On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist podcast, I have Kat Ellis on the show with me.
Kat is an amazing astrologer that I have known for years. Today we dive into what’s going on astrologically and numerologically for the year of 2022.
There are some beautiful energies happening in 2022. This is a year to step into our sovereignty. It’s so important to listen to this conversation so you can really utilise the energy this year to set yourself up for some amazing times as we continue to move into the age of Aquarius.
This conversation will really support you to step into your best most aligned life this year.
Please enjoy the show.
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Keri Norley
On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast I have my friend Kat Ellis on the show with me. Kat is an amazing astrologer shamanic healer counselor that I have known for years. Today we dive into what's going on astrology, astrologically and numerologically for the year of 2022. There are some beautiful energies happening in 2022 and some definite shifts that are going on right now. So it's really important that you listen into this conversation so that you can really utilize this energy to set yourself up for some amazing times. As we continue to move into the Age of Aquarius. This is also a year to step into our sovereignty. So this conversation will really support you to step into your best most aligned life this year. It's a really important conversation to listen into. So please enjoy the show. I am Keri Norley and I am the wealth Alchemist and author of the international best selling book, the new wealth magnetize abundance, hold your wealth and leave a legacy. I mentor clear and activate people into a new level of wealth. I also educate you about safe, stable and constantly flowing ways to get into the cryptocurrency space through decentralized finance. I believe we can live a life of infinite joy, love, abundance, bliss and peace. It is my passion to help you break through your blocks around growing your wealth and creating your dreams. This podcast is dedicated to sharing insights and tools that will make an actual difference in your life and help you increase your wealth in this new paradigm that we are living to welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast Hello and welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of this show. And today I have a beautiful beautiful soul sister of mine Kat Ellis on the show with me. I'm going to read you her bio and then I'm going to explain what she who she is to me and all the amazingness of Kat. So Kat is a counselor, astrologer and sound activator she sports she supports men and women to rise into their sacred mission on the planet. Cat's purpose is to empower them to step into the magic by healing their core wound to reclaim their sovereignty and courage and grace. I love that and she also talks about like releasing trauma just supporting the divine union and masculine feminine energies But today Today I have cast brilliance around astrology and what's coming forward for this year. So this conversation is going to be an epic I'm so excited like we are having this conversation on 17th of January let me tell you guys I have about eight weeks ahead of schedule on podcast this will get out ASAP because I'm so excited to get you guys this to understand the rest of the year and cat and I met I don't know how many years ago cat like seven years ago. It's been a while I feel like I've been nice. Yeah, um and cat and I met and have done all sorts of work together she's done shamanic astrology work with me. And we actually spent a year together in an a program remember that program I created ages and ages ago where I did We did I did all sorts of like one magnetic leadership and and also the one that you did with astrology with me and it was called I can't remember what was called right now. Holy moly. It was a it was a program where I did all of the energy of the year for the to the functional numerology and then a cat would come in into the astrology of it. It was awesome. loved it and was always like, how do we stay in alignment with our business from what the energy of what's happening around the world is. And I say that because as we come into this conversation, I actually want to bring this up that we have in astrology, the most amazing ability to kind of have a Numerology, I will say that to this amazing ability to actually understand some of the energies that are coming. I am not the kind of person who is like, this is the be all end all you have to abide by all of this. And like if this, if your life does not fit into this box, then you should stop all things because of what we're telling you. And I'm pre framing this right away. Because if there was something that comes up in here, and you're like, but that doesn't totally exist with what's happening in my life, then you're like, don't go necessarily like crazy about this, because we can have everything work together. And I think sometimes it can be a little bit of an excuse to not do things when, when energies are a little bit funky. But it's a really great way to work with them. Right so that we can show up and do what we do. And also work with them versus having them go against us. And so I just pre frame that with this conversation because it's so powerful. And yet everything we are still divine human beings, we get to create in the most amazing, epic ways in our lives. So So yeah, so that's what we did together in that course, which was awesome. And I just love cat cat has amazing insights into astrology. I have loved her insights for years. She brings to it this really beautiful energy around everything as well. And so I'm super excited to have you on the show today. Miss welcome.
Kat Ellis
That beautiful introduction. It's so good to see you. And and yeah, I'm really excited to be here today. And I totally hear you and agree with you about all that stuff that you were just sharing with, you know, astrology and numerology. Like, they're just such amazing systems. And it's like, yeah, they're pieces that are a part of like a bigger picture of someone's personality and how someone moves through life. So yeah, I feel like it's them. They're they're really important pieces, but there's like just so much more to the personality and so much more to that individual. And so yeah, and I really do remember that time that sorry, it's really loud in the background. Sorry, it's just like that was just Could you hear that?
Keri Norley
Yeah. Okay. I'm going to give a pre frame to everybody cat is in the Byron hinterland area in Australia. And anyone who's an Australian ours, the internet, their socks, no matter where you are. Anyone in the rest of the world may not. Even when you have Wi Fi in this area, it sucks. So just bear with her. I know we're gonna have a little bit of in and out Enos. As we hear sound here. She had to go outside to have this. So just bear with us with the sound. It's totally worth listening in, even if there's some random things. Alright, guys.
Kat Ellis
Thanks. Yeah, I really remember it was such a significant time when we met because we all so yeah, did that amazing shamanic work together. And it was a really big time of growth at that time. And I feel like a lot of the things that we learned and kind of embodied during that time in it, yeah, that the stuff that we were doing together with the astrology and numerology has kind of like, set up a path and set up the next steps moving forward. And a lot of that it's kind of like, integrate. Now, like, even if I reflect back to that seven or eight year period, you know, like, because life moves in seven year cycles, it's kind of like there's another new cycle that's opening at the moment. But there's also a lot of transformation and a lot of endings happening to in order to start that cycle. So it's quite significant talking about that seven or eight year period as well. How
Keri Norley
interesting. Okay, so let's like, dive deep, because I know this is going to be so amazing. Can you just so i By the way, I preface this for everybody that I've asked Kat to just start to share a little bit about what's coming this year. So like astrology, like what's in the stars, what's in the planets, and I'd love to have it, like stay into like, for all the things that are happening, but like what's also how's it going to affect us with our ability with money, finances, financial systems, you know, for those of you and I'm just gonna say this for those who are new to listening or haven't been on the show yet. I talk a lot about the new financial system. So I written the book called The new wealth. I do all this work in the crypto space. I have my program, my mastermind starting this year called unplug all around moving into this new financial area. And so I know like in my soul, that there is just happening in this space. And I know you and I like we both I know we don't talk about it in both know that the reason for all of the stuff that's going on in the world, all of this stuff that's going on in the world is so that systems can crumble and we can see what's real behind the veil. systems can crumble and we can rise above you know Someone asked me today about like Keri, how do you deal with all like, navigate all the politics and things on your podcast? I'm like, I don't talk about them because they don't matter to me. Like, we have to rise above it. So whatever's going on now is like it's divisive. Doesn't matter what side I don't believe in sides of any of this. Because the the true answer is above. And so I feel and I'm really curious to hear how do the stars line up for this, because I have a feeling that there's going to be stars in here that are going to tell us that there's shit happening, things crumbling. And I'm really curious to hear what the stars say about this. What do you where do you want to start love?
