In this episode of the podcast, I have Jenna Hitchcock on the call with me. She is a somatic sex coach and trauma release breathwork facilitator.
We talk about the power of breath and give you an activity to help you move through anxiety, stress, tension, and to come back to presence.
We talk about embodiment and what that means.
We talk about money as currency and what that means and how we expand ourselves to allow ourselves to open up and receive more money… ultimately… how to become a magnet for money.
We have some fun discussing the power of orgasms and money too.
This is a potent episode of deep feminine wisdom around money and wealth creation.
Please, enjoy the show.
Resources mentioned:
Keri Norley 01:26
I met Jenna um, a few weeks ago doing a breathwork session actually. And I loved the session and I, me personally, and you don't know this Jenna, for me personally, when I first got into this, like health world, I was doing body work. I was doing a deployment, massage therapies and bodywork and I went very deep into myofascial release, as you would imagine, that obviously has a lot to do with unwinding our bodies, and through my external trainings in that we did a lot of breath work and rebirthing stuff as well. So it's been a huge part like this embodiment practice this physical body. Part of healing was where I started and it's such a powerful powerful modality and so I was really excited to meet you then because I knew you had to come on the show because I just know the importance of how much our body holds stuff. That when we release it. There is such a different sense of freedom that we get from and the experience of life that comes in the manifestation that comes. So I'm super excited to have you here and welcome to the show.
Jenna Hitchcock 05:12
Thank you. It was nice to hear my bio. I have actually never actually heard it out loud to me. So that is exactly what my work is. I love it. I loved hearing it. So thank you. Thank you for that introduction. And I'm just so excited to be here.
Keri Norley 05:33
Yes, yes, yes. Um, so the way I thought I would drop in today to this because and I love that actually talk about embodiment and trauma work, right, like, for those of you have been following my journey in general, you probably don't know this yet. But for those of you who have been following my journey, you know that these last six months, I've been deep in releasing trauma work, which has been so profound in my life. And I have been doing neurofeedback, which is a rewiring of the brain. And through that, they started to like trigger my trauma centre, and then also trigger my limbic system. And so we were triggering the trauma and having a process triggering the trauma every week trigger trigger trigger for three months, you can imagine there was a lot that happened to that three months. And then from that has allowed me to once we stopped triggering, it has allowed me to really start to move through a lot of past stuff. And so I love that what you're doing is this trauma embodiment work, because I know, like it's amazing, even though I've been in the industry for 15 years, 16 years. I think there's a lot of I think this is such an important topic because I think there's a lot of I'm gonna say you know, the the woowoo airy fairy law of attraction, I say I want to say that at the superficial level of manifestation and the superficial level of, if I just think it and I see it and I tell myself, then everything's gonna change. But that's not necessarily true. And I know there's probably a lot of people who are listening that are like, frustrated as hell that this is like I've been doing this for years. And sometimes I get the results, and sometimes I don't. And so I think this is a huge piece. I know for me last year, I also did work in something called Quantum flow, which was another like huge breath, work experience moving your body and like helping call things through and release through the body, which has also been a hugely profound part of my work. And, and I know the shift that's happened for me from using these tools. Even though life was already in that really pretty good place, you know? And so I'd love to have you talk a little bit more about what that kind of stuff means, like, what does it mean to have trauma embodiment and breathwork? And, and just take it from there, like, talk a little bit about that? What's that for you? Yeah, so the modality
Jenna Hitchcock 07:54
of breathwork that I am trained in is called biodynamic, breathwork and trauma release system. So, um, a lot of my training is around what creates trauma, and where it gets stored. And you know, our body is a walking library of memory. And our nervous system is is like you said, you know, the circuits or the emotional circuits that maybe didn't get completed because they got interrupted, or perhaps there was a patterning that was created through the neural pathways that created a belief that creates fear or creates a stuckness in the body. And that's all happening through our nervous system. That's all happening through the connection of of everything that we are in our being. And so when it comes to trauma, and releasing that there is a place beyond thinking, and that happens through the body. And what we do in this type of breath work that I'm trained in is we are utilising the breath to activate the nervous system into a sympathetic state. So when we go into sympathetic, we activated the autonomic nervous system. sympathetic state is when we're in that fight or flight state. So we'll notice a charge in the body. And what can show up when we're in the charge of a breathwork session is we might get tight hands we might get what they call techni. Or we might get a locked door or we might be holding on holding on it. It just creates like a contraction or tension in the body we might notice pain we might notice discomfort we might notice emotion showing up
