If money bought happiness people like Robin Williams, Whitney Houston and Heath Ledger would still be alive today.
I listen to and watch SO MANY of you put all your hopes and dreams on… when I make more money I will be happier… I will be more free… I will be more fulfilled…
IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY. I have been wanting to scream this from the rooftops for years. And now that I am… I will continue to scream this from the rooftops… over and over again until forever so that you get this.
It also does NOT buy FREEDOM.
Freedom is a state of mind.
Happiness is a state of mind.
You GET TO find that RIGHT NOW and then as you make more money… you get more CHOICE to experience more of the things that this amazing planet has to offer.
Look at the people who you currently look up to that have wealth. Now… take them off some pedestal in which you think they are somehow less human than you. Remove all the stories about how their experience of being is so much EASIER than yours.
There is ALWAYS human shit to deal with. No matter how much money a person has… sickness still happens, death still happens, cheating, abuse, mental health issues, imposter syndrome, uncertainty… it’s ALL THE SAME. Money doesn’t change that. It doesn’t make a heart feel any less broken when they lose someone close to them… when sickness takes over… when someone tears them down and tells them how SHIT they are for doing what they love.
And really for the people who have created their money doing their art (acting, sport, inventors, artists, business builders, authors, etc)… do you think that being in the public eye is EASY? Having your life display is comfortable? Do you think that having the world be critical of your art and having to deal with the world’s opinion of you is EASY?
Do you think that holding and being responsible for millions of dollars is EASY?
NO. It takes responsibility and my experience is that MORE fear comes with it because… there is sooo much more to lose. And… when your lifestyle is built around having millions of dollars to not have that is stressful. I have watched dear friends lose 10s of millions of dollars and that changes things, A LOT and is VERY stressful when that’s what you are accustomed to and have multi-million dollar homes and lifestyle to upkeep.
And… the pressure that can come with all this can break people. So, we come back to all the people in the world with millions of dollars that have killed themselves because inside… they were so miserable.
What I learned from growing up in wealth… there are some BIG MASKS that get put on to show the world that everything is ok… when behind the closed doors… there is foundational cracks and mental health issues and unhappiness.
And… if you can’t handle the pressure now… what makes you think you can handle it when energetically you have FAR MORE responsibility with more and more money coming your way?
For your sake… for your ability to grow your wealth… STOP waiting to be happy.
STOP waiting to feel FREE.
STOP waiting to find FULFILLMENT.
Start NOW. And as you BECOME the version of you… and you stop attaching yourself to the money… you can actually just be happy now.
And then imagine… what would happen from there?
PS- I know you are all seeing me step into speaking the message I was born to speak. This brilliance… this energetic transmission is only getting started. It’s like a cork has popped on me and I landed.
If you are digging what’s going down these days… and you are truly ready to BUILD YOUR WEALTH… join me in drinking some of my kool-aid. I got a LOT more where this comes from.
I’m going to sharing a wealth transmission on Wednesday and teaching you how to clear your energetic field so that you can begin to raise your vibration to your next level wealth.
This is NO FLUFF.
This is a masterclass where you will walk away with a super powerful tool to keep your energetic field clear to call in that which you desire.
PPS- A SUPER TEASE feels SOOO appropriate here on this message. I’m going to be sharing a COMPLETELY new course I’m bringing to the world soon. It’s ALL ABOUT helping you be able to increase your capacity TO HOLD MONEY and grow your wealth.
I started writing the sales page for it today and it’s FIRE. So excited to ring this to you. If you can feel the resonance already… if you are ready to clear your shit around receiving and holding your money so that you can actually GROW WEALTH… PM me and I’ll send you details as I have them.