Kat Ellis
You absolutely spot on. So basically, I mean, we're at such a hugely transformational time on the planet. And so basically, where all of this started was in 2019, you probably remember Keri but there was a conjunction that happened between Saturn and Pluto, two major outer planets. Now, this happened towards the end of 2019. And when those two planets go conjunct, it only happens once every 35 years. And basically, war plays out, massive, like breakdown of things that, you know, once worked, that no longer work. So it's like, all of the old systems of control and power and struggle, breaking down to create a new way so often. So what that looks like, and that's when Coronavirus started. Basically what that looks like is that it goes into the absolute intensity of things of chaos with it. For example, in Australia, we had the bushfires around them, there was so much happening around that time. And basically, because they're two outer planets, and when they come together, it's a slow evolution because outer planets move slowly. So it's a slow evolution of change to embody the new so it takes, you know, I guess just straight off the bat, it feels to me like it's going to be kind of 2024 that the world starts to really integrate in this new way from all of these changes that happened during during that time those two planets went into conjunction. So basically, you know, the old way has looked like dominance control structure systems, I guess the the way the unhealthy masculine paradigm has played out for aeons. And so what we're trying to bring more into balance, I suppose from that time, is really the healthy integration of the healthy masculine and feminine and, and just the healthy way forward in general. And what that's also bringing up just like kernel level, or on a personal level, is that particularly at the moment, I mean, we just had the full moon yesterday. It's bringing up a lot of old energy from the old energy body to clear out and release so that we can move into these new ways. So it's actually creating the release of old programs in us old trauma, old programming, like old ancestral wounds that we've carried in our bodies for lifetimes, due to Yeah, things we've just carried in from past lives. And so at the moment, you might even be feeling specifically like this month during January, because things start to shift a little in Feb, like there's a bit of forward movement. But January's actually a little bit of like, take some time to rest, take some time to recalibrate, you can still probably feel magic coming, but it's also like this big things changing in our personal lives. So as all those patterns shifts, also, relationships are shifting, like you might be finding you're pulling away from certain, you know, partners or friendships or work things or in order to open up to new energy, or, you know, just changing a lot of things in yourself. And so, just be gentle during this month, because a lot is shifting.
Keri Norley
Yes, it is. So then, so what do we have to look forward to then come January?
Kat Ellis
Hmm, beautiful question. So there's a few things so basically, I'll start with the numbers.
Keri Norley
So Kat was just talking about the six energy which I don't think with this podcast, I started a podcast too that was talking about the vision, which won't be up if I don't think before this one. But or it'll be somewhere around here. But I really quickly reframe what she said what she said was it's a six energy this year. So numerology when we start to look at the numbers, the tu tu tu is around a adds up to so when we start to do these types of numbers, it adds up to things and so the six energy is around I say love and connection and family. I don't you can't you can, you can add into that. But then also we have the two to two energy, which is the big vision energy and so it's a really beautiful year for the big vision and to allow ourselves to stretch into a far Your way of looking at life and business and finance, and whatever's happening in your world, this energy will push us into a higher level of visioning of it.
Kat Ellis
Absolutely. I love that Keri. Yeah, it's so about that. And I, I love what you're saying. Because comfort March, it's like, from all this wound, releasing kind of old programs and patenting, it's opening the door for that big vision to enter, like from kind of clearing out a lot of old stuff that's not serving anymore. So that's nice. That makes so much sense. And we're also in February going to be entering the year of the water Tiger. So basically, you know, the water is going to be providing that fluidity and flow. But the Tigers really about, there's a lot of strength and resilience and kind of like really going like committing to your path and going for and it also represents the energy of family and kind of bonds and community. So there's a lot of, there's an energy of like, really, yeah, of committing to what's really important for your soul's highest evolution, this year and February, you're going to start to feel some of that stuff that's been really heavy and intense. And look, because of those themes that are still playing out to 2425. There is definitely still like releasing of the old way. And I think our main job is to like as sensitives and as empaths. And kind of on this path of growth is to hold the light is absolutely to do the shadow work and do the inner work, but it's to hold the light. So February, we'll start like the things I guess that you might have been kind of like thinking about, or there's there's quite a bit of change this year, like it's kind of like really, as you say, carry going for that big vision that's coming through. We've also had Jupiter move into Pisces. So that actually happened in December. But that will be in Pisces for most of the year. I think it's until about September, October. But this is quite, you know, in amongst quite a lot of which I'll go into some transits that are going on, amongst like things that are still quite full on and intense. This is quite a light transit that's come to join us. So basically, it's great for creativity, for abundance, for just living in a really natural flowing cycle that's attuned to your energy field. And so it's it's going to be about following the spiritual path like following. Just whatever really lights you up, but there's a softness to it. It's really like a gentle ease flow, softness. I feel like, yeah, I feel that it's,
Keri Norley
I think it's interesting, because I love what you've said already in that. There's a few things you've said already that I love, like that I'm feeling into, which is you were saying like the commitment to our higher vision, which is so interesting, because of the tu tu tu energy. But also because I have been feeling. Being a you know, anyone who's listened to my show knows I've been dealing with bipolar tendencies for the last years, I mean, like for my lifetime have been working to overcome them. And so living in these polars, it can very easily mean that I will swing between different places. And when I commit to something, it can be an all in commitment. That doesn't always serve me because it can be sometimes in a way from sometimes I'm just punishing myself, you know, all these things that happen when you have Bipolar tendencies, and your mind is not very happy place to be. So what I've been finding this year is that I have been so committed to my vision, this big vision. And when I look at the big vision, I'm like, well, that doesn't serve the big vision and all of a sudden I'm like, Well, if that doesn't serve the big vision, then what the heck am I doing doing that? And it became a really far easier like these last few weeks. I've been working to be for the most part, I've done pretty dang well at it. gluten free, dairy free, sugar free. Now, if you'd asked me and I it's processed sugar free. I have been like, I mean, you and I both know and anyone who listens. I don't know how much I've talked about this, but like I've been in the health industry for 1517 years. And so being gluten free, dairy free, sugar free. All of these types of labels, like none of them are surprised to me. I've been in and out of them for many years. But oftentimes, they can be really challenging for me. It's not necessarily like a joyful thing like oh, I can't wait to give up that bread that I frickin love. Just like I do. And these last few weeks, it's felt easeful for the first time ever. And like, when I even last night, I was out with my family. And I was like, Okay, we're at dinner, like, what's the best of these choices? Because none of them were 100%. But it was like, What's the best choice and it actually felt useful for me to say, All right, well, I won't do those things because they're not and it's useful for me to make these choices where it hasn't been so much in the past. And I was like, and I was thinking about it cuz like normally I've fought myself about it. And I was like, I'm not even finding I'm finding myself. And it's been really beautiful, like it feels amazing. Now granted, I have done a ton of work around all this stuff, inner, outer, all the things, right? So part of that is also there with it, and using my healing and all the