What would I say to encourage the me from 9 years ago just before I became a mama for the first time?
1. You will lose a ton of hair. it will grow back. Not all of it. But some of it.
2. You will get gynormous boobs and have fat on your hips that you didn’t have before. It’s ok. You are still beautiful.
3. You will go through some of the hardest times in your life. You will be exhausted, drained, tested, and some days you will wonder how you could possibly make it through the sheer pain and terror that you are in. You will make it through. You will find your feet on the ground. You will have a roof over your head. You will put food on the table. All will be ok.
4. You will be asked to step up and up and take adventures that you had never dreamed possible. SAY YES to them. Say yes and live your life.
5. You will worry. A lot. STOP IT. There is no point in worrying. It doesn’t change your outcome. If anything it makes it harder to reach that outcome. You bring the vibration of worry in… so just don’t. Let it go. Trust.
6. You can live in fear or you can move through it. Choose to move through it. Get on with things. Live your life. Create your dreams. The faster you do that… the quicker you get the results you are after.
7. Find love. Find love for yourself. Find it fast. Never let it go. This changes everything. The more that you take the time to love you… the more you look after you… the more you say loving and kind things to yourself… the more you crack open your heart to yourself… the more you will with others.
8. In love… the truest form of love… everything is possible. Trust that. Open your heart to that. Allow the constant and abundant steady flow of abundance, energy, health, money… a to flow through you as you sit in and be with and radiate love.
9. Fail fast. Fall down and get back up… learn to do it faster every time.
10. EVERY ONE is a mirror for you… if you are shitty with them… look at yourself and heal the part of you that is shitty with you. Keep doing it. Until you just begin to see lov ae everywhere… and then keep going, because you are human AF and more shit will come up.
11. Always make time to hug, kiss and cuddle your kids. They grow up so fast.
12. Always make time to hug, kiss and cuddle your husband. Treat him with loving kindness. He deserves that. As do you. Ask each other to hold each other to a higher level. Strive for greatness and keep going every day of your life/relationship. Look for the best in each other. Every day.
13. Let go of the stupid little things that really don’t matter. Let it go. It’s not worth the fight. Conserve your energy. Your energy is precious. Do everything you can to protect your precious energy. Only spend it with people who give you energy back. Make sure it’s mutual.
14. Ask for everything you want and more. Be bold and think big. You always get what you are unconsciously aligned with… so do everything you can to create a fine tuned being that vibrates at the level that attracts all your greatest desires.
15. Speak your truth. Even when it’s hard and scary… speak your truth. Don’t carry that “stuff” with you. Clear the air. Always. Speak your truth in all areas. Be willing to get super fucking vulnerable in order to share your message. You are safe and it’s ok to go there… on all fronts. In fact… it’s necessary. Surrender in and speak your truth.
16. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Honour and respect yourself. have compassion for yourself… all of this for yourself… and others.
17. Live with no regrets.
18.Remember to breathe. In one breath… everything can change.
19. Be you. Always be you. Stand in your power and be ALL OF YOU. And don’t apologise for it… don’t change it. Be aware and consciously… YOU.
20. Always remember … trust that everything is perfect, always… in divine timing… for you to learn the lessons that will bring you on your soul’s purpose. Listen to your heart and let it guide you.
Original Date Written: February 12, 2018