I have some clients show up, do the work with me and then go off and take the actions that we decided upon that are in full alignment with their goals and who they are.
And… I have had some who don’t or get all cringy when I talk to them about actually showing up for their business and sharing their message, which by the way… we work through. And by the way… if you are the kind of person who knows you don’t want to take action… you are not my ideal client, so less and less of those types of people are coming to see me. #becauseenergy
I have had times when I do the actions… and some when I come up with every excuse in the world not to. We are all #humanAF. There is nothing to be ashamed about or beat yourself up over as you read this and know which person you are in these categories, it’s simply AWARENESS.
Guess which group of people actually create their dreams?
The ones who take action, #Ofcourse.
I invite you to look around your life with love and compassion for yourself and notice… are you showing up and doing the things you say you will? Or are you letting yourself and others down by saying you will do something and not doing it?
Oh… do I ever see it in my life right now… and even some of the things I have wanted to offer to you and have spoken about and then just don’t follow through. All my own shit, of course… but I’m personally becoming acutely aware of this and I invite you to do the same.
Honestly… it never ceases to amaze me the amount of people who come to me and want to build an online business… that want to have freedom from a 9-5 job, that want to expand their one on one business to many, etc and who are NOT willing to do the work.
If you even begin to think that you can create your time freedom in this world WITHOUT SHOWING UP for it and sharing your message, you are kidding yourself.
How many times have you tried to convince yourself you can think positive and eat chips and chocolate all day and sit on the couch doing nothing and lose weight?
What about MONEY? If you want to grow your wealth and have financial stability but don’t take actions towards that goal, how is it ever going to happen?
Reality check… spoiler alert… IT’S NOT.
And here is the thing about it all.
It’s going to require you digging deeper than you ever have before.
Your dreams are going to require that you look deep within and confront all the ways that you are NOT showing up for yourself and your purpose on this planet and then do what gets to be done.
NO… it’s not always comfortable.
YES… it can feel so fucking scary.
OMG… do you think it’s EASY for me to come and reveal some ridiculously vulnerable things to you all time and time again? Some things that feel like they will get me BANISHED from my family? Some that feel like I will be back on a stake being burned for being a WITCH again? OMG… it’s NOT.
I just KNOW that my purpose… my mission… is sooo much bigger than me, so I take a deep breath and do it anyway.
It’s time for us ALL to stop running from our fears and move towards them. It’s time to stop thinking you can simply MAGIC our way around ACTION.
YES… MAGIC is POWER-FULL. And I can sit here and clear my energy do my mindset work and sit in bed and have NO-THING happen.. no clients show up, no money increase, no impact made, etc IF I don’t actually share the dang message.
This DOES NOT MATTER what level of biz or life you are at. Each time we want to shift our reality of life we will come up against fears that will stop us from taking actions. Acknowledge them and move through them.
I’ve literally had this conversation with people who are moving out of 9-5 jobs and also with those who are making multiple 6-figures a year and wanting to expand.
So… what actions do you KNOW you get to take today and every day that you are putting off because of your excuses?
Isn’t it time to just do the damn thing?
SPEAKING OF doing the damn thing… I get to re-record my wealth clearing training. it was kick ass. Those that actually listened in through the horrid recording, as the high vibe energy totally messed with the internet, are already seeing benefits, raising their vibes, and making more money.
So… Monday 1 March… I’m RE-RECORDING IT. Fingers crossed the internet loves me that day, especially considering we are in mercury retrograde. I’ll be clearing the internet before then.
I’m also going to start sharing more juicy stuff about my personal journey and the work I am doing to energetically align to my desires in my new FB group that this is being held in. SO… GET IN THIS.
You can join me here: https://kerinorley.clickfunnels.com/wealth-clear-registrati…
Did I mention… It’s FREE?! Get on now. See you on the inside.