By Published On: May 18th, 2022

Breaking free from Financial Slavery with Leah Steele


On this episode of The Wealth Alchemist Podcast I have my friend and mentor Leah Steele on the show.

This is a big one and will open your eyes, for sure.

We dive into: 

  • What is financial slavery?
  • Who are the global financial elite?
  • Wealth consciousness work from a multi-dimensional perspective
  • How do we shift our wealth consciousness in the quantum realms?
  • Wealth is our Divine Birthright
  • What is financial Sovereignty?
  • What is the future of our financial system?
  • And more…

Grab a cuppa, be ready to have your mind expanded and enjoy this show.

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Keri Norley 

On this episode of the wealth Alchemist podcast I have my friend and mentor Leah Steele on the show. This is a big one and we'll open your eyes for sure. We dive into what is financial slavery? Who are the global financial elite, wealth consciousness work from a multi dimensional perspective? How do we shift our wealth consciousness in the quantum realms? We talked about wealth is our divine birthright, what is financial sovereignty? What is the future of our financial system and so much more? Please grab a cuppa be ready to have your mind expanded and enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to the wealth Alchemist podcast. My name is Keri Norley. I am the host of your show. And today I have one of my favorite people on the call with me Miss Leah Steele. She is I read you her amazing bio. She is the wealth which she is the founder and the host of the wealth which podcast has helped wealth and entrepreneur podcast for women. She is a holistic wealth strategist and thought leader and the creator of the emotional resonance clearing modality which is amazing. Her purpose is to inspire and empower millions of people to wake up repattern their wealth programming and reclaim their divine right to be wealthy in all areas of their lives. The word wealthy comes from the two words well and healthy, and she definitely teaches a lot about all of these things. Part of her divine mission work is to deconstruct the financial slavery consciousness that serves the global financial agenda, which we are going to talk about today. And her cutting edge wealth repatterning programs are paving the way to a new global wealth paradigm where economic freedom is the reality. She coaches mentors and guides those ready to create the abundant ly wealthy lives and businesses they deeply desire. Her clients are wildly successful spiritual entrepreneurs on a mission to profoundly impact the planet, I will say as a client of hers. And one of the first people to go through her wealth consciousness reprogramming programs. Leah has been I mean, if you heard the bio, and you heard anything about me, you'll I'll say there's definitely been an influence of Leon my life. And she has been she's been there with me to create the wealth Alchemist like, you know, we branded it together. And so so I can speak highly of Leah and her work, it has definitely helped me I've watched her shift so many hundreds of people's lives doing this work. And so it's such a pleasure and honor to bring this together. It's been a while since we've actually connected on all this stuff. So I'm excited to connect with you today. Welcome to the show.

Leah Steel 

Amazing. Thanks for having me. Yeah, I'm so excited to be here. And so excited to connect and talk about all the things we'd love to talk about.

Keri Norley 

Yes. Okay. So let's just hop in, because I know that two of us just dive deep. Let's talk about when you when you mentioned financial slavery, what does that actually mean?

Leah Steel 

Well, I think that, you know, this is it's a topic, I think that it can be quite polarizing for people. Because, first and foremost, we don't recognize that we're living in financial slavery. But this has been happening for generations and generations, we have been programmed and conditioned to be compliant commodities, to serve a global financial agenda that is run by a elite few group of people that profit and benefit off the labor, and really just even existence of all of the beings on this planet. And so when I talk about living in financial slavery, it's the unawareness that we have around how we're programmed and conditioned to be those compliant commodities, and how from the time we take our first breath on this planet, and this really is the same I want to say this, this is the same globally, it looks differently depending on the country, that you're born into, we're both American obviously. So for us, it's, you know, you're born, you get a birth certificate, and you register for a social security card. And from the time you're born and that birth certificate is issued, you are a you are the property of the government. And you are, that birth certificate is leveraged by the United States for the United States to get credit, to increase production of well, printing money, that we are currency to our governments. And that that is across the board. But that's a very real explanation of what it looks like, for if you're an American, for example,right?

Keri Norley 

And then, but no, go ahead. Go ahead. Good.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, so it's just it's this state. We essentially live in financial internment. And we, we work, we think we're working for our benefit, and for us to have gains. And that's not actually the reality, the reality is that we work so that our governments can do the transactions that they do on that higher level. And ultimately, so the people who, you know, and this is this is globally, there are a group of people who control the global financial agenda. And their interests are that we continue to take out loans, pay high interest and wind to debt. You know, that we continue to leverage ourselves for the benefit of that system, that doesn't benefit us.

Keri Norley 

Absolutely. It's like, I mean, people always I always laugh when people talk about pyramid schemes, you know, and they think there's some, like, did you know that you're a part of the greatest pyramid scheme known to man? It's called the financial system? Yeah, yeah. Plug into that one right there. Ah, I forgot I was gonna ask you about financial. Anyway. Okay, so Oh, I know what it was. Okay. So if you add that into, so five, financial slavery, but also then we talk about indebtedness, you know, and like I look at is, each of us as a commodity, we are also like, we hold 100 Over $100,000 of debt per person, I think it's probably even more now, since I've looked at the numbers, with all the printing that they've done. But like when you actually consider that, like you as a person are worth hundreds of 1000s of dollars in debt. And so I think that's a really interesting concept to the I know, you talk about as well, in this concept of like, I think of it as if we are in debt, if we start from a debt based society, How in heaven's name from the consciousness perspective, is it ever supposed to shift out of debt base, when that's all we're taught? Like, if we're modeling the behaviors, then inevitably, it's no wonder we have so much huge debt issues in this world?