Jenna Hitchcock 09:45
which is literally energy in motion. And so this modality in particular, works with the breath to charge up the sympathetic nervous system to create whatever wants to be revealed. and utilising the brain to go into the sensations of the body. And when we do that, when we bring all our loving presence to something, say if it's tension, pain, discomfort, and emotion that we're not used to being with, or even if it's frustration, because sometimes when someone's breathwork, and they're very heavy, and they're very in their mind, it can get really frustrating because they that drop in can be challenging, especially if we've been dispersed sociated. You know, we're very heavy we've been taught to, to be in our lives from the kneecap. And so this practice is really dropping us into the wisdom of the body, all of the intelligence is working, not only in this brain that we have in our kids, it's with the body, it's through the nervous system, everything is connected to everything. And so when we're dropping into the body in this way, it's doing its medicine, for what wherever you're at. And this is, the thing I love about it, is it doesn't matter where you're at on your journey, it doesn't matter if you're just beginning or if you're deeply deeply into the work, you've been doing it for years, the breath will always take you home into the body, it will expand you into new spaces and places within you, it will show you where the wisdom is within you. And, you know, utilising touch utilising sound utilising movement utilising the breath and allowing the emotions to be moved through because yes, we're activating something that might be stored in the nervous system, say a trauma that's been created. And I don't really go into the story too much of trauma, because I don't necessarily believe that it's necessary, I think there's a certain part of our path where going into the story is very, very important. And that's where like counsellors or therapists or talk therapy is really, really valuable. I'm not discounting that at all. And, but becomes a point where we're, it's an end game, right? It's not one or the other, it's an end game. And what I find with this is it it creates lease needing to know why. And more being with what is, and I made things really quickly within me because an emotion will come. And I don't need to think oh, that's because of X Y, Zed, it will just be here and I'll just facilitate it and allow it because I've worked with my nervous system, I've created a resiliency was my nervous system through this practice, where we met, emotion comes up and like, okay, right, let's be with this. Let's allow it. And let's see what it wants to reveal. Because oftentimes, it will reveal maybe a subconscious belief or reveal and a longing or it will reveal a desire or a, it will just reveal whatever it needs to. And then it's done. And there's no need to keep going into the story. Because oftentimes when we go into Oh, that's because of that. And that's because of that. And if we keep repeating that and keep repeating that, we're just recreating the story again. And oftentimes that can come up, be seen, and it's done, and we can move forward. And I am very much a human being in in creative solution. So I'm I don't necessarily look at real world big picture Ford. I'm always looking at where's the next where's the next step? You know, is that Did you ever play Crash Bandicoot
Jenna Hitchcock 13:46
it was like a video game when I was younger. And this is one level and Crash Bandicoot where you're running and you've got to catch, you know, the prizes. And you've got to avoid the things that could kill you. And but this is one stage where it's all in the darkness. And you've only got like this little bit of light in front of you to see what's there. And I believe that's the best player way to play this game of life. And when we're working with the breath, we're just being with what's here, it brings our total awareness, our total presence, into the breath into the body to see what's here now. And for me, that is learning to be really resilient within yourself and not needing to look for answers outside of yourself. And I think this is a really beautiful thing to bring in, especially at this time in the world with what's going out on with, you know, is this the truth? Is that the truth, you have the truth within you and you can always find it within you. You do not need facts and opinions to find the truth. It's always reciting within you and if you bring your presence still enough and you can get to that place with You will always find the answer. Yes. For you.
