I was just chatting with one of my dearest friends in the world. We talk about everything and anything. And she has a very different relationship to money than I do.
She entered my FB Group ‘Elevate: Ascend Your Wealth’ to do my Wealth Clearing Masterclass tomorrow.
(Join here: https://kerinorley.clickfunnels.com/wealth-clear-registrati…)
When she answered one of the questions I ask she said,
‘I don’t think I need MONEY itself, in a way. But of course I do.’
And that is how she has lived her life for the 13 years that I have known her.
She is amazing at and loves op shopping (second-hand store). She knows how to buy cheap meat pieces and turn them into the most delicious meals.
She attracts amazing experiences to her that she always seems to find a way to end up in cool places. She knows how to stretch money to go further.
She and her hubby travelled around the world when blogs were first online and people comped them to stay in their hotels to get a review on their blog.
It’s always amazing to me to see her create something from nothing.
The two of us have both walked some dark financial times together. Early marriage, babies, super expensive living on the beaches of Sydney. She taught me a lot about living frugally and expanding money beyond the dollar itself.
Neither one of us is either right or wrong for our thoughts and as I said to her today… there is not a dang thing wrong with it, if it’s working for you.
The shadow side of this… if you don’t have a value for money and wealth… you don’t tend to accumulate it.
Her hubby is ridiculously driven and I’ve never seen him give up on his dreams and it’s starting to really pay off from them financially and I am so happy for them.
And so the shadow… when the value of WEALTH and accumulation isn’t there then money falls through cracks all over the place and there is always underlying stress about money because if something tragic ever happens… the emergency stockpile isn’t always there to deal with it.
And the thing is… I’m not here to judge any person’s choices around the way they live their life, do money, their lifestyle. If you are happy wherever you are… then AWESOME! If you are happy and you are making $30,000 a year then keep going! Seriously… always do you.
I just want to show you the choices you have that maybe you didn’t know you could experience.
And maybe there is something in your psyche that has told you it’s bad to accumulate money.
Money is evil.
You can’t go to heaven if you have money.
There are other people who need it more than me.
I want to help the people of Africa…
whatever reason you have told yourself that you don’t need or want money… I would be looking at that.
That thing will stop you from making your first $5000 online to $30,000 and $100,000 months and then be able to hold onto some of the money that you generate.
And of course… if you are happy where you are at and your money story is working for you, then congrats. You are amazing. But you are probably not reading this far, unless you are my coaches/mentors.
If you are happy cause it’s what you know and haven’t really challenged yourself beyond that to consider what life would be like if you were to allow yourself to accumulate wealth. What would happen for you if you had years worth of money behind you? How secure would you feel then? OR… do you THINK you would feel?
Just another perspective. Neither is right or wrong. I personally love having money behind me so I’m not worried about living on the streets. I also enjoy looking at ways to grow my wealth and building for my retirement, if I ever do that.
You do you. Always. And… don’t be afraid to look at another perspective. Nothing is permanent. You are allowed to change your mind.
PS- If you want to come and play in my field… and you want to learn a tool to help you clear your energetic field around receiving more money and holding your wealth then join me in my FREE MASTERCLASS tomorrow.
Join here: https://kerinorley.clickfunnels.com/wealth-clear-registrati…
You will walk away with a tool you can use everyday to raise your vibrations to that of which you desire to bring in.
It’s powerful.
Be there.