Leah Steel 

Yep. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that, you know, it is the thing that makes economic freedom and financial sovereignty so difficult, is that we've only received activation, transmission, programming conditioning around being in debt, but not only that, our entire existence like we are, it's exactly what you're saying, like, we hold the debt, when you're born, you hold the debt, they put the debt on you. So so energetically and emotionally, you hold that from the time you're born. And so when you think about it, in that scale of things, especially if you understand energy, and, and how, you know, energy plays a role into what we're able to create in our lives. That's huge. And I'm not sure what the number is either. I think the last time I saw something, it was around there, around 100 or 150,000. And certainly, I would say after the last, they've printed more money in the last six months, probably got to be about a couple 100 grand now. Yeah, or more. Who knows? Like, but it's, uh, yeah, it's wild. Right? But yeah, so if you think about that, like, you were at this is, you know, we see these like sci fi movies, where they're like, creating humans to, you know, do whatever, like, whatever the movie is about, like, where you see these, like, you know, pods of like humans hooked up to these things that are creating energy or creating whatever. And it's like, when I see those movies, I laugh because they are always showing us what's actually happening. Like, we are, in large part, like born to serve this system.

Keri Norley 

And then we're indoctrinated through schooling to serve this Stem.

Leah Steel 

Yes. And so they're their number one job is to, before we're age seven, to get us as programmed as possible to operate inside this system as a compliance commodity, through many

Keri Norley 

of the through many of the movies that kids watch.

Leah Steel 

But they also target are they target the populations who they target the populations, the hardest, who have the potential of being the most resistant. And so those are the communities that you see that are highly impoverished. Because how they keep them compliant is by keeping them impoverished. So, you know, there's a, yeah, it just, it goes so deep, it's, it's really, really wild, to think about, and it's, you know, like, the work that we do is extremely difficult, because it takes a lot for a person to be willing to do the work that it takes to deconstruct that programming and conditioning and actually begin to show up for themselves and, you know, see through all of this kind of smoke and mirrors and programming and actually be able to free themselves from that. It's it's difficult, as you know, I mean, I know that, you know, it's difficult, ongoing, I mean, I know both you and I, we continue to show up and do the work because we live in a society where we are continually under attack by this programming and conditioning, and it doesn't matter, you know, how spiritual you are, or, you know, how progressed you are is or how much money you have, right? Or how much money you have, or how progress you are in, you know, the wealth consciousness work that you've done, it requires ongoing work, because there is so much control and manipulation.

Keri Norley 

Hmm, totally. On that note, let's dive into multidimensionality. And some of the shifting work. So like when we start to look at where we are, and how we can shift this, one of the things that I loved learning and this was something I know you were exploring at the time, too, is we started both looking into like the multi dimensions and the six dimension sevens mentioned, as you mentioned, and all these different things that are happening concurrently in multiple timelines, that we're all playing around with, like the we're all playing in, we all have existence, and how that affects our ability to to shift our wealth consciousness, you know, like when we look at the multidimensionality, but also the consciousness that's happening right now.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, so I think that, you know, I truly believe that the only way to free ourselves from this system in a way that because we're not ever entirely free, right, right now on this planet, we have to have money to exist, like, you know, there are very, very few people who have successfully gone off the grid. So abundantly, yeah, until some things really radically shift with our financial systems and structures, which I believe is coming. But until that actually happens, we have we are forced to play inside this game. So at some level, we never can't, we can't actually completely unplug from it. But what we can learn to do is play inside this game, by our rules, not by their rules. And I think that this the realizing that we are multi dimensional beings is the first step to being able to do that. Because as long as we just stay in this mindset of we're this we're living in this 3d reality where this third dimensional being, then we can't ever actually break free from that, because we are too caught up in what this 3d experience is meant to be, which is duality, which is separation, which is division. And those are all the things that they use to control and manipulate us to play inside this program. Now, we came here to have a 3d experience. So I'm not knocking that in any way I'm not knocking this experience that we have on this planet as third dimensional beings, we chose to come here to have that we chose to come here to have that because we are multi dimensional beings because we are developed we do have a divine immortal soul that has had existence for eons, previous to coming to this planet. But we have to, in order to to break free from this and to, you know, be able to experience sovereignty and economic freedom and be free from these chains that kind of bind us into this global financial agenda. We have to remember that we are, you know, a third dimensional being almost last. We are a divine immortal soul who is multi dimensional first, and when we begin to tap into the gifts of those dimensions and who we are as as beings that exist in those dimensions, then we actually are able to expand our consciousness to the point that we're able to see the programming and can do Listening. And then we're able to look at the patterns that have been holding us back and those limiting belief systems that have been holding us back and then begin to deconstruct them. Hmm.

Keri Norley 

That's beautiful. It's like the multidimensionality actually takes us outside of ourselves to see the inside, ultimately, yeah. Right. And you know, and so many people, when we start to look at this patterning, so many people are like, but what do you mean is that you know, and I get this question a lot, actually. What do you say? I get this question a lot. What does that even mean? Like to shift our patterning? Right? Or like, what do you when people say to me, like, what do you even mean, when you're talking about I'm gonna help you shift your wealth consciousness? What is that even? How do I find that out? Like, and it's a funny thing, like, you and I are like, we're smiling right now you guys are hearing on an audio, we're smiling at each other right now. Because it's true. Like, it's a question we both get a lot. But like, it's so simple to us. And yet, I get that when you're at the first part of this journey, like it is a confusing thing. Like, what does that actually mean?