Keri Norley 15:04
Yes, it's so beautiful. It's so true what you're saying, like, it's so often that we, we replay these stories and if there's something I have learned for sure about the body, it's like, we started as massage therapists in this work, right and especially with my official so for those of you who don't know what myofascial work is, the fascia is the it's, it's what connects everything, it's the connective tissue connects every single thing in your body. And so we just like with breath, work, you hold you, you hold your you saw your emotions, you start so much in the fascia of your body. And so it was so beautiful to witness all the time, we would witness people and especially in our trainings, it's interesting as a client to have someone on a table, it's very rare to see someone fully released unless probably someone like you, if I put you on a table to do something like that, Jenna, you would allow yourself to go to places you go, right. But most people don't even know that their bodies are allowed to go the places they can go to release. And like we would have these amazing experiences. And especially because we were in groups of really safe held spaces, where at some point someone would start to unwind. And then like there beforehand, like four people surrounding and like holding space and like the like wild emotions and process and like the whole body would just go. And it's when I have the chills, it's it's like one of the most profound things you can experience. And you can get it through breath to like, this is why I'm saying it's it's so similar in that like, it's just that the wherever it is held, when you're in when you're working with the fascia like it's just held there. So it's often like you'll hit something. And even even people don't fully release, I would always often get tears from clients on tables and stuff like that, because you can allow your body to release what's being held. And we don't have to know and the thing that I love about breathwork. And it's why I wanted to have you here is like I think it's one of the most powerful tools we have as a human. I truly do. And I think people discredit the power of a breath. And I mean, like you could take literally 10 seconds. In your day, every hour, you can take three minutes, you could go as far as having these hour long sessions with Jenna to to move things in your body. And I know usually like if I start to have tension in my body, like the first thing I'll do is wait stock carry free, like come into your body feel yourself relaxing into things. And I think it's one of the most powerful tools we have in the world, because it's always with you. Like it's always with you. You don't need anything else in the world. And it's always here and you can connect and then within moments, it can be fully released. And even things like I know I've moved headaches, like intense headaches, with a pain in your body. It's often just something that's like trapped there. And if you can connect with it, and like just feel it like and like you said, you don't have to know what it is. Right? Sometimes I like I know for myself, sometimes there'll be an awareness that comes when I'm like, oh, that that memory or that thing just came up and we can move it. And sometimes it's just like, Okay, I'll just sit with it. Breathe it, and then it's just gone. And we don't ever have to know. And so yeah, so I really I just I just love that. So can you share with people like even just here. Speaking of this, like if there's something right now that people could start to do as like a little mini break in their day have like a one minute or a 32nd breath piece to help them if they're in these places. They're like, Oh, my God, I'm feeling the tension or that anger, especially now, right? Like, as you said, the world is pretty hectic at the moment. And so whether your life is amazing. I know for myself, like life is pretty, you know, there's a lot of great things happening in my life. It doesn't mean that I'm all of a sudden feel the collective energy of the world. And I'm like, Okay, take a breath. This isn't mine. How do I let this go? Like that kind of thing. I'd love to hear a little bit about how you would move through that kind of a thing or what kind of breaths we could take to help with that support.
Jenna Hitchcock 18:59
Yes, so for me a really valuable tool and it brings you into heart coherence. So a lot of the time when we're experiencing tension, or stress or anxiety or those sorts of things. It's because we've we've got to outside of our body with our thoughts. And the invitation is to come back to the body, come back to our heart, come back to our centre, get to the heart of the matter. And so a really beautiful breath to allow heart coherence to allow us to drop back into the body back into our hearts is box breathing. Five seconds of inhalation, so I'm going to use my finger as well to show it. So breathing in 12345 holding for five seconds, breathing out for five seconds, holding for five seconds. And just keep repeating that until you do back in. And usually it takes about five of those breaths, sometimes 10. And closing your eyes when you do that practice. So you can really just allow the presence to be with the breath. And I love what you said, you know, the breath is always accessible. And something I realised through this work through working with my body through working with my breath, I had this drop in one day where it was like, you know, I find it hilarious, I find it funny that the brief you know, the first thing that that happens when we come into this life, now umbilical cord is cut from our mother, the first thing we do is take a breath, right. And that's our first illusion of separation. And I find it very hilarious. And the cosmic joke is that to come back to oneness, to come back to the wholeness that we are, to come back to the consciousness that we all share, is through the breath. The thing that created the separation is also the thing that brings us back home, and
Keri Norley 21:08
duality of the world ultimately, right. That's the ultimate like,
Jenna Hitchcock 21:13
check. And so for me, and something I was seeing, after I hadn't experienced with five Meo DMT, I was seeing a spinal network practitioner in the Gold Coast, Steve Katz, to help with my integration after working with that medicine. And he said to me one day, I think it was my very first session with him, because he uses the breath very powerfully in that modality. And he said, The breath is not the air we breathe, it's the space we expand into. Yeah, that's beautiful. And it's really curious to me, because you know, room, we're not aware of our breath and being present with it. It breathes us, it is consciousness itself. And so when we bring presence and awareness to that, we can access places and information and spaces within ourselves that we didn't even know was possible. And that, to me, is probably more of the curiosity and the play and the fun when it comes to breath. And when we're working in this way, when we're working in possibility when we're working in creation, what I find from my own experience is the trauma, the healing the slough off has to happen in order to be in creation. So for me, the places of expansion of creation of clay being in that way, has the beautiful Onslow effect of healing in the same time, it's the Joe, it's the duality comes into oneness when you're in creation, because what no longer serves you has to go. Yes. That's my curiosity. When it comes to the breath. I really like to bring that in. And when I was working on retreats with plant medicines, and I was I was doing these workshops called Creating a dream, and I now have the online workshop with this year, please, please go ahead and share that. Yeah, yeah. When we go into these workshops, when we did it on retreat, it was seeding the idea that no matter what these medicines in ancient times were used to create creating a dream. And dream time and the Aboriginal shamanic practices is very common. And because there's a lot of future a lot of heavy energy on the planet right now, a lot of us are focusing on our healing, focusing on working through our traumas, nothing wrong with that. It's perfect, wherever we are at is exactly where we get to be right now.
