What would happen if you moved away from LIMITED THINKING BUDGETING?
Budgeting has come up in a few ways this week with presentations I’ve seen and clients I’ve worked with. And when people, generally speaking, talk about budgets it can feel SO LIMITING when we look at it like this…the bare-bones minimum. Right?
I think we can all agree… it’s important to know your numbers… the number that is your bare-bones minimum for living however that looks for you right now, with the money you are currently making.
If you don’t know this number, I highly recommend you go and figure it out.
When we think about that number… and IF you think about staying WITHIN that number, like most people who work with budgets will tell you… it feels LIMITING. Right?
So here’s my invitation to you…
Dream up your DREAM BUDGET.
What do you WANT to have in your life?
What do you WANT to be experiencing?
What mentors/healers/service providers do you want to be working with? Where do you want to travel?
What do you want to be doing for entertainment?
How much do you want to have saved for retirement?
Write all that down and figure out how much THAT will cost you.
NOW… go and have a reason to bring in more money. AND… as you do bring in more and more money… allow yourself to start doing the things in your new budget, including building your nest egg.
Allow your budget to be expansive.
Allow your budget to include the things you love doing for you.
Give money a reason to come to you.
Then create the energetic container to allow yourself to receive and both hold and flow the money.
THIS is how you literally step into your next level life. If you do not know what this looks like, it can’t show up for you.
Know your numbers. Know where you are and where you want to go. Budgeting CAN BE so EXPANSIVE and LIBERATING, if you let it be.
PS- If you want help expanding your field to bring in more money and to hold/flow with the money… Get on a WEALTH ALCHEMY CALL WITH ME.
If you want to clear your energy around how you are currently sabotaging yourself and showing up for money… get on a wealth alchemy call with me.
If you want to clear your shit around budgets… get on a wealth alchemy call with me.
Pretty much… if you have ‘stuff’ around money, which I’m quite sure you all do, get on a wealth alchemy call with me.
It’s powerful. It’s a no-brainer.
Book in here: https://kerinorley.as.me/wealthalchemy