Leah Steel 

Yeah. Well, to me, you know, again, this goes back to programming and conditioning, right? So. And this has two parts, really, because it is, you know, from what we talked about earlier, which is you take when you take your first breath on this planet, you're programmed and conditioned, and you're programmed and conditioned by, you know, everything, your parents, your grandparents, your school teachers, the media, your government, certainly, your regulatory bodies and agencies and institutions, the medical system, the people in control the food supply, like there's, you know, there's so much programming that happens. Your church, right, like there's that there's all kinds of dogma, programming and conditioning, right, and we get hit with it, straight away, come out the womb, and it's all flying out. Yeah. But then we also have our programming and conditioning that we carry through genetic memory through ancestral DNA and genetic memory. And so we have generations and generations of that, that is actually inside the cells of our body, we have genetic memory of that programming and conditioning, that our parents that our grandparents that are great grandparents that are great, great, great grandparents, all carried. So it's a heavy cross to bear like this programming. And so, you know, when I talk about expanding, you know, into, I would say, I guess, more elevated states of wealth consciousness, more free states have more sovereignty around money, wealth, and abundance, and currency, certainly, what I'm referring to is looking at those patterns, whether they've been imprinted from genetic memory, or ancestrally, I do a lot of ancestry, ancestral clearing, and generational clearing, but also, you know, the patterns that you've imprinted in this lifetime. And for me, you know, I do that through my modality, which is emotional resonance clearing where we look at, we look at ourselves as multi dimensional beings, but as elemental beings primarily, and go in and clear, stuck and stagnant emotional pathology from the organs and radiant systems of the body. And then take that a step further to really tap into how continued imprinting of emotional pathology creates primary questions in the brain. And so that's sort of the work that I do that at a at a physical level, but also at a mental level as well, addressing issues that occur because of the fact that physical imprinting issues that in the physical body that occur at a neurological level.

Keri Norley 

Yes. And by the way, for anyone who's listening, it's very powerful work. I actually I've loved the I've loved the the new modality, I think it's awesome. Okay, so let's talk Quantum. Right. So for talking into this space, like, explain, explain what that is, like when we start to play in the quantum realms, and you start to shift your wealth consciousness consciousness in the quantum realms. What does that look like? And what kind of experiences can we expect from playing in that field?

Leah Steel 

Wow. Yeah. I mean, it's interesting, right? Like it's a play.

Leah Steel 

Right. I'm so expansive. How do you even say it answer that, but and, well, I think when people begin to play in this realm, I mean, it can be a little bit intimidating, obviously, and it can be overwhelming. And so I'd say you know, take it slow, certainly.

Leah Steel 

But, you know, I think that I love how Joe Dispenza actually describes the quantum field like that essentially, there is a field that he refers to as the infinite now. And it is that every single that option is available to you in each moment. So if you know you and I are having this podcast right now it can go one of a trillion ways, right? And every single one of those experiences is available to us right now. But because we are multi dimensional beings that can operate in play inside the quantum field, we have the ability to reach out and and bring to us draw to us the experience that we desire. And that experience can be one thing for me, and it can be an entirely different thing for you, because we both have the ability to call in the reality that we desire from the infinite now. And all we need to do to do that is to become an energetic match with that thing that we desire. Oh, we need to do. That's already.

Keri Norley 

That's just it, by the way. No worries, guys. That's it podcast. answered all of life lessons. And you'll be able to figure that out overnight, by the way, just kidding.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, so that's the work that we have to do is becoming an energetic match. Right? Absolutely. Like, that's the, you know, it's very easy to say that, and it's an entirely different thing to do it and still laughing

Keri Norley 

It's true. It's true. And it's interesting, because as you start to I mean, before even before even asking this question, like to be an energetic match, I don't know if I've even talked about scale of consciousness on the show, which would be crazy if I hadn't. But you know, you know, when you start talking about enough things you forget when you talk about it. So scale of consciousness. For those of you who don't know, it's like literally the vibrational experience of different emotions. So if we're in anger, fear, shame, guilt dogma, we're going to have a lower vibration. And if we're in love, peace, joy, enlightenment, we're going to have a higher vibration. And so ultimately, what we're looking at when we literally talk about vibrational levels is what emotional state are you in? Or what state are you in? And what vibration is that putting out into the world? Right? And so it's one thing to say like, yes, I want to be at the state of love. With all it's like, the tip of the iceberg is the love and then underneath it is the anger, the shame, the guilt, the fuck off the I hate you. Right, the trauma, the trauma, bonding, the attachment patterns, all of these things come underneath that. So when we're starting to say, Well, I am love I say that I'm love I'm, I'm being loving, but underneath it is like a volcano waiting to erupt. Which one are you really and so this is the work is to really start to clear out the the baggage that we carry, so that we can live at this higher vibration versus walking around, like pretending that we're love. But really ready to explode it every human being known to man.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, yeah. 100% Yeah, and it's, you know, that's the and that is, I think that the most important part of all of this right is just awareness. It's, it's awareness of how we operate, it's awareness of how we're controlled by our emotions, it's awareness of, you know, when we have that awareness, then we can actually start to step back into a place of control instead of just operating on autopilot, which is what I think the majority of the collective does most of the time,