Keri Norley 24:05
And I am just here to be an invitation to, to allowing creation, to be the movement that allows the slough off that allows the trauma to be released that allows that to reveal through creation because I know like I know, anytime I launch a initiation like an online initiation like reclamation of woman, whenever I'm calling in the woman for something like that, I am going through a portal of creation and anything that cannot be in that creation has to die off. And so I go through this initiation whenever I'm creating something to help another. I am already in the timelines and in the information field of all of the women that have seen yes in some future moment that already exists. And I'm playing in the energetics. And I get to be the space or the container to be able to plan that with them. And so oftentimes, there's things that need to go through that creation. And so I'm like, it's like personal development on one away, right. And this is why I get excited about the idea of creation, and allowing that to be with the healing, because it's not an orgasm, it's an end game, we can be in both, we can have extreme joy and sadness all at one time. This is mastery. And so oftentimes, I see and people who are building businesses or creating, wanting to create a business, they will say, but I've got to heal this, I've got to do this other course I've got to, I've got to know more, I've got a, I've got to be something else. And I'm here to tell you, that if you just lean into creating the thing that's on your hat, all of that will happen as you go into the creation of it. And there was this beautiful dance of being able to hold both. And that's mastery. That's, that's the delicious, yes, we have duality in this reality. And the mastery is to dance in both to play in, in in the depth and the light, to be the darkness to be the you know, the highest frequency of light there is it's all encasing. And it's, it then becomes this beautiful melody, of not preparing one or the other, but just playing and what it is here now. And I think that's one of the the best things that the breathwork teaches me, because you can't fucking know what's going to show up in a breath situation. Like, you may go in thinking, Oh, I am feeling baby, I'm feeling Sansho. And then like, man, anger comes through or, you know, you'll go into a memory that you didn't even know exists, and then you're being with some kind of something new that is wanting to bubble to the surface for you to be aware of, for you to take care of, for you to nurture, with the breath, with your presence with your acute awareness. And, yeah, I think that's why I find this whole game really fascinating. It's because, and I call it a game, because I really like to bring play into everything. I you know, I think a lot of these practices have got big sticks up their asses. And I think, you know, when we take the stuff out of assets, especially in business, like none of it means anything unless we're making it mean to something. And if we take the big stick out of our asses, we can just enjoy the process. We can have fun with it, we can play with it, we can be in creation, which is play, you've watched a child play, they're not thinking about the result, they're not thinking about making it to, to the other side of what they're playing, and they're just playing to play to see what shows up next. And this is the best unravelling of our conditioning or training in this society, so that we can actually enjoy our fucking lives to be so present with what's here and enjoy it.
Jenna Hitchcock 30:34
Because otherwise, what's the fucking point?
