Do you ALWAYS know that you will be a success, no matter what you do?
“I always knew I would be a success. In anything I did.”
My mom shared this sentence with me today… It’s what my grandfather said to her as he sat revelling in the moment that he bought and was living in a palace of a home made for entertaining 100s.
They were having dinner, just the two of them. The house was beautiful and the cook was preparing a candle lit dinner for the two of them. Cause that is what happened at their home, a cook preparing my grandparent’s meals… every night of the week.
My grandfather made that statement, followed up by saying… “I knew I would be a success, but never did I imagine this.”
It was so beautiful to hear that conversation from my mom today.
We were talking about the Safeway food chain. You see… My grandfather was a boy from Dayton, Ohio working in the produce section of grocery stores. He was going from Dayton to California back in the 1930s for a job interview to be the Vice president of Safeway.
On his way to Cali, he stopped in Chicago. He was buying a car that he would pick up on his way back through to get home.
A long story short… when we was at the dealership he was offered to buy the place. Two guys speaking yiddish said, “Let the schmuck have it, he’ll bury it and we’ll buy it back from him in 6 months for less.”
He understood what they said and decided to prove them wrong.
He knew NOTHING about cars when he bought the dealership. NOTHING. But he knew how to build great relationships with people. (I will say to you over and over again… it’s not what you know, it’s WHO YOU KNOW)
He bought the dealership that ended up being the world’s largest Chevrolet dealership. He sold 1 MILLION CARS between the years of 1936-1986. When Chevrolet wanted to create a new model and make improvements, he would get called in because his business spoke to the most customers anywhere in the world and they wanted his input.
We was a massive part of the evolution of the car industry. That’s only ONE of his business successes. There are plenty more.
So… knowing my grandfather and the stories of success, one after the other after the other… mom and I were discussing what would have happened if he had become the VP of Safeway instead in that pivotal and life determining decision that brought us to this moment in time.
And that’s what he said… I always knew I would be a success… no matter what I did. He would have rocked Safeway too. He had absolute belief with no room for anything less. You can see it in the suaveness of the way he presented himself, even before he had money.
I said to my mom.. Success, manifestation… it’s so interesting… because it literally is that one day you wake up and you are living your dreams. And then… when you are sitting THERE… you can see more of them. But you can only see as far as you can see… and then you build it and then you just get to keep building more and more. It’s such a beautiful experience. To dream beyond the dream. Achieving so much that you get to a place that you couldn’t have dreamed up years ago if you tried.
So my question to you… Do you think like that? Do you ALWAYS know that you will be a success, no matter what you do? If not, WHY NOT? You will not create the level of success you desire if you do not think like this.
Are you ready to take life and biz to the next level?
Do you want to understand the mindset of the wealthy? OF COURSE you do. If not, then you should just throw in the towel now. If you are not willing to invest in your mindset to understand how wealthy people think, then you will stay STUCK in your lack mindset. And from there… you will not create the level of impact you desire in your life.
Do you want to create a big impact in this world? Do you want to lead from the front? Do you want to live a life of abundance, flow, ease, health and love?
Then what are you waiting for? PM or comment below to work with me. I have ONE more one-on-one package for the month left and doors are open to 3 people in Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp.
Either way… You will remove your blocks that are stopping you from achieving all that you desire in EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE… And if you even remotely consider that you are not able to have it ALL at the same time… then gorgeous one… you absolutely must apply to work with me.
Allow yourself to HAVE IT ALL.
Ready. Set. Go.
*** This pic is my Grandpa (age 35) in the middle. The woman on the left is my Grandma (age 24). The one on the right is his sister. This was taken in January 1942. One month after Pearl Harbour was bombed.
Original Date Written: April 7, 2018