Keri Norley 

I think one of the things that I'll add in here speaking, because I'm speaking to a mentor of mine, and because I'm a mentor, um, this piece right here is really, really, really well done with a mentor. And I will say, I know that for me, working with Leah, for sure showed me a lot of places that I couldn't see in myself, where I was being stuck where I was stuck in emotional stuff, where I was not in a full expression of certain things, and you don't always and sometimes she didn't have to say damn thing was just the mirror that I saw within her. And so this is the beauty of a mentor is that you'll see things in yourself through somebody else, that you wouldn't actually see him through reflection. And this is why some people come into our lives, you know, like, is the reflection and sometimes the reflection, like there were things that Leah had to teach me that didn't feel good to me. God love Leo, who stood in her power while I wanted to spit dummies at her. There were definitely times right, because I had to see things that I didn't like in myself, and I had to fall in love with those pieces of myself but that's the work is being able to look at those shadowy spots and go oh, I don't really necessarily gel with that, but it's a part of me and so how do I love on that part of me? And how do I shine it and how do I you know, not have the triggers around it ultimately, you know, and and you won't see that necessarily unless you push yourself out of your comfort zone with I'm going to say I think it is with mentors. You know like in in always have it because You will see an H mentor that you find there's gonna be stuff that you see that you're like, oh my god, I love that about myself. And there's gonna be stuff that you see, they're like, Oh, I do that too. And I don't like in that, and I don't like it. You know. And so I just I really, at this point, like, if you're not working with somebody in and you want to be shifting your wealth consciousness or re patterning in any in any area of life, we're talking about wealth here, but it's so critical to really have a mirror that's they're reflecting you, to show you the places where we can increase the vibration, shall we say?

Leah Steel 

Yep. Yeah, absolutely. It's that's, you know, expansion only comes through? Yeah, through being able to face those parts of ourselves that we don't necessarily want to see. And then, you know, then being able to actually make it once we can see them clearly, then we can actually make a decision about whether or not it's like, oh, that isn't actually so bad. I thought it was horrible. But it isn't actually so bad for Yeah, actually, I don't like that. And I want to shift and change it.

Keri Norley 

Right. And I think we're, you know, when we were laughing it like the This isn't easy, because the easy, the part that isn't easy, is actually looking at the part of you that you're like, I don't like that. And, and either shifting it, loving on it or doing something with it, and being willing to actually look in most places. And it really honestly, it takes I think I honestly do think it takes a really beautiful guy to take somebody to the place that they don't want to look. Because people have so much resistance to it. And it's often why you won't actually if you're listening to this, and you haven't dropped into work like this wealth consciousness work like this, it's probably why you haven't, because you don't want to meet that resistance. Because it's way quote unquote easier to stay where it's comfortable. And do the thing that you think is good for you right now that you think is good, because you're like in the box of it, and you're like, This is what I know. But the second that you have to step out of it, and you start to get into the discomfort of what's going to happen. You see the other stuff, the resistance hits, and that's the point in which you either walk through it or you don't and one of I know one of Leah's like sayings and all sayings is do the thing. Like, just get up and do the damn thing. You know, and it's something that has landed, like stayed with me forever, since we worked together was just do the damn thing. Like, get over it. And my mom says the same thing to me. You know, when you have to get through a scary thing, she's like, just pick up the phone and do the damn thing. Like, you can sit and you can think about it, you can wonder about it, you can even clear all the crap and the stuff in the world and you do all these things. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to show up and do the damn thing. And the person who shows up the Martian does the damn thing. The Mars which Leah does to the nth degree is going to be the person who creates the success that they desire. You know, like nobody is in the place that any of us are in, like, Who created success who've gone out and done things with lives? Because we sat back and went Oh, yeah, I'm gonna sit and miss that. That boat over there because I'm a little bit scared. And it's gonna feel uncomfortable to walk over there.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

Keri Norley 

Okay, so is there anything else you want to add into quantum realm stuff?

Leah Steel 

Oh, gosh, that's a whole, like, probably 10 hour conversation in and of itself? No, I mean, I think just that it's important to begin to tap into and play in those realms and those fields, I think that it's really important right now to begin to do that, you know, whether you start doing that through meditation or, you know, journaling, or I have a process called Quantum parallel realm visitation. However it is, I think it's important that we begin doing that, because as we start to see the deconstruction of our financial systems and structures, you know, it is the people that are able to play inside those quantum realms that are going to be able to thrive during that deconstruction process. Because those that aren't working in those realms are basically just going to be in a state of reactivity to what's happening in the world.

Keri Norley 

100%. Yeah. And ultimately, it's fun, like, why why why would it be? Why should it be hard instead of make it fun? It's interesting, one of the things that has been sitting with me lately that I, my therapist said to me a couple of maybe a month ago, and we were talking about something that really helps me. One of the things Leah's talking about here is like, which, you know, when we look at the quantum realms, which path am I choosing, we have this infinite possibility. And one of the things we talk about being in the 3d realm, that there is so much divisiveness and there's so much like as a human, we have not nice things that we say to ourselves, right? And we have not nice things that we programmed into the field. And so this is why ultimately, when we start the manifestation process, we can end up in places we didn't want to be thinking that we were we're like, oh my god, I'm over here and I'm gonna hit my million dollar year and I got a $10,000 a year, whatever it is, right? And. And so when we start to look at it, it's like, you know, when my therapist said to me, because I was like playing with different things that were happening in my head, and he's like, which Wolf are you going to feed? Right? There's, there's, there's two wolves in your minds that are talking to you. One is the one that saying to you go off, you can do the thing. You're amazing. You're kick ass, everything's possible, you know, blah, blah, blah. And the other ones are saying, You're a jackass, you're an asshole, you're never going to do it. You can't you know, you're not good enough that other person's better comparison is all those things. So which one are you going to feed because whichever one you feed, that's where if we start to feed into the quantum potentiality, that's what we'll start to create. And I know for me, it is it is a conscious effort, some days, right? Like there's a conscious effort that you can hear yourself to go stop. Which choice do I make right now? You know, and that's the programming and sometimes I get frustrated, because I'm like, I really can't it just be done yet. But she's laughing because the truth is, it's never done.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, I mean, I wish I tell my clients this all the time, you know, getting up all my programs, I'm like, I wish I could tell you that, you know, there's one program or there's some magic pill that you can take, that's going to fix your well, stuff and your money stuff forever. And that, you know, it's a one time thing, but it's not it's forever work. And it's forever work. And it will continue to be forever work as long as we're operating inside these systems that are designed to control and manipulate us because we're being hit with it all day, every day. And while that's our reality, as a species, and until we change that, at that global, that global, you know, by dismantling those, that group of global elite and dismantling the global financial agenda until that happens, well, consciousness work is going to be forever work, right? You're gonna have to keep showing up and doing the work. Because it's very, very easy to fall back into old patterns, because we're, that's what they want. Yeah.