different things that I haven't even tools that I have. But like, I've really felt the difference in the ease, which is quite interesting to me. The other thing that you said, and then you can go is just like you said, holding the light. And I think that was really interesting, because it comes back to what I even said at the beginning, which was it's not about being in the fight of it. It's like how do we actually hold the light so we can rise above this? Because and I think this is very relevant to this conversation. Because we are going to see as we said, with this astrology more and more crap falling away, right and it's dark and it's heavy. And what is going on in the world right now is messed up. And I mean, like, God love talking to cat in Australia. And you know, anyone who's been listening knows I'm I'm 15 years in Australia, I'm both I'm about I'm an American Australian. And I have both my you know, passports to both places. So my heart is in both places, and what's going on there is not okay, like there is nothing okay about what is going on there and the politics of the world. And, and we can see these things, and it's dark, and it's heavy, but we can get sucked into that heavy. And I know I've gone down that hole. And I'm like, but I finally got to a place where I was just like if I live in this hole, I am not doing my work on the planet. I just got the chills. I'm not doing my work, because my work is actually to help people be of the light. Now the light does not mean I love her cat said this does not mean to bypass all the crap, right? But it means that I can live through I can be human I can be in experiences humanity and experience all of the darkness that's around me. And then how do I be in my light self? What is the most high vibrational way that I get to show up for myself in this planet right now. And it isn't in fighting. It isn't being in the darkness. It's the rising above that. And so I think it's really beautiful that you've brought both of those like right at the beginning of the year for us
Kat Ellis
Keri, I love very sad because yeah, it's like choosing love over war, which, you know, I think so many people have been so used to that paradigm for so long. And we see this play out in so many, you know men going toward the wounded feminine like in sisterhood and and you know that competition and all of that, like, we see a lot of that war energy plant. So it's almost like, those wounds are even coming out even more strongly at the moment to clear out so that we can hold even more light. So I love hearing you say all of that. And it is so important. It's like feel all that wounding feel all that stuff coming up, feel what's going on in the world. But don't let it drag you down, like hold your frequency so strongly that you've got yourself that you've got your solid core and your solid center so that you can rise to those higher places. So I love hearing their patents and eating well and all of that I'm loving hearing your shit because we've got an I'll go back to the water stuff the water Tiger, but like the nodes are actually tomorrow. So the 19th of January, moving into Taurus. So the North nodes moving from Gemini to Taurus, and the South nodes moving into Scorpio from Sagittarius. So basically with this, I'm really excited because my natal north node is in Taurus. So that means I'm having a nodal return, which is a really beautiful thing to have. So have a look where you're whoever's watching this where your nodes are with your north node is? How do they know how can how can someone look and find that? Yeah, good question. So there's a website called astro.com. And so basically, so as tr o.com. And then there's a link that will, I think it says charts, and then it says, like a natal chart. And you click on that, and you just put your date, time and place of birth in. And it will bring up a very basic chart, but it will tell you like where the North Node is. And it's just a little symbol. That's like a, a horseshoe. Okay, in the chest. So with this Yes, so what you were saying about like the food and kind of all of that stuff and being in more flow, we're cut where we're being asked to at the moment to make choices, particularly from tomorrow and this, the nodes will be that will be for the next 18 months that we've got the North Node Taurus, it'll go a little bit back and forth retrograde and then forward, but it's all about valuing ourselves. It's all about, you know, because and obviously, with so much Corona and COVID going around and kind of like having to support nourish our bodies even more. It's like we're having just to be really supportive and mindful of looking after our bodies at the moment and really nourishing our physical vessels and nurturing ourselves. And so with this north node in Taurus, it's really asking us to really have the discipline, the self worth, and the value to commit and stay in alignment to our values. Yeah, so So and I think just with all of the little health things going on and kind of, you know, as I say, with COVID going around and all of that, it's like, we're really being asked to come back to the body so that we can expand into more light. So right now it is a really beautiful time with that Taurus North No, just to get really clear on your values, like of like, what do I want to really line up with this year, like, what's my most empowered sense of self, and then coming back to the water stuff, but just want to expand on to the year of the water, Tiger plus Jupiter, Pisces energy. That's a lot of this heaviness and heart, you know, energy that's been playing out and the breakdown of all of that, it's really important to be nourishing ourselves with softness, and the the most beautiful part of that. And there's a lot of this water energy coming through this year, because we're also going to have a major transit with Neptune in conjunction to Jupiter. So there's a lot of this kind of Jupiter energy which links a lot to abundance, which I'll come back to with the fine financial stuff. But there's a real softness. So this Neptune Jupiter, conjunction is really about forgiveness. It's about letting go. It's about compassion, unconditional love, it's really strong mother, Mary codes, like coming into the heart with anyone. You or anything, I know, there was a few things we were talking about, Keri at the beginning, just with, like, past your lay ships and that kind of thing. And just coming into that, like, you know, just feeling that love for the other like that, that energy, there's a really strong deepening and expansion into the heart and into the sacredness of our own self love.
Keri Norley
Yeah, and it makes sense. Because I think that for for the reality is that for most of us, in order to step into the bigger vision, I'm gonna say for all of us, I don't like being old and OLS, Ins and holes outs. But I think it's really important that for all of us as we step into these big visions, that ultimately, the only way to do this without burning out is loving ourselves. And I think we've had so many years, men and women together where we put other people first, our projects first, our work first, our kids first are everything first. And we don't put ourselves first. And so that's the burnout. That's the exhaustion that's the sick, that's the unhealthy that's the relationship breakdowns, that's the financial breakdowns, it's all of it happens, because we do not love ourselves first. And I find it really interesting. And I love that you're saying this, because for me what I have been finding, and I don't know that it's, again, that it's the inner work that I've been doing, or, and along with planetary stuff. Because, you know, we never, we never can tell this is what I started at the beginning. Like we don't know, like, we can't say one or the other, right. But I know that for me, you know, I've done a lot of self love practices, you and I both for years. And there's something deepening in it. It's like a difference between like, I can look at myself, and I can say I love you in the mirror and all these things that you know, we do. And I say that like, it wasn't an A, it's like, these are the things that we are told that we can do. And there's a difference. I think right now what I'm feeling is, the embodiment is shifting for me to a more again, this more easeful way of showing up for ourselves, and for myself. And unraveling. Again, I've been doing a lot of stuff in my brain to do this, but like unraveling, the unkind ways of being for ourselves and replacing it with really deep love. And I know that I'm not alone, because I know I've spoken to other people who are not necessarily doing some of the things that I'm doing. And they're saying the same types of things. And so I think it's a really interesting place that you're saying, like this deepening of because and I say this because I think a lot of people it's a kind of like a buzzy thing. Self love. Really, right? And we can we can take it on a really flip into a, and we can take it in a deeper way. And I think what you're saying is that this year is actually calling us to deepen our love and like deep love, not just like the superficial layers of love. And I think there's a big difference.