Keri Norley 30:37
100% 1% It's interesting. The thing that came to to me is you're right saying this was this the saying my teacher my shamanic teacher used to say was like, we have to learn to live with one foot in each world, you know, like to be able to cross the worlds. And because like you said, like in Shabana work, there is journey like you live, you can go and journey all sorts of different lands, and landscapes and dimensions and all sorts of things. And but like, it's easy to play in that world, I'm going to say like in the quantum world, the quantum realms, you know, like, I can leave people to their you can leave people there. But I'm going to say like, it's easy, because it's fun, and it's playful, and like, there's this journey, and I can create anything that I desire. And then I remember when my when my teacher would my mentor would bring us back from like our journeys. And we'd be like, do we have to come back? She's like, yes, you have to learn to live with your feet, both worlds. Because it's so easy. And I think this is a big problem when we talk about manifestation. And I love to actually move into this piece of a conversation around money and breathwork and all this stuff, too. But when we talk about manifestation, I think this is the piece that most people are missing is this embodiment piece living in both worlds, because it is the easier one to sit and visualise and meditate and hope a bag of money falls on my head. But actually, in order to ground it to this planet, we actually have to be in our bodies like we are in human form, right? So when we're out and our souls are travelling to other places, and like, that's all really fun and amazing, and totally wonderful part of this journey. But like if we don't bring it back into our bodies, or onto the planet, this density, that it remains a dream, it doesn't ever manifest into reality. And I think this is a huge piece of what people are missing in the process, right? It's like, we have to and in order to do that, we have to clear the density in our body. Because there's no space and like, this is what you were talking about an expansion when I do my quantum flow work. It's like a body movement practice. And often like what we're working towards is like, How can I clear this out to expand my container to be able to have a clear vessel to bring through the manifestation to live into my buddy. And without that, it's lost? Like it's out there still right? And so I'd love to hear because before we got on the call, Jenna said to me, I have some very interesting beliefs around money. And so I'd love to start talking on that because I think this is like a really great segue into that piece of like so. So what are some of these beliefs and and you can start there but then also like, how does breath work? And this embodiment piece that we're that I'm opening here to really start to help this process with manifesting more money and more manifesting wealth manifesting. I don't even like say money, it's like, wealth is so much more expensive than money to me. And having your dreams come into fruition?
Jenna Hitchcock 33:32
Yeah, so I am money. I am well, I am you, I am the Spirit I sit on. I am this microphone I'm speaking into, there is no separation. So how I speak about it is how it relates to me. So I, when I realised that money is not something that's over there, that I am it, it became so much easier. And I didn't have that understanding until I really dive deep within to into my cellular memory of knowing that I am everything I everything that I say in this external reality is coming from this internal reality 100% Yes. And so therefore, there is no separation. There is no mistake that I'm in this conversation with you and we've dancing back and forth. Otherwise it wouldn't be happening. It wouldn't exist. And so, when it comes to money, there is the law of reciprocity and when I am receiving, you are receiving And I think we, we have this idea of we need to give to receive, which is really odd to me. Because I receive, and you and you receive. We're all receiving, we're receiving, we're receiving, receiving. And I think it made it, we've had this idea of transactional give or take,
Keri Norley 35:25
give or take time for money.
Jenna Hitchcock 35:27
But if it's all about celebration, appreciation, and receiving, and it's that simple. It's not a transactional game. It's a receiving game, a celebration game, and appreciation game. And the more we play that the more we see it, the more we have it, the more we play with it, the more we be it. And that's the conversation I choose to play in. I also have a really deep belief that I just get paid for being me. And so like, I joke with my friends all the time, like I had, I had, I had a counselling back in March, and I'm still being with some of the leftover whiplash concussion symptoms. And so that often requires me to, to neck and I have joked, but it comes from a very deep knowing within me that when I am sleeping more, when my body is asking for more rest, like naps in the day, or I'm sleeping for longer periods at night, I am doing far more work in some other round that I'm not privy to, then what's needed here in the physicality, the work that I'm doing is replenishing, restoring, recharging. So I really am, sometimes I will resist it. But I now have learned and trained myself to be that okay, rested as I'm going to work. And so I'll have a sleep. And the other day, when I had this migraine show up from these, these symptoms that I've been with since this car accident. I woke up and I had $3,000 in my bank account, like it just like was I woke up and I had this message from someone just being like, I just paid you Yes. And she was really excited. And it was $3,000. And I'm like, of course. And then I did a breathwork class a few weeks back and I wanted to get I hadn't been eating any deep friendship for a while. And I was like, Oh, I really want some chips, which you guys go fries in America. And I was like God can really get some chips. And I parked outside this place that I really like this. And