Keri Norley 

100% Okay, so the next thing speaking is kind of quantum but kind of, not divine, you talk about we are all divine beings, and that, that wealth is our divine birthright. And it's an interesting, I remember when I first started embodying this, because it was a lesson I actually took on from the we're all divine beings. And, you know, wealth was our divine birthright, it was something that I definitely worked with you. And it's something that's an interesting, like, it's some it's one thing that to say it, it's another thing to actually understand what that means. And so I'd love for you to kind of dive into what does it actually mean to be this divine being we're well has a divine birthright.

Leah Steel 

Because it's just like it always comes back full circle. This reality this 3d reality. It's about duality. It's what we came here to experience. And I really truly believe that the real reason that we chose to come incarnate here is not just to have a 3d experience, but it's to come have the 3d experience fully embrace our humanity and fully embrace our divinity at the same time. So to recognize that we are both those things that we are this divine immortal soul, and that we are a third dimensional being living inside this physical vessel. But, you know, we, as human beings, we have made life on this planet, very difficult for ourselves, and very hard for ourselves. And while I believe that there are lessons in that, I also know that that isn't the experience that we came here to have. Did we come here to experience duality? Yes. Did we come here to experience separation? Yes, did we come. But more importantly, we came here to experience diversity. And so that is the true lesson, I believe that we came here to learn, and we've gotten very lost along the way. And perhaps that was intentional, perhaps it wasn't.

Leah Steel 

That's probably that's a whole other podcast conversation.

Leah Steel 

But as far as this, you know, it being our divine birthright to be wealthy, you know, you we can look at that from a couple different perspectives. One is that, you know, we are a being of immortal life, a Divine Being of immortal life, we have a soul. And it's that souls, divine right to be well and healthy, period. So it is our divine birthright to be wealthy. The other thing that I look at, though, that I think that that people, you know, and again, this is programming and conditioning, but we're on a planet who that has the ability to adapt, transform, and change. And so, as human beings, we want to put these restrictions and limitations on it. And I laugh, you know, when people talk about climate change, or they talk about, you know, these horrible things that are happening to the planet, and I'm like, This planet has been here, much, much longer than we have. And this planet will be here much, much longer than we will be here. Because this planet has the ability to adapt, it has the ability to morph, and that is its job. It's the planets job is to evolve to stay love. Yes, and it will, it will long before we do, it has been here much longer than we have been here. And so, you know, but this planet also is full of resources. Whether that's gemstones, whether that's precious metals, different ores, like the planet is prime, it has so many different resources, it has so many different resources that we haven't even discovered yet, are valuable, right? Because remember, we're placing value on these things. It's the human beings that place the value. And because, you know, it's like this is the this is piece of a part of the worthiness and deserving piece as well. It's like, we think that our right to be resourced or to have money or to have wealth is conditional. That somehow we have to become worthy of it. But the fact of the matter is that we're worthy simply because we're being on this planet, we are part of this planet, we are part of this earth. And it is our divine inherent right as part of this planet and part of this earth to have and be able to have and hold the resources of this planet. And the planet isn't trying to keep us from having and holding these resources we're doing that. Yeah, like that. That is a that is us deciding that we are not worthy and deserving that is us deciding you know, and we make those decisions obviously because of the programming and conditioning that we receive. So it all comes back full circle, right? But the truth is you are you're worthy and deserving simply because you are and that is because one you are a divine immortal being that is infinite in nature. And so infinite abundance is available to you. And you are a 3d Being who is very much a part of this planet that you live on. And it is your divine right to be wildly resourced.

Leah Steel 

Just like this planet is which is resourced love that for me when you when I first started to really feel into this this divine, like I am the divine and the Divine is me and if I am the divine, then all all is abundant. It was like you are totally like you You literally have every single thing you need within yourself and And, and when you really get that to the core of like getting that there is no lack or scarcity because every time I come into I know personally that anytime I come into like lack and scarcity because again, we're human, then I'm like, wait, no, actually, I'm a divine immortal soul, I have everything that I could possibly need right now. So, all right, let's take this and and, you know, I think this is the other piece of this that I see a lot of people when they want to come into this practice, it is a practice, right? Like you have to take time with yourself and, and your connection to divine to hear the messages to receive the guidance, because it's all there for you. And I know like, I mean, Lee has brought through amazing programs, amazing modalities, I've brought through programs, like we all have crypto, all these different things have all come from somewhere, anybody who's brought something to this planet that whether it's quote unquote, new or recycled in a different way. Right, um, has all brought it through through this divine, you know, like, if we if we really tap into this, this divine experience, and that it's all here for us, you know, like, we just, we just get to allow it to show up. And when I got that there's such an abundant reality all of a sudden, and there's such a freedom and understanding that it's actually like my ego, and my human self can take a step aside. Right and go like, Oh, wait, I don't actually need your help right now, that ego that's trying to tell me these other things. And here's the truth. And I think through that divinity, we find our truth. And one of the things you and I both hound on about in, in, in never like forever and ever and ever is coming back to our truth and really coming from a place of alignment. And that's the divine piece to me, like when we are in connection to divine and when we are listening when we take time to fill into this infinite wealth of knowledge that we have. And then we act on it from the place of this is our alignment. This is when magic happens.