Kat Ellis
Absolutely. And I love I love what you're saying in that and what comes up for me is like, particularly in women, there's been such a, I guess, a conditioning or a patterning within us in over giving and kind of over serving and even with this full moon that's come up yesterday in cancer, it's bringing up a lot of old wounding like that, like if you've got any of that in your mother's line or your father's line. So, you know, for men as well but over giving pace, but what it's really asking us and inviting us into is exactly what you're talking about looking at those paths so deeply into have black, you know, what's the reason for over giving? Like, where is that coming from is that making you happy is that pattern making you hold back from actually living in alignment with your True vision, because of being stuck in a cycle of being stuck in a pattern that's not really serving. So it's really asking us to look at all of this. So yeah, so So absolutely, like massive change at the moment coming into a deeper sense of self love. And as we unwrap or unravel those old programs, it's going to create space to come into a new form of self and a new identity, because that's also what this year is about, it's like, and I'll go into the Pluto stuff as well. But it's like, because we're unraveling from kind of, you know, this year is really about self sourced sovereignty, I would say, it's really like, instead of following the pack, or like, following the collective on, you know, it's really about choosing and finding your way. And so there's a lot of freedom in that and kind of coming so deeply into your own self empowerment, that you're coming from a sovereign place in your decisions. And I guess that this action, this comes back to that self love, this is all coming from that space of loving yourself so deeply that you're acting from a space that's in alignment and integrity, with who you are from the inside out. So sovereign Yes, self sourced sovereignty feels really important as we bridge this new world.
Keri Norley
It's so interesting that you say that because first of all, one of the things that that I came up to me and you were saying something earlier, which also comes in here because the word sovereignty to me is such a big word. And the other one that comes along with it, that to me that i i Is my word for the year is devotion. And it was interesting because I replaced discipline with devotion. So like discipline to me can feel really especially as like a rule breaker slash like met Human Design. manifester. Someone like in this space, you know, discipline to me is like, it's like nails on a chalkboard. So, if you tell me to go do this thing, I'm gonna be like not don't want to do it, right. So when I shifted the word to devotion, I was like, oh, that's loving myself. It's loving myself to have this quote unquote, discipline, right. And so it was a really interesting thing. I also think that devotion goes so beautifully with sovereignty. Right? Like, when we think of sovereign like they are fully devoted to themselves, they are fully devoted to their people. Right, they are fully devoted, usually, like if you have a true king and queen, beautiful devotion to each other. Not the toxic type of king and queen that we have seen in past but we have also seen, right, the beautiful, loving, very whole healed, masculine and feminine. If you get that king and queen, they're in full devotion, first to themselves, then to each other. And so I think it's really interesting, because I think they really play together as to like, how do I become sovereign in all areas of my life, is by devoting every like devoting being devoted to myself.
Kat Ellis
Absolutely, I love that Keri. And as we like, heal and bridge the gap between the toxic or unhealthy masculine and feminine patents, those two words just yeah, really resonate for me as well. devotion and sovereignty. Because Absolutely, it's like, coming into divine union. So when you say the king and queen, and really, that's what all of this is about, like, as, you know, all of those old patterns are broken down, and whether they are toxic or unhealthy, masculine or feminine, because we've both, you know, Keri our wounds and kind of carried that programming. And the beautiful thing is, I guess in relationship, and if, if that, if you're in a relationship and can kind of heal that stuff without, like having to separate and can really move through that stuff. That's just amazing. And if you're not, then like, all of this stuff that you're doing the wound clearing work to clear out all of that toxic and unhealthy patterning is going to open up space for that devotion and sovereignty to be met in divine union. So I love it.
Keri Norley
So beautiful. For him to keep going keep going on. I think we're coming into the Pluto stuff, right? So we can start Pluto now.
Kat Ellis
Yes. Okay. I'm glad you just reminded me yet. So there's kind of like two pieces that I want to speak to on that. So the Pluto stuff, but all so Uranus and satin in a square so basically, that's going to play out may also talk about that first Uranus and Saturn went into a square not very long ago, so a few weeks ago, and it'll be there for most of 2022. Now, this is very much about kind of the site that similar themes to Pluto, but there's this real rebellion and freedom kind of patterning playing out. So it's like really coming into, like, no matter what, following your kind of what I was speaking to about the sovereignty no matter what following your authentic truth, following your authentic path and really committing to that. And so basically, you know, if something if you're feeling boxed in, in an old way of being or an old pattern or like an old paradigm that's just not serving you anymore, this kind of trends, it is really supporting you to move through old patents so that you can release the conflict and release any kind of thing that's boxing new into an old way of doing things. So we're gonna see a lot of like, people speaking up about for truth, like, you know, what's true for them this year, like fighting for what they believe in speaking up about things that aren't right, you know, speaking up for the wounded for the suppressed if they're feeling suppressed, like it's really a time of coming into speaking truth and kind of not holding back on it. But obviously, with all of that beautiful water, because sometimes with all of that, it can get very, like intense and very kind of like it can still create separation and division. So that's not what we're wanting. So the softness of the water is supporting us with the water Tiger and Jupiter in Pisces, to come back into our hearts, and come from all of this from a space of forgiveness and unconditional love. So we've kind of had a lot of like, particularly where I live in Australia. And in Byron Bay, like there's a lot of that like kind of, which is amazing, standing up for, you know, what people believe in and kind of like really moving forward from old structures and paradigms that are kind of not supportive. But what this water energy is going to bring in this year is still that's going to be there. But the softness, the softness is really, really important. And then the other piece, so Pluto, so basically, there's going to be a Pluto return in February 2022. Then, so Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last. It's been quite a few years, I think it's been maybe about a 30 or 40 year cycle. And basically, it's going to move into Aquarius. I think it's mid, I'm just checking. Yeah, it's made through this year, and then it will move back into Capricorn and then we're in a retrograde and then move back into Aquarius. So basically what all of that means, firstly, with the Pluto return, that the power struggle stuffs kind of coming up strongly. So I guess, like linking that to abundance, money, bringing all of that kind of stuff in, it's like, there is a huge potential with this platonic energy GDC to create new pathways and new systems for money, you know, and this is what we're seeing with all the cryptocurrency and all of these kind of ventures and all of that, but it's also kind of like not to with money buy in to just like old systems that don't serve you anymore. Like it's really to go with like these because because this is what this Pluto in acquit in Aquarius, when we're moving into that it is all about that, like crypto and all of these other ways, new forms of currency and all of these things that we're seeing. It's all about that. But basically, there's a huge transformation happening around power identity systems of control, dominance, all that stuff I was speaking to at the start leadership coming into sovereign leadership, rather than kind of the old ways of leading so as as Pluto starts to go in and out and come back and forth between Capricorn and aquarius, Capricorn, so we're ending that cycle, which is quite exciting. It'll, as I say, it'll retrograde still a bit back and forth. But basically, that is kind of saying okay, we're ending a Holi or of that dominance and kind of power struggles and control. Yeah. And then in when it moves into Aquarius, it's all about coming together more in community and kind of like, all of those lessons we've had to go through with the head because Pluto in Capricorn can be quite dark and heavy and depressing, actually. melancholy. And so moving into Aquarius, it's opening up to smaller okay, how can we come together as a community and really support each other in this new way that we've been bridging together, so it's quite a significant shift moving into another planet, because it's such a slow moving planet.