Jenna Hitchcock 37:48
my friend had messaged me, he was getting a pizza for dinner. And I was like, Well, if he's getting a pizza, I'm definitely getting chips. And I was sitting in this like, do I don't I do. I don't I do. I don't. And then I was like, no go home. You've got food in your fridge, just go home. And then I saw one of the girls from the breath work walking into the place that I was going to get dinner from and I was like, Oh, well, she's going in there for dinner. I'm definitely getting Walden ordered my deep friendship and sit down with her and we got talking and she knows that I have a retreat coming up in October here in New Zealand. And she said, Hey, I've been thinking about it, I think I'm gonna come, I think I'm gonna use and I was like, Cool. And we had a quick chat. And there's another 3000 Like, I was just like, I'm, when I'm eating deep fried shit, I get paid. Like, it's just the funniest game to me. And this belief really serves me because I don't have to try and be anything, or create anything, or do anything to get paid. I just be me. And I be as authentic in that as I can. And I allow my body's wisdom because I work in a very feminine flow. Like I'm very efficient when I need to focus and get shit done. I just get it done. I'm very, very efficient. And the rest of the time I have a lot of space to be in nature, to be with my body to self pleasure to to spend time with the people who I love and care about. And that, to me is work. If I don't have those avenues nourishing me. My availability to receive gets very, very small. My cup gets so small, when I'm enjoying my life, and I am in the elements and my body is feeling alive and turned on. And I'm feeling in my desires and I'm playing with others and I'm having laughter and I'm nourishing my body with really good water and food. My cup is so huge. I don't even have to think about what I'm doing because it just pause like a big Yes button. And this beingness is kind of the crux of, of what I am here to remind people. Because the doing and the being is, is one, it's not a you've got to be or do. They, you know, there's comes a time where those things are a little secret. But once you get into the slow of doing and being, you don't even think about it. And I think this is the thing, like when we drop into our bodies, and we're utilising our breath, and we're moving our bodies, and we're touching our bodies, and we're feeling our senses. And we're listening to our sensations because that is the soul's language, the soul came here to experience itself through sensation. This is a sense game, we're in the world of sensory, we want to feel we want to feel it, or we came here to feel the full spectrum of who we are. And if we're thinking about it all the time, what we should shouldn't do, what, what's next, where are we going? Is this okay? We're missing a lot of the experience. And so when we're dropping into our bodies, and we're feeling what's here, we can be in all of it, it's the end game
Keri Norley 41:20
Jenna Hitchcock 41:22
And I know we got kind of sideways on that with money. But money is not separate from that. Know, when we are allowing and receiving many is not even a thought plus it just pours in. Because it's being with you. It's playing with you the relationship you build with it. And and I talk about the relationship to everything because my my background is shamanic as well. And I believe like, you know, the spirit I'm sitting on right now, while I'm talking to you. I'm in relationship to it, it houses me well, you know, supports me and holds me while I sleep and replenish and do that work. And the money that comes into my bank account that gets gifted to me for a small amount of time. helps me to nourish my body, to play to go on adventures to buy things that I like to have this conversation with you right now. You know, through the power of this that's creating, you know, this ring light that's behind my phone to be on right now. So you can see me and the microphone that I'm talking into and everything is touching everything. And so money. I have been in relationship with money since the moment I was born, because the human that gave birth to me who adopted me just gonna go a little further. She needed to be kept alive while she was pregnant with me that required food that required home that Ricker UK required one and we don't need all of those things, but in the Western world, we have the luxuries of those things. And we do need food. But um, many supported her while she was pregnant with me. The people who adopted me, were able to utilise money to keep me warm to change my nappies, to have a new nappy to wash my clothes to money is part of this reality. It's infused in everything we see it is creation itself. I am creation itself. And so therefore when we see it in everything we can love and appreciate it in everything and we can receive it through that appreciation.
