If you want to get off the hamster wheel in which you are chasing your tail, week to week, month to month to make ends meet… you have to change the way you show up for money.
You get to learn to HOLD your money. It has taken me years and years of watching so many of you be on your last pennies so often to deeply realise… this is something you get to learn if you want to grow your wealth.
Just because money comes in, does not mean it needs to be spent.
But most people treat it like a game of hot potato… you don’t want to hold the hot potato so you keep tossing it to the next person. Same with your money. And it doesn’t matter how much you make you have very little to show for it.
When I first started studying money mindset stuff… I was shocked that people were learning such basic things, or what I thought were just common sense. And the more I went searching for the answers to my own money story… the more I realised… oh no… this is something people need to learn no matter the level of income.
It’s ok to HOLD ONTO money/currency.
I know… the law of circulation. And YES… you get to spend money. Of course. And, you can also hang onto some for now, too.
I have been saving since I was a kid. My kids do, too. For what? The future, a rainy day, holidays, education… But just because I have money saved away doesn’t mean I have to spend it.
People will often call the rich FRUGAL. Yes, they can be ridiculously frugal, but how do you think they got there? They understand the importance of compounding interest.
The more money that you can keep working for you, the more it grows and the more you make. Or that is the hope anyway, right?
It doesn’t matter how much you make… this is true.
It’s so important for your future and for your current anxiety levels that you generate savings/investings.
Who out there is already doing automated savings? ie: putting a specific amount of money aside weekly/monthly.
I remember John DeMartini years ago saying something along the lines of… you can increase your savings by 10% every 3 months and your nervous system won’t freak out and that somehow your budget will stretch to meet it. It works, for sure.
Have you ever tried that? When’s the last time you increased how much you are saving?
And… if you are already saving or not… I have an idea for you… SAVE IN GOLD.
Instead of letting it sit in cash or low-interest accounts… buy gold. The real kind. I have a way for you to automate CASHGOLD savings for as little as €67 a month. Imagine accumulating grams of gold and then watching the price of that rise? I say… yes thank you!
Wanna know how? Drop GOLD SAVINGS in the comments below and I’ll send you the info.
And… even if for some wild reason, the idea of saving in gold doesn’t excite you… then save money some other way. Either way… if you want to reduce those anxiety levels and stop freaking out about what you’re going to do if you can’t work for 1,2,3, 4 or more weeks… then start putting money aside. Start wherever you can. Just start.
Here’s to growing your wealth…
With love,