Keri Norley
This has anything to do with like coming into the you know people talk the Age of Aquarius like we're moving into, right?
Kat Ellis
Absolutely. Yes, it is. So we have already Yes, we have already moved into the Age of Aquarius because of the shift from Saturn and Jupiter into Aquarius. But this is like the full paradigm Age of Aquarius. Yeah, when it moves when Pluto moves into it for
Keri Norley
sure. So when we talk about moving into it, it's interesting because I launched my book in on December 21 2020. My goodness, because of these, like we were starting to have these ships coming into the Age of Aquarius at that point. And the energy was so amazing that holy moly, as we started the shift, I could just feel that energy shifting. So I'm curious, though, because I don't think I've talked about it on this podcast, like what does it actually mean to move into the Age of Aquarius?
Kat Ellis
Hmm, beautiful question. So basically, it's kind of what I was just speaking to then about the Pluto energy, it's all about community humanitarian causes coming together more, creating different systems and structures. And, you know, it's got that kind of like quirky freedom fighter wacky kind of energy to it. So it's like, coming together in new ways. So when I was talking about creating new forms of currency, and all of that, but also like, coming together on land, like building communities, like really supporting each other,
Keri Norley
it's so coming right now. And it's so beautiful to feel and experience. And one of the things that I'm looking forward to you, and someone actually just sent me a message that they're building a eco community in Mexico, for anyone who wants to know, I'm happy to send you to them. And she was and we were and I said to her, I was like, what really excites me about crypto meeting. Communities, so like, you know, self sustaining communities, or even if not self sustaining communities, that's what my husband's vision is. But there's gonna be people who come together in community on land might not be self sustaining, but you're all going to live together and work together and be together and be able to be sovereign. And I think you know, one of the things I say often is, wealth isn't just about our like, literally money, but it's the ability in our sovereignty to be able to actually feed ourselves, which is going to be a thing in these next few years, you guys like there is something to be said about learning how to feed yourself, because we are having all of these supply chain shortages, we are having, I mean, there are places in the world that don't want to sell seeds, so that we can't farm we are having all sorts of things with GMO and Monsanto and all these things. I don't want to get too far into the political side of this here. But it is real like it is a thing that we need to consider how we are going to feed ourselves. And so part of wealth to me and wealth creation is our ability to literally like be sovereign in every aspect meaning I can feed myself I can house myself, I can pay for things does not need a handout from government does not need even as we start to look at AI like how can we prepare ourselves to not even need to financially have a job because some of these jobs are going to go up? As we many of our jobs, I think will go obsolete, as we have more artificial intelligence that replaces it not maybe this year, but over these next 1020 years, we will see this happen. And so part of sovereignty is this. And one of the things that I find so interesting, and most people don't understand about what happens in the crypto space is this thing called a Dao or a decentralized autonomous organization. And the way the works is that it's actually a governance board or governing way, a way of guard, excuse me a way of governing. And so and it's an announced today in the fact that, right, I know, I get so excited talking about it. Um, it's anonymous, because it's done on the blockchain. So anybody, like the more people that are involved in a Dao, the more decentralized it becomes. And so the way that it works is somebody might put up like, okay, so if you're in a community, right, and anybody can create this, you don't even need to have money to create this, right? Like, it's not a financial thing to do. And you can do it around money, like I will say that, but you don't have to have, it doesn't have to be a financial system. And this is what you're talking about in like, we are going to have communities. And I think when we start to look at the governance, places like this, we are going to have all these different places where we can govern ourselves, like within my little community here, within the bigger community, all of these different things can have different quote unquote, when I'm calling like, it's not a quote is a Dow. And so what will happen is that we can put it up and go, Okay, so I have a verse, I want to do this thing with a garden tomorrow, like this next month, but I would like to propose is that in the garden, we start planting potatoes, and you put a vote out, and then somebody gets to go and click a button, and nobody has to know whose button got clicked, nobody has to ever see any of it. So you're not going to be pissed off at your neighbor and know, which is the neighbor that said, this isn't going to happen, because you're never gonna know, it's just going to get the answer to the vote. And so we're going to start to be able to see this decentralization and his ability to govern in a completely decentralized way, in all of these different communities. And I'm so excited, we can be parts of different communities for the things that we want to be a part of, and fully be able to govern ourselves. And I think, when we start to see that, and we also start to see, like, I was talking to somebody, I'm actually fingers crossed, everybody have a little pray that we're gonna have this amazing guy on this podcast, who talks about permaculture meeting crypto, and how the two of them together, we can start to pay our farmers, not even like big farmers, right? Not big, huge farms, but like you and I, who might have a community and we have extra food, and we want to be able to sell it and we get paid through crypto, or even not even for selling it just for having it. Like there's different ways that it's going to be available to be able to be paid because we are feeding ourselves like we deserve. Like why is it that some huge conglomeration of a pharmaceutical company can get paid for this thing or some engineering company can get paid to go drill an oil well, but the farmers and the people who are actually feeding us including ourselves as we start to do these communities don't get paid or get paid pennies? Or right now we're even being told that they have to go and they will make more money right now I've seen these videos like boggles my mind that they make and people told me they've seen this happen, like so I'm like, I know what's wrong. Sometimes I don't want to leave Israel so someone can tell me like there's a fact that shows me it's not real, I'm like, I would rather it be that way right? But there's being farmers are being bought and told go and kill your crops, destroy them, you're going to go and you know, hack them up, instead of actually pulling them and selling them and they will make more money they make more money by actually destroying their crops than they do going and selling it to the people. It's sickening what is going on in our community around food. And so I think it's really important that we start to look at all of these aspects and see how they all do intermingle as we come into this age where we become I mean, this is sovereignty you know, like it's a beautiful conversation about this is sovereignty and this is what we get to choose and why so if I'm choosing again sovereignty and living off the land then I'm going to choose eat healthier because this is what's my food that's available right this is what's going to start to see is that we're going to have these and it gets to be useful because I don't have necessarily the thing is down the street I mean I walk into shops now and I'm shocked at how at how much we already have supply chain issues and food on on shelves and this is just the beginning
Kat Ellis
Yep 100% Yes spot on and just so many of those things that you spoke to and just like this is the whole thing you know, we've been talking about with coming into this Age of Aquarius or being in it and slowly moving into it and yeah, the sovereignty piece the self sovereignty and then bringing that into community and I'm so would love to hear this guy speak about the krypton permaculture that sounds incredible.