Keri Norley 

And there's no wrong like, you can't be wrong in any of this. You guys like an even when you think you're wrong? Like I mean, how many times have you and I take turns and you go, Oh, that sucked that turned? I thought it was on the right turn. And then you just bout face. Okay, we're back over here that you know, and and the more that you do it, you know, and I always forget that this is actually a skill, I often forget this. But the more that you actually do this, and the more that you follow the divine truth in the alignments, and then messages from from source. The better that you get at first of all, asking for the next step like how you're going to ask to receive the message, but also hearing it and then taking the action faster. Like it all gets better and easier and faster. The more that you do it, but when you first start doing it, it's not necessarily an easy thing to trust. You're like, Oh, what am I doing? Is this the right thing? And then you can end off a little path and you're like, Okay, well, I messed that up. But then don't let that be the thing that because that's part of it still, like don't let that stop you because I still part of the experience. Like that's a steal. Oh, perfect. And if we all come back to like everything that you do, and everything that you experience is all perfect to bring you to this divine truth, then you can't be wrong ever. Yep. Okay, so next question for you. Financial slavery is financial sovereignty. It's something we both talk about to a lot. And so tell me what you what you think of when you say financial sovereignty.

Leah Steel 

So for me, financial sovereignty is just simply all about having choices, not being a slave inside this system where you don't get to have choice. So sovereignty, sovereignty to me is choice. And we are only able to make those choices. When again, we come back to awareness when we have awareness of what's actually happening on this planet. And then we choose to not operate inside that system. That we choose that we are divine immortal beings that we choose that we have the ability to play inside the quantum realm, that we decide that anything that we desire is available to us in each moment that we you know, and then we begin to create choices for ourselves that so that we are not a slave to these systems.

Keri Norley 

It's interesting because one of the things I will add to that for me Personally, like when we start to look at sovereignty, that's the, the experience for us on a personal level. For me, when I think of financial sovereignty, I would add in for me the defy aspect, right? Because we can now pull ourselves out of our traditional banks, and actually become fully financially sovereign within the defy system where you can actually hold all your money and nobody has access to it except for you. And when you take yourself to that full level, where you've removed yourself on a mental, emotional, spiritual level from the enslavement, right, and then we actually literally take it on a very physical level out of banks. There's at this point in time on the planet, no other way to become more financially sovereign. And I think when you put that all together, it's magic. And it is true sovereignty, like tobe able to literally be at the rule, right sovereign to be at the rule of your own financial life. Is there's nothing, there's nothing more empowering. Yeah. So I'm curious to hear, I have two things for you on speaking of futures and things like this. Leah does really amazing astrology readings and card readings. Do you still do the monthly? You still doing them monthly?

Leah Steel 

I'm I'm not doing them. I took a break this year from? Yeah, I just, it's been, I really was directed to take a break. And so I'm not sure when they're going to be coming back around. But I think I did the yearly one. But I'm not doing the monthly one. I have a feeling that I'll be back to doing monthly in 2023. Got it.

Keri Norley 

So okay, so while she's watching the monthly, first of all, you can go and listen, they are on our podcast, you can go listen to them from the monthly ones go listen to the yearly one, because Leah like, this is why I'm gonna ask the question, she has some really amazing insights when she starts to look at astrology in the cards. So I'd love to hear what your thoughts are it from that perspective moving forward? Like what are you seeing from your own intuitive experiences moving forward in the financial system?

Leah Steel 

Yeah, so I mean, I've talked quite a lot about this, I, I do believe that we are, you know, on the precipice of a complete collapse of our financial systems and structures as we know it. And I believe that that collapse will be complete by 2027 I believe that we will begin to see some of this happening in the fall of this year and the end, about middle of first quarter of next year, we're going to see something significant, I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but that's definitely like I'm seeing something November December of this year. And that feels like some kind of restructuring. And then there's something happening, I'd say probably February sometime of 2023, where we're going to begin to see this collapse, I think that the most significant part of this will likely happen in 2024 and into the beginning of 2025, and then we'll begin to reset 2025 2026 2027 and that this that, that by the time 2027 rolls around our financial systems and structures will look absolutely nothing like they look today. And so from Yeah, just from a financial perspective, I think that's what what's coming and, you know, I have lots of different thoughts on this and and how people are choosing to deal with this, because obviously, this is all energy, right? I read I read energy, ley lines, and the the collective is very aware that this is happening, and that this is going to happen. And so, you know, one of the things that we that I've definitely been seeing over the last few months is the collective has stopped spending. So there's been a retreat in spending of disposable income on a collective level. Now, does this have to do with inflation? Yes, like, is it being controlled and manipulated? Absolutely. But the collective is sensing what's coming and so as a result of that, it's pulling back its resources. And I don't have a feeling one way or the other as to whether that's good or that's bad. It's just what's happening. We're just seeing it across the board. And you know, I think that the the crypto space is a really interesting space to observe because it is very, very emotionally charged. It is an IT is an emotional market. And if you are happy to play inside an emotional market, I think there's a lot of incredible gains to be had there right now. And you know, I am I am a firm, firm believer that we have not seen yet the coin that will actually be what is fueling Our financial reality once this collapse happens, I don't believe that even exists right now. So I don't think that people should be putting all their coins in the Bitcoin, all their eggs in the Bitcoin basket. And so I think that if if right now you're comfortable playing around in cryptocurrency, I think it's an amazing way to diversify your assets, and to begin to take yourself out of this existing financial system, but at the end of the day, and I believe that people who are diversifying assets, and not just in crypto, but in precious metals in other forms of things that may be considered currency once this collapse happens, I think that that it's really important to do that right now. And I think it's really, really important to do that over the next two or three years. And so crypto is one of those avenues. But to also just have an awareness of, you know, it doesn't really matter, because this financial system is not going to exist. And I believe that there will be a crypto, I believe that there will be a coin based currency system in this new system. And I don't think we've seen it. And so yeah, but I do believe that the people that are diversifying assets right now are the ones that will have choice as this thing is falling apart, because they won't have all their eggs in our traditional financial basket, right like that. It don't keep all your money in banks. Don't you're insane to do that. Banks are not meant for storing people. Definitely not so, yeah, I mean, to me, I look at banks as purely transactional. Like there, that is, like, the only purpose for me for for traditional financial institutions and organizations right now is track transactional. And that's it. So, yeah, huh.

