My promise to my kids…
Last week I ran a webinar on the mindset and strategy behind manifesting. If you haven’t listened to it, you can check it out here…
As I prepared for it, I had the pleasure of thinking about how I manifest things into my world. And whilst the webinar was related to business, the same principles work in other areas of your life as well.
Today, I thought I would share a story that is personal and many people don’t know… I’m inspired to share it because of the Facebook post I shared yesterday.
So it’s true… yesterday I sent my 3 and 6 year old on a perfectly good plane from Sydney to LA with a friend who has been a big part of our family since Sam (our 3yo was born). I had people tell me I’m brave and all kinds of other comments and to all of that, this is my response…
When Hugh (my hubby) and I were ready for kids, we asked for them. We had our own “ceremony” where we “connected” and asked them to come into this world.
In this space, I told the little souls that would be joining us, that as their mother it was not my job to tell them what to do with their life. It was only my job to do the best I could to give them tools to make their own decisions and have their own experiences. It’s my job to guide them when they need it.
And I stand by that, whole heartedly. We are all here to learn our lessons to overcome the stuff we have to overcome… To me, that is why our souls came into this world, in this time. And no matter how tightly I hold my kids… they will learn their lessons.
I mean… you could be standing watching your child play on the playground, eyes on them at all times, it doesn’t mean you will stop them from falling and hurting themselves, every time. Kids will fall, kids will say mean things, kids will scream and hurt each other… it’s what kids do. I can’t stop that.
What I can do… is empower my kids to be able to handle those situations to the best of their ability. My job is to teach them how to live their life on their own two feet and not rely on me, because I am not always there to protect them.
If you ask my friends, they will mostly say that I am a pretty laid back mama, but this is partly why. I honestly believe that in today’s world, we are OVER parenting our kids. Dis-empowering them from making decisions, sorting out their own problems, engaging in their own creativity. Kids will do the most AMAZING things, if you give them the time and space to do it and stop getting in their way.
For me, as a parent, one of the most important jobs I have is to teach my kids to be independent thinkers, to be resourceful, to sort out their own problems…
This does not mean, that when they fall and hurt themselves I’m not there to give them big cuddles and kisses. This does not mean I let them run around unsafely in the front yard where strangers can take them or they can run into the road. It does not mean that I don’t step in when the kids start hurting each other and getting carried away. Safety is always first. And it doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t break a little bit when someone hurts their feelings, etc.
So, when my mom asked me to have the kids in America… I asked them if they wanted to go. They screamed “YES!” I explained that we wouldn’t be going and they got it. And so, they went.
They have their life to live, they have their experiences to bring into their life. They are totally safe the whole time, it’s just not with me.
This is what I manifested. This is the promise I made to my kids, before they ever become human form. To me, it’s a “soul contract”. I brought them into this world this way, and so I honour what I said… every day.
To me, it’s not brave… It just is.
I absolutely LOVE raising two boys to be independent. They do things that most mothers would think I’m crazy for allowing. But it’s the promise I made to them… and the most important promise I will ever keep.
As they left to go through customs yesterday and I got all teary eyed… I could just imagine them at 18 going overseas, by themselves on some adventure and being able to have the strength to watch them go, alone.
Hey, I’m an American living in Australia with my whole immediate family in the US. Everything is possible. Letting our kids go and live their lives is not always easy for a parent, but to me… it’s my job.
And so… they are off on an American adventure with my parents and having a ball for 10 days. And we are enjoying the quietness of our home and the flexibility and freedom that comes along with being child free for 10 days. It’s a win for everyone!