If you want to find love… if you want to create a loving relationship… FIRST… YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF. Your partner is a mirror for you… they are a reflection of you. So the more you love yourself, the more you have the ability to attract the love you desire or to create a deeper connection within your relationship.
As a coach, healer, mentor, group facilitator, author, speaker… I get to hold space for you, I get to guide you… I get to witness you, see you, truly hear you… and often that’s all you need to get the breakthrough… to tap deeper into your own soul and find the answer for yourself.
There is a lesson in every minute of every day. IF YOU PAY ATTENTION. The signs are there for you ALL DAY LONG.
And one sign will mean something to someone and have it mean something to someone else. The symbology of the sign is for you to know The sign is for you.
I woke up this morning in a bit of a state of “whelm” that had followed through from yesterday. I spent time yesterday writing and being with the ideas of what I want to bring to you in my business and there is a lot and I know it’s only just the beginning… SO the whelm is… where to first? How do I do EVERYTHING?
Let’s talk FASCIA and EMOTIONAL RELEASE I know this may seem totally random, but it’s not really. Maybe you don’t know… I moved to Australia 15 years ago to study massage. I ended up training in Myofascial release and teaching it at college, so I know a thing or two about fascia.
I look different… I feel different… I am different You keep telling me… you see the pictures… I want to hand you Keto and say… drink this… it will change your life. EVERYONE… DRINK THIS. AND… I know it’s MORE than Keto, but Keto is a BIG part and I believe... if it does anything for you like it has for me... AND you actually drink it... it can definitely change your life in the most amazing way...