As a person who has spent a lifetime learning to find peace through intense and sometimes debilitating anxiety… I can say from experience… it has a LOT to do with your manifestation process.
If your nervous system is stressed it creates unnecessary stress in your field. And when those low-vibration emotions and energy is flowing in your field, you do not have the full capacity to LAND your manifestations. You are sending vibrations out that send them away.
Your BODY is a vessel for manifestation. So many people focus on THE MIND and visualising and meditation etc to bring through their manifestations, but you FORGET that you are HUMAN. And part of what makes you human is your body.
Right now, especially, as the collective is in such a deep state of fear, it’s more important than ever before to have the power and ability to move the stuck energy out of your body and allow yourself to get into a state of FLOW.
Once in this state, you have the ability to literally call your manifestations down from the ethers to the ground with your body as a vessel to bring it through.
This is NOT something that is talked about in many places when it comes to the manifestation process. As a matter of fact, in all my years of study… I have only heard a few people ever talk about this. And yet… it’s going to help you bring that cash in now. It’s going to help you clear the density in your body for all your desires to become your reality.
If you want to understand this more… If you want to be guided through work to help you use your body as a tool for manifestation and create your future reality NOW, then you want to get into my NEW experience…
The Art and Energy of Instant Manifestation:
Clear Your Blocks and Step Into the Person who Creates Money NOW
If you want to bring in money right now, this program is for you. I’m calling you up and going to lay down the energetics and mindset of collapsing time to bring in your dreams.
We will be doing some EPIC clearing work to unplug you from this matrix of fear and re-code your DNA to that of Bliss, Abundance and Love.
If there was EVER a time to be in a group with me to shift your energetic vibration to that of Abundance, now is it.
This Energetic Transmission is BUSTING to come through me. This is more than content. Way more.
This is energetic and emotional clearing and activating to shift your vibration to that of which you desire. It’s also a pure transmission of Magical Source energy for you.
Just BEing in the container… being in my Vortex will create a shift for you right now. That’s how this works. It is an experience on multiple dimensions.
If you want to come out of this experience of life right now in a more abundant, vibrant state clearing the path to be even more aligned to your Divine Purpose than be in this program.
I have never been more honoured or excited to bring a program through. I just know that life will not be the same again for Being in this space. It’s the most powerful thing I have birthed and I have some transformational and amazing programs that I have LOVED bringing through and holding space for.
I’m running this program LIVE. It’s 6-weeks in a group format with an option to upgrade to VIP for one on one time with me, too. We start in two weeks.
If you feel the call… say yes. This is not a time to let fear dictate you, in any decision.
I do not have a sales page ready yet. It won’t be ready for a few days. So, in the meantime… for the FAST START BONUS… I’m GIVING AWAY my Feng Shui Made Simple program. It’s 14 videos and thorough explanation to feng shui your home and I make it so easy to follow.
So, if you want that, hop in NOW. When the sales page is up, that bonus goes.
Drop MANIFESTATION below and I’ll send you the details. Let’s do this!