Keri Norley
He said yes, no he's got it. You know, he's got to get it all like actually locked in which can take some people a while to there.
Kat Ellis
Because this is the way forward all of these new systems and it's like it really is up to us. And, you know, the future generations like the children that we're kind of bringing in. It's like, Where were in that kind of precipice of like, really, and this is this is the Aquarian energy and the Capricorn crossover it's like, as all those old structures and paradigms and I guess even like generational ends and ancestral waves, how the old way has been, and how it's been done, and teaching our kids coming through, because so well, as I say, we're kind of, there's a lot of pressure on our, you know, generation in particular, in a way, like, in just not for not pressure is probably not the right word, but it's just like, I feel like we're really the change makers. So there's a rebellion, and there's a freedom and we're kind of in a way, there is a little bit that fight energy to not repeat and play out that old way. But I feel the future generations of children coming in, like, as we're kind of like standing up, and like bringing in all these new systems and ways of doing things, I feel like it will get easier. And like, even come as I said before, for like 2425 like that things are gonna start to Gen gently ease in more. But yeah, I love everything you're sharing about the communities and kind of like, all coming together in that way. And just, this is all the Aquarius energy, this is all what we're moving into. It's just like, shaking it all up in order to kind of Yeah, reintegrate in healthy ways. And so it's, you know, it's a big year, it's a big year on the planet. Like, you know, the end of this year, Uranus is also going to come into a conjunction with the North Node. And again, this is kind of like, so there's still that peace around, just come into freedom, like come into, you know, really valuing yourself enough to be your full in alignment fully in alignment with your most authentic version of yourself. So it's just like this just kind of like, you know, I guess on it on a whole, like, there's gonna be challenges for sure this year, but I feel like we've been through the thick of them, like, I feel like, you know, the breakdown, thank God, I know,
Keri Norley
please, please just be like, the hardest part is over.
Kat Ellis
So is the breakdown has happened like the, the ending of the old cycle and the paradigm shift has happened. It's just like, when I say challenges, it's like, you know, there still will be stuff going on in the external. And we as a coming back to what I said before, we just need to hold strong in our truth, hold the light, and hold our sovereignty. And from that place, you know, it might mean some things drop away. But that's great, because those are the things that aren't for you, even though it's hard at the time. And that's and that's what I want to bring focus to, it's really important to feel the grief of those changes. And this is that whole conjunction piece of the net Neptune Jupiter I was speaking to because Neptune is about letting go and endings. But it's like, there can be a real expansion from that with Jupiter if we allow ourselves to feel the loss of those pieces that aren't fitting and serving our lives anymore, but it's just going to open so much more expansion Jupiter, and to bring in abundance basically, in all ways as you were speaking to before carry with financial but also in community in sovereignty in all of these pieces where we can feel abundant in our lives.
Keri Norley
Oh, amazing. Okay, so is there anything else towards because we've talked a lot about the beginnings first half of the years or anything else towards like, the second half of the year that we need to know about before we wrap this up?
Kat Ellis
Yeah, good question. There was one other that I just I wanted to speak about, that happens at the beginning of 2023. So this will happen around February March 23. It's when Jupiter and Chiron go into a conjunction. So but that we'll see all of that still also play out in the second half of the year as well. But again, Jupiter so there's a lot of Jupiter actually see so again, prosperity abundance, like a good yeah a good year for for bringing abundance in however you want to bring these in but also in a in conjunction to Chiron it's, you know, it's still there's something there about the wound and the gift. So this is really about going deeply into your wound, so that you can access the soul gifts that want to come through you at this time. So you know, obviously we focused on the square which will be playing out all year that Uranus Saturn square till the end of 2023 and then we focused on a couple of conjunctions so it's nice that this conjunctions with major planets like with the Chiron Jupiter and the Neptune Jupiter because conjunctions create a more of a flowing energy, as we've seen, as with squares, they create more of a conflict and kind of an energy of competition or to kind of like have to work on something. So, with these conjunctions as well, we'll see a bit of a softness and an ease and a grace coming in as well. So yeah, so yeah I'd say they're the major ones, you know, we're gonna have like, throughout, I mean, currently wearing Venus and Mercury retrograde. Mercury Retrogrades happen three times a year, Venus Retrogrades happen twice. So we'll get another Mercury Retrograde, these are smaller kind of impacts. But in July, I think the other ones from memory serves. So, you know, they, you know, everyone talks about Mercury Retrograde, that's the famous one where it's like, you know, backward connection and communication and kind of technology slowing down and all of these things, but it's actually a good time. So right now with Venus and Mercury in Retrograde, to review like to go within and review old patents and even with Venus like old ways of relating old ways of like, how you show up in love to come into a new way of relating. So it's, it's right now to like, kind of the end of January is a bit of a time to just like internally review things. But yeah, I mean, the second half of the year, as well, as I say, because kind of like, we'll move into that Aquarius Pluto energy. So there is going to be more of change this year, but also moving towards more of the higher timeline energies with what we're wanting to create in our own solid Center, which is kind of the first half of the year, like coming into that sovereignty and like sticking and committing to values. And the second half of the year is kind of like bringing that out in this new way into community with all of that beautiful Aquarius energy.
