
I’m going to help you turn off the Collective chaos of fear that is running your system right now and tap into your own inner Divine Guidance. This will help you Surrender, by the way.
We’d love to have you with us for this experience. Comment below with ‘PEACE’ and I’ll get you the info. It’s not all quite finished yet. Nearly there.