Keri Norley 

It's interesting, because one of the things I've thought about ever since I wrote the book, the new wealth, and I had this vision of this infinite abundance. I thought about the crypto space. And when I first thought about crypto, it, it's so volatile. I was like, well, it's like saying that, you know, the financial system can be built on the stock market that can't exist, right? Like that doesn't even make sense. And that's when I found defy and ultimately how you can put money in and make compounding interest in defy versus having, you know, having stable assets and compounding interest. And I remember at the time thinking, like, oh my god, we finally have this opportunity for infinite abundance when I found that and like physical on the planet, right? Like, oh, we actually have something here that can take us out of the banking system and create compounding interest that goes on and on and on, and on, and on and on. And if you keep your money in there long enough compounding interest will do its job and you will grow your asset very simply very easily. And so, but when I thought about that, I was like, But this can't be all right, like if I think of the world as a multi dimensional space, like and I think of other dimensions, well do other dimensions even have currency? Like, do they have money? Does it does a person like does an alien from another dimension, need to pay something for his ability to get to Earth? Like, is it you know? Like, can't even like in my mind, my mental mind and like, That doesn't even make logical sense. Right? And so I've never said this on the podcast. Okay, so this is going out there people. But of course, it wouldn't really Yeah. So. So this has been my like, openness to it of like, yes, of course, we have this space is the crypto space. Yes, I love it for right now. Yes, this is the next iteration of whatever's coming. And yes, I agree with you. Like, there's probably something else I don't know that we've had. And you know, even though there's, I'm like with that with Bitcoin, like, again, I'm a defy lover. To me, Bitcoin is like, two, there's a lot of people who are the Bitcoin? maximalists? I think Bitcoin could be a little bit like, you know, it could be like AOL, like there could be something that's way more advanced, because this was the first one, like, how can we expect the first one to be the best of anything? Right. And so I agree with you on that. And I'm curious to see like, do we ever end up in a place in the society? Which currency disappears again, you know, and like, but then what does that even look like? And I don't know, I mean, I don't know.

Leah Steel 

I believe that I believe that we are going to return. You know, once this, this collapse happens, I believe that we'll have a form of currency I believe will always have a form of currency or forms of currency. But I do believe that we're going to return to more of a tribal community based supporting each other in that way through barter systems and, and trading goods and and things like that. Like I do believe that that we're actually returning to something that is that is more along the lines of how we used to operate when currency was milk and eggs and cattle. And you know. So I do think that I do think that this at some level this, it's a reset of sorts is what it feels like to me. And I believe that, you know, it's almost like it seems like it's going to be some kind of hybrid between part currency based and part barter system or trade based.

Keri Norley 

Yeah, it'd be interesting because I see crypto being a huge part of that because even in even if you don't have a currency that there's there's people who are right now working to actually pay, like bring permaculture and crypto together. So permaculture be for those of you who don't know, like the way that we can ethically grow our food in a more sustainable way. And so we're looking at across the board, different ways that we can get people paid, who are doing the work that don't normally get paid, so that the people in the local communities can actually get fed or do the things that they're supposed to be doing. And I totally believe that and I think one of the things that I look at with Dow is which of the decentralized autonomous organizations within the blockchain space, you know, we're gonna have governance that can be so that we can govern across borders across having like our local communities can have their own governance, that's all online on blockchain. And I think through that, we're going to start to have a completely different shift in the way that we come back to community because we have the ability to do it at a far different way. Yeah.

Yeah, I agree.

Keri Norley 

It's exciting. It's exciting. I think we have a really, you know, I'm sure you would agree with me, it's an incredibly exciting time to be alive. And as much as you and I have both gone through the feelings of holy cow, it's intense, because it's intense to be doing this work in this space, while everybody's going freaking out about the system's collapsing. And we're like, yes, the collapsing Hallelujah. And it's a lot, it's a lot for us to move through as humans. So do you have any I'm gonna say any last minute thoughts of like, how people can actually, I guess, support themselves best through these transition times?

Leah Steel 

Oh, goodness, yes. Um, you know, I think that it really is just about diversifying assets, and not keeping your money all in one place, and, and really tapping into yourself. And, you know, I think that it's really important that we not just be doing what we think everybody else is doing it, I think it really is this, this time is a time of really coming into alignment with what feels good in your soul. So you know, crypto doesn't feel good to a lot of people. And I think they need to trust that. Because again, it's highly emotionally volatile. And if that's not something that you can deal well with, it's going to do you more harm than good to be playing inside that space. So, you know, if that's the case, then you may be, you may feel more comfortable in Investing in Precious Metals and gemstones, something that is really tangible, that feels comfortable to you that feels safe, stable and secure. You know, I think that having multiple, you know, holding multiple currency, that and especially currency from outside the country that you reside in is a really, really smart and good idea to have cash on hand that's in other currencies. And so for me, it's just, you know, opening up additional streams of revenue, I think, is highly, highly important right now, not not receiving your income from one place and one source, whether that's that you're in receiving income from investments, or, you know, you have a home based business, in addition to, you know, your day job or whatever, you're doing full time for work. But I think opening up additional streams of revenue is, you know, one of the most important things that you can do this year, bring in $1,000, from somewhere other than your primary income source, like, hands down, I think that's really, really, really important. And, you know, begin to look at don't look at banks, as transactional, stop holding your money there, start diversifying how you're holding your assets, and do it in a way that feels really soul aligned and good for you.