Keri Norley
Sounds amazing. What I'm hearing, what I am hearing from you is that ultimately, we have a really beautiful year ahead of us, actually. And it's sad feels like and this is what I have felt as well, it feels like all these last two years. And I'm I know I'm not alone when I say and I'm sure you would agree, this has not been the easiest few years for any human being alive. And yet, I will say as well, we all chose this. We all chose to be here at this planet on this on this time of the earth to be a part of this experience at some level. And it's felt like to me, as much as the chaos is still everywhere. Right now. Like I don't feel like all of a sudden it's any different. I think the fact that there's a lot of people who are starting to see through a lot of the corruption that is going on, and the just horrible crap that's going on of taking people's rights away. You know, and I think this is something really important to say is that, you know, being able to come and go from your country with a passport freely. It's not a privilege, it's right, that you have, you know, being human and being able to go and feed yourself is not a privilege. It's a right. And there are so many things that we have that people are now all of a sudden, like, Oh, this is some privilege that you have by doing one thing or another. No, no, no, no. And I don't care what side of any coin, this is like your privilege. It's not a privilege, we have very basic human rights. And I think it's really important that if you don't know this and you're hearing this for the first time, like starting to consider like what your rights are as a human, like go and start researching, like even research quite literally, if you're in the US, like research the Constitution go and actually read the bill of rights go and read all these things that are rights go and read the Nuremberg codes, go and read if you're in Australia, your rights, like all these different things, because it's actually like this is written that we have these rights and these freedoms that are being taken away. And it's not okay. And so I think what's happening though, is that so many people are now seeing this that we're not there's a lot of people who are not standing for it anymore, and are choosing other things and I think that in doing this, there is and this is what we've said throughout this whole conversation is that there's a way to come into the light of this with peace and ease. And this is what I think so many of us are not holding the anchor point for you know, and I say this like and I think you and I've thrown some terminal terms around in this conversation, because you and I get these but when you and I say the anchor point or we say like hold the light or open ourselves to be able to hold the the vibrations. It is literally like it is a process if you don't understand what this means. That's cool. That's amazing. Congratulations like you are at the most amazing place like both cat and I are very amazing at helping you to understand how to do this. And this is The work and it's not something that you can just do overnight. But it's something that we learn how to be in our bodies and how to literally hold the light, how to literally hold these vibrations. Because if we do not choose to shift into the vibration of love, if we do not choose to be in peace, we cannot see that on the planet. And so the reason that I love this podcast, the reason I love what I do is because I look at this work, and I say it starts with you, it starts with me, it starts with each person individually, by being able to choose love, choose peace, choose abundance, choose bliss, choose joy, not any of the other stuff, right, because if we live in fear, if we live in scarcity, if we live in lack, which is how we've been conditioned, for centuries, 1000s and 1000s of years, I think ever since humanity, really, we have been conditioned to be in lack scarcity and suffering. And this is this amazing point in the history of humanity. Like we're not just talking about some small little shift. But like, we have this huge opportunity to completely shift the consciousness of the planet is my massive purpose, passion and everything of why I do what I do. Because I firmly believe that if enough of us choose, peace, love, joy, whatever it is, that lights your soul on fire, then that is how we change this planet. And what Kat is saying is this year is all about that in the stars. And it's all about this individuality. And I think one of the things that's also really interesting that we're seeing happen right now, with the socialized stuff going on, it's for the betterment of the world, right. And so we have to actually give our rights up for all humanity, which isn't true, I actually believe, can't believe I'm gonna say this on a podcast, you guys. But I actually believe that the more that we actually sit in our individuality, the more that we rise together, the more that we change this planet. And it's by actually being an individual soul and actually looking after your energetic body, your emotional body, your physical body, your spiritual, mental and energetic body, that you will be able to be in the vibration of these higher vibrational experiences of life, emotions, and we can move out of what we have been taught for forever, which is scarcity, lack, suffering, like we have been conditioned to suffer. And if you're suffering in any way, shape, or form, don't like blame yourself, that's how you've been conditioned to be in this world. But right now we have this amazing opportunity to choose ourselves, and to choose love, and to choose a whole new way of being. But it starts with each and every single one of us ultimately, how to start loving ourselves devoting to ourselves.
Kat Ellis
Oh, so beautiful. Yeah, exactly. It's like, and I love what you're saying it is a journey to kind of like coming home to ourselves, and even just the cancer Full Moon Yes, it's like, you know, there is this true energy of coming home to self coming back to self. And so yeah, just like, the more we can release that old fear program from our bodies that we've been, you know, kind of programmed with the lifetimes and come into that love, it's just, it really can change our whole experience in how we relate to the world and how we relate to others. So I just love everything that you're saying it's absolutely spot on. And, you know, it's if we really can reach a point where we're kind of coming from life living from our hearts and not living from, you know, it's important, you know, the ego still serves a place, it's important to still have thoughts, obviously. But it's like to really, it comes back to forgiveness. And this is how we release the fear and the anxiety, and all of those are all programs is forgiveness. And this is what that transit I was talking about is going to help with this year is coming back to the space of forgiveness to let go so that we can come deeper into this place of love.
Keri Norley
So beautiful. It feels so good. It feels so good. I think this is a really amazing year ahead of us. And oh, I know what I was gonna say the one thing I was gonna say to wrap this and I think this is an important thing is that if we, if we look forward, right? This is the year that I think you can choose to set yourself up. I firmly believe this year like and there's a lot of people especially when I started People ask me all the time about crypto, oh, I missed the boat. I'm like, Oh my God, you have not missed the boat girl or guy. There was no missing the boat right now. But if you wait three years now even then you would have missed the boat, you'll just be it'll just be normal, right? 10 years from now, this experience that you and I are talking about right now. The experience of having a different financial experience on this planet. The experience of so many things is going to shift back to the communities and all these things and it's going to be normal. This year is the year that you can choose to set yourself up for a hugely abundant future because we are in the middle of the greatest wealth transfers this world has ever seen. And if you choose to show up and make the educated decisions, you will see I am I firmly believe you will see financial rewards from this. And not just again, not just financially because if you join it, like, Come and join me on a crypto program not just from that, but also again coming into how do I actually set myself like start thinking about if you've never thought about how I'm going to feed myself start thinking about it. You know, if you've never thought about these things of how do I be sovereign? What does that even mean to me? Start thinking about what does it mean to me to be sovereign you know, go start looking that up go start like for me when I started like diving into King Matt King energy and Queen energy, sovereignty, I started watching movies on our shows on kings queens, and not all of its pretty you guys like to me king queen energy from like a very, I would say historical stance is actually quite, there's a lot of anger and crap and not nice treating each other horribly. And it's not, it's not beautiful. And you look at the Queen, it's really interesting, because if you look at the Queen energy, she's actually quite has no power at all. When you look at like, you look at Queen Elizabeth and like, she's got like, I've got to cater to the church, and I've got to cater to the people in my voice doesn't necessarily get to be heard. It's what they want to wait what they want me to say, right? And so but if we, if we look at this from a whole perspective, or I like to look at things from like an emperor emperor, because then I get to just be the ruler of my own domain, and no one gets tell me what to do. So I like to actually play in those energies and those archetypes, but either way, we're looking at sovereignty, right? And so start to look at that, like, what does that