Things my SPIRAL clients tell me…
*** Anxiety is GONE.
*** I give no fucks about what others think, in the best, most empowering way.
*** Keri… my phone is ringing off the hook with new leads. I didn’t DO anything different.
*** I can FINALLY RECEIVE. I’ve had clients receive love, sexual desires, money and more that they simply could not allow themselves to receive before… including a $250,000 dream job.
*** My relationship with my partner is changing. We are opening to each other in new ways. It’s really wonderful.
*** My business just expanded internationally!
*** I am totally worthy of my dreams.
*** I am safe
*** I am worthy of taking up space on this planet
*** I am loveable
*** Things are shifting. I feel different. I can’t explain it. Just lighter and more in flow.
There is more. EVERY SINGLE WEEK of this transformational experience, my clients come to me in awe of the transformation they can already see in themselves… and I always say… this is just the beginning.
As you integrate this work over time… it becomes even more amazing. And it does. Life changes for the better.
When a new client commits to Spiraling with me, my heart expands and I’m so filled with joy for the journey I get to take that person on.
I am truly honoured and humbled to use this therapeutic modality to completely shift your way of doing life.
We go through each Chakra level and clear 22 powerful emotions such as fear, guilt, grief, fear, dogma, shame, love, truth, trust, joy, peace and more.
When I say clear… it’s not that you will never feel the emotion again… you will. It’s just that you are no longer playing the pattern that has kept you looping whenever you play that emotion.
These patterns come from when we are young, but they are wreaking havoc on our lives now. In just about every session I do… you will bring me what’s going on in life since our last session… and inevitably… the thing that isn’t working… shows up in a pattern that we are clearing that day and both myself and my client always look at each other with a smile, I shrug my shoulders and say… You can’t make this stuff up.
It’s all energy. I tap into your energy and help you find and clear the energetic/emotional/spiritual/mental and physical patterns that are keeping you looping in your life and then we clear it. Gone. You will likely forget about it, even if it was a pattern you played your whole life. This is a game changer.
If you want to dive into the vortex with me and completely transform your life in a way that is indescribable, then reach out to me today. PM me or comment SPIRAL below.
Like most of my clients… I’m sure tears will fall and you will be thanking me in absolute gratitude at the end of this 10 session one on one experience. I always look forward to seeing who says yes to the call of your soul. Is it you? Message now or drop SPIRAL below.