Keri Norley 

And as far as some thoughts around like, personal personal hygiene, shall I say, get that as to way that we can keep our energy? High, I guess, I mean, without being I mean, are, you know, what, I mean, keeping our energy clear.

Yeah, I mean, I think that obviously, you know, dedication to personal practices is huge, and making sure that, you know, everybody raises their vibrational state in a different way. So tapping into the ways that that you do that, whether that's through meditation or journaling, or you know, taking walks in nature or exercise or, you know, nutrition however it is that you you raise your vibration that you really identify what those things are and that you make a commitment to be dedicated and devotional to the practice of those things in your life. Because we are easy to control and manipulate when we We are in emotionally volatile states, we are less easy to control and manipulate when we are in emotionally stable states. And when we're in emotionally stable states, we're in a higher vibrational state. And so you just, you know, prioritizing, making sure that your mental and physical health are, you know, the best that they can possibly be is going to really help you as we move through this next phase of the evolution of humanity.

Keri Norley 

Hmm, thank you, Leah. I want to ask you to share about ora Boris, before we wrap it, is there anything else you want to add? to just wrap this up?

Leah Steel 

Yeah, no, I mean, I think it's been a great conversation. I think we've covered so many things. Yeah. So can you share the call it?

Keri Norley 

Can you share or Boris, for everybody who doesn't know is Lia signature wealth, wealth consciousness reprogramming program. So if you would love to share a little bit, because I think that would be helpful to anyone who may want to come and join us after this. And then they'll be like, I can put my affiliate link in here. And you guys can go in and join. I don't know what next round is. But it's amazing. And it's always speaking of the first time is never like the best. It's constantly evolving every time she does this. So yeah, it's amazing. Go ahead.

Leah Steel 

Yeah, so ora, Boris is a quantum wealth repatterning program. It's a four month program. The next round is beginning in the end of June. So we're just a couple of months out, I'm not sure when this podcast is. Okay, so the next, the next round is the end of June. And yeah, it's a it's a deep dive into deconstructing programming and conditioning around money, wealth and abundance. And so as I mentioned, we do a lot of generational work in here. And, you know, carry since you were here, this has expanded so much actually. So we do a maternal line clear, which goes back through your entire maternal line, we do a paternal line clear. But in our one on one clears, we do generational clears, we look at 16 branches of the family tree, we go back 30 generations in those 16 branches in the family tree, we look at everyone in your family history that is in need of healing and clearing around money, wealth and currency. That's probably some of the most impactful work that we do in the program. But we also clear multi dimensionally. So we look at dimensions three through 13. And what those that those dimensions mean operating inside of those dimensions, what that means for living in abundantly wealthy life. And then we clear up anything in the way of you being able to access yourself as that version of you that that version of you that exists in that dimension, but also, you here in this 3d dimension, being able to tap into the gifts of that dimension to create the life that you deeply desire. So there's a lot of clearing work in this is huge, really, really intense, four months. It is deeply Deconstructive. But it is radically transformative. And I don't even know how many hundreds of people we've had go through this thing at this point. But it just gets better and better every round. And I have incredible, incredible wealth alchemy practitioners that facilitate this program with me now. So I'm not just doing it on my own. And, and so that's also, you know, really, really beautiful, but there's a lot of clearing, there's a lot of content. We twice weekly content drops. Now at this point performance clearing calls, I come in and do a new content series every single time we run this program. So there's always new and fresh information in there. We always do we have a high alumni base that comes back just to give you awareness of the power of this work. I have 52 new people in the last round and 54 alumni. So the alumni choose to continue to come back and participate in this program round after round because they continue to experience expansion and growth. And so that's Yeah, that's really the beauty of the program, but we'll drop a link Karis link in the show notes and you can go check out the program and what it's about and get on an email list to be notified when we open doors for the next round.

Keri Norley 

Yes, I highly recommend it it's amazingly as amazing if you are let me just be honest though, you got to be ready for an ass kicking. She's not she's not gonna you know feather coat it for you. She's not gonna sugarcoat it for you she's gonna which is which is ultimately what we're saying is what you need. You know, you want to break through some you want to break through some stuff. She's she's gonna kick your butt. I'll tell you with all the lie, I'm good at that. She's good. Okay, so how do people find you besides on LinkedIn, I'm gonna drop how do people find you socials and all that stuff?

Yeah, so I mean, the wealth which podcast is probably the best place. Everywhere podcasts are streamed. My weekly show goes out there you can find me there and then I'm at Bell Yes steel on all social media so any other social media avenues you can find me at the LEA steel website is www dot Elia So it's pretty, pretty easy to find me on the interwebs if you want to. But I think the podcast is always a great place to start.

Keri Norley 

It is it is an amazing show and Leah is amazing. Go and listen to her go soak up her words. And as Lee would say, go do the damn thing. Yes, thank you so much for being here on the show. It's for having me honor, I absolutely adore you. And for everyone who's listening. Have a wonderful week and we'll see you next week. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you love what you heard, please help us get this message out to more people because together we rise. Please review it, subscribe to the show and share on social media. When you share please tag me on Instagram I'm @KeriNorley And on Facebook Keri Kaplan Norley is my official name there. Please come and connect with me on social media and say hello, I love hearing from my listeners. And thank you so much for your support. I'm so excited to help you bring in the new well.

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