and even that dive right? Did you even know that these things were there? When we start to say king and queen? Like, do you actually want to embody all of that? What of it? Do you want to embody what parts of NSA embody meaning start to look at these traits and start to say, like, okay, so if I was to choose to be sovereign in my life, what traits do I get to have? Who do I get to be? How do I show up? Am I doing these actions? Or am I doing these actions. And so from that place, you can start to then embody, okay, these are the actions I take. So that's how you embody, I go and take these actions. I go and do these things. I shift my mental state, I go and learn crypto, I go and learn farming, I go and learn whatever the thing is that you're going to choose to be able to step into this new version of yourself as a sovereign being. Go and start learning that right now. Like, critically, go and start learning that go and start setting yourself up. Do not wait. And I will tell you as a person who I will tell you without fail, one of the biggest lessons I've had in this last year and a half as I've been managing my own money is waiting too long. And I'm not even waiting too long, you guys. I'm like, Oh, I waited two weeks. I was like, far out. I missed it. I knew, right? So if you're hearing this, and you're hearing any part of this, it's like, Oh, my God, I want to get on that train. Don't wait six months, don't wait three months, like do it today, hear this conversation and do it today. I don't care where you start, I don't care if it's reaching out to cat and having a astrology reading and starting to do some of the inner work that's clearing all this stuff and becoming the the woman that has woman or man that's going to be doing this. I don't care if it's reaching out to me like, right, Keri, I'm ready for your crypto stuff, whatever it is, I was watching YouTube videos and learning some things on YouTube, go start doing it. Because you can set yourself up for the most abundant life and I, I wrote that book, the new wealth. And I saw this vision, I felt this vision I'm not a very good visionary person, I felt this vision. And it was like there is going to be a world like I don't know how that we are going to create infinite abundance when I wrote this book. But when I started to look into defy and how we can start to do this and regenerative wealth from all these aspects. Right? That doesn't mean that we're going to have every single human being on this planet be billionaires, by the way, but it means that whatever your capacity is, to be able to sustain yourself in an abundant way it is here for you now, and we have this ability right now. And so I firmly firmly firmly stand in this is your year you guys like I have the chills. This is such a powerful year ahead of us. And And now that you've just said everything you've said about the astrology I'm like, yep, even more, it just aligns with everything I've already felt I've said it, I said at the beginning, right? Everything already felt and sat around what's happening this year. It is it's in the stars. And so if it's in the stars, I highly recommend that you pay attention to that it's in the stars. And is it a fighting this energy, that's what we were saying in the beginning. It's not that it's like you can't do other things you can but you're gonna be fighting against it. So choose it and make this part like allow the energy to help you guide you into this place. And as Kat said, it won't necessarily be an easy ride and I say this a lot because a manifestation people think that because I'm in alignment and I'm doing what Captain Keri just talked about and because the stars are here that it now it's all gonna be easy. No, when ship falls away, it hurts. Kat said Right. Like, when stuff happens that doesn't hurt less. You know, when I have a roadblock because I did this thing and I wanted to have this person come and I did this thing, this mastermind, whatever it is, and there's a roadblock that came it's still the roadblock. I still got to move through it. But it means that I'm committed to doing that. I'm going to do it no matter what. And it gets to be more easeful now than maybe four years ago, or maybe 10 years in the future. So utilize this energy right now, to fully set yourself up to live a really, really amazing, abundant life for the rest of it.
Kat Ellis
Oh, beautiful, my love. And the beautiful thing is, is then that letting go peace, even though it is painful, it opens our hearts more. So this is what opens more to that forgiveness, and that unconditional love. And I love what you were saying on the taking taking action piece. Like it's like, yeah, because we can, you know, just if something is coming in, and you feel like it's a nudge and it's kind of like just, you know, something, it's kind of coming into your field quite a bit. I, I agree with you, it's really Keri, like, important to follow that energy and follow that that sign that's kind of coming, it's coming in for a reason. And then yeah, the second piece, and that is taking action on it and really committing to it. So yeah, it's definitely a time and that's part of sovereignty, like, you know, not like because we can easily and it's no judgement on this, but talk about things that we want to bring in and manifest and but then it's really that action piece that really allows us to step into that pool. Like I'm choosing my life. I'm really choosing what I want for my life and setting. You know, setting myself up for new beautiful energy to come in.
Keri Norley
So true. So true. So true. All right. Is there anything else you would like to say to wrap this up, Maddie? Yeah.
Kat Ellis
Just thank you so much for having me my love and yeah, I just anyone who's watching this, reach out any time if you're needing any support, and yeah, just just love you, Keri. It's just Yes. So good to connect again. So good to have this chat and feel out. Yeah, you're an absolute absolute.
Keri Norley
Thanks. Beautiful. It's been a pleasure to have you on how can people reach out to you to connect with you if they want to do any readings or find you in the interwebs to hear more about all the astrology cat by the way, he does do astrology updates throughout the year on her socials. So you can totally check her out and learn more. And she also holds if I correct me if I'm wrong. Some local circles in the Byron area that you might like to go and check out if you're in that area. I know I have a bunch of listeners over there. So how do they reach out to you?
Kat Ellis
Just on on Facebook. Yeah, I'm getting a new website soon. But yeah, Facebook just, I'm just under Kat Ellis. So just messaged me on there.
Keri Norley
Perfecto. And I think that's it. So we'll wrap it up today. Thank you so much for being here. This has been so amazing. So insightful. I am so excited. We got to have this conversation and to share this with the world. I think this is going to be a super duper helpful conversation for people to listen into. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your brilliance. I adore you. And by the way, I also said you guys can reach out to Kat for working with her. And then I mentioned local but she does do readings globally. Like you don't have to be in the Byron area to work with cat. She is amazing. She does things like so many of us online. So so there's that otherwise, and if you're interested learning more about any of the crypto things I have, I'm actually like this is going to go out after I've run it but for now it's going to be up in my group. I'm doing an intro to crypto workshop this week. I don't know how long it's going to stay live on there. But come and check it out. You can go to Keri Norley COMM forward slash crypto intro if you want to check that out. And I'm going to teach you how to get into crypto and understanding what all of this actually is and what it means and why it's so important right now. So it's a really great furthering to this conversation. And I have unplugged to my master mind so excited about that's all about this and like really it's about creating sovereignty in this world of the web. 3.0 NF T's crypto defy Dow is all the kind of stuff that we started to kind of like touch into today. I'm diving deep in in this mastermind so if that interests you let me know reach out to me on any of my socials or Keri at Keri norley.com. And I will happily let you know more about that. So until next week, have a wonderful week wherever you are in the world and go and create some magic. I want to give you a quick message before we get back into this episode. On this show we are talking all about raising your vibes and helping you create the wealth in life you desire. One of my all time favorite tools to support you in this work is the hilly hilly is a quantum vibrational healing tool that with a couple touches of a button has you clearing your energy and raising your vibes. Honestly, there's not really much easier in the world that you can do to raise your vibes. It has been a massive part of my transformation as well as 1000s of others. Truthfully, this podcast probably wouldn't be here without it. If you have pain, sleep issues headaches hormonal stuff food sensitivities, stress anxiety, depression the list goes on. I cannot recommend checking this out enough. Metal does medical disclaimer here. This does not treat or cure anything. If you are curious to find out more, please email me at Keri at Keri norley.com. I'm sure that you will be happy that you did. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise. Please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Insta. I'm at @KeriNorley And on Facebook facebook.com forward slash Keri Norley One or Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.
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- Published On: January 22nd, 2025
- Published On: January 22nd, 2025
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