Keri Norley 43:50
Yes, yes. It's interesting, because I talked about I have a book the new wealth magnetise abundance, sorry, yeah magnetise abundance, hold your wealth and leave a legacy and I talk in there about how money is currency right like, it is literally the currency and if we go into pleasure, it is the that sexual energy that same that same lifeforce, you know like when I started to relate these two things together, right that sexual energy is actually lifeforce energy is actually currency, which is actually the same currency of which is money, right, it is wealth, it is all the same. It was like wait, all I have to do is actually start to move this sexual energy, which is lifeforce energy, which is wealth, which is everything. And I just get to be in pleasure all day. Like literally it's like the more that I can make my life more pleasurable and the more that I can like live in orgasmic life, which does not necessarily mean having sex all day long, right like, I can be breathing, I can be moving I can be anything and have an orgasmic life. Feeling that currency moves through us the more that we become a an attractor for money. And I love how you said that, like, I am money and the more that I opened myself to receive, it just shows up. Right. And I think it's a fascinating thing, because one of the reasons that I talk about wealth not just like business growth, is because money comes from a bazillion places, right? And I think it's something that people do in business is limit themselves as to like, this is my channel. And even recently, I was watching somebody who's like, I want to have six streams of income from her business. And I was like, you're still limiting yourself. I'm like, why are you solely focused on your business like that still, and especially in this last, you know, year and a half, as we watched last year, and 2020, so many businesses completely collapse, that were well established, 2030 4050 year old businesses completely collapse, right in the economy. It was just like another one of those things that was like your business is not the only stream of income that you have available to you. And the more that we open ourselves up, it's one of the reasons I love decentralised finance. And the more that I play in the space I was, I put a post up today that I was just like, because I was playing in playing in my portfolio today. And I had taken a crypto volatile asset and put it into the decentralised space, meaning that I could then get interest. So as my little as my crypto asset grows, it's already making more money. And now it's actually making interest on the money. So like, even in just that asset itself, I have multiple ways of making money, right. And so now across the board, there are so many ways, and every single day I wake up, and I know like the dream that everybody has, like I want to you know, like, have money showing up for me every single day, right? And it was like, it's already here for you, when we get to open our minds to how it shows up. Right, and then we can be so fully supported. And, and so because of that, like money can come from a million places as long as we open ourselves to receive and as you said, like, open our vessel or container to allow ourselves to receive and not have to work for it. Like I don't work for that. I mean, I go I set it up, and now it's making me money all the time, right investments do these things, if we if done properly, business can do this as well, right, as you said, like there's so many avenues for it. But the first thing that we have to do is realise that it's all just a currency that we ultimately tap into, and then allow ourselves to receive this flow this energy. And if we have these blockages within our body, that's the thing that will, I think, doesn't stop it. But it has like a it's like if you're if you're in a river, and there's a big huge rock in the river, it's gonna have to flow around it, you don't get to have the full force of the flow. And so so the more that we
Jenna Hitchcock 47:46
can just see that. While we've been talking, I've been thinking about an analogy, which isn't even an analogy. It's just fucking everything. But I've been thinking about how water right recirculating in a river and evaporates it goes to a cloud and then falls down becomes a river again, money comes into your bank account goes out and it comes back again, like everything is re circulating. It's this the law of reciprocity, everything recirculates including like our bodies, women's bodies, we cycling it every month, like all the seasons that we go through in a year. It's it's everything is on cycle. And you know, the receiving is where we get to to really hold ourselves because you know, I think of it like masculine feminine, like the masculine is the riverbanks. Right? Oh, this
Keri Norley 48:45
is exactly what I wrote in my book.
Jenna Hitchcock 48:49
The chaotic flow of the of the river, right, those riverbanks can widen, and they can hold more, and they can hold more chaos and they can hold more flow. And this is that structure piece, right? It said, being structured in harmony, like you said, like when it's set up properly, when we create the structures when we create the channels when we create allow that we can allow whatever flow wants to come in however that looks and we're not limiting it to anything. And that's exciting.
Keri Norley 49:29
100% The other thing I add to that in the book because I talk about holding on to wealth is like when we have like the Edie that's right there in the middle of the river. It's like this is this place and is a really great visualisation for me piece because it was like even when we hold money, right, I've had to learn growing up because I was taught growing up to hold on to money and it was almost like a strangling of holding on to money and which has served me well but also I've had to learn to release it. And so when you look at in these rivers right we have These Eddie's then these pools that like the money comes in, and it kind of swirls around in. But eventually it still slowly kind of leaks out, right? It's just like, but it's like a more of a holding pattern. But there's still a flow that comes around and through, it just kind of holds first. And so like we have the banks where you get held, then this crazy flow, and then there's other pieces, and it's like, and we can also hold it, but then it can still slowly move. Because all of it gets to be a moving flow. And we can still hold our money. And I think that something that a lot of people don't you know, the first men I always say like, the first part of manifestation process that people will turn around money is often like, how do I bring it in, but then they don't learn that it's okay that I actually hold it like I am worthy to grow my wealth, right? Like I don't still have to live paycheck to paycheck, and how that shows up in our nervous system, right? The stress response to that. And so you can actually allow yourself to hold it to, even within the currency in this flow, like there is these beautiful ways of of moving with your currency and allowing yourself to hold it and also flow with it, and allow it to just be allowed to receive as abundantly as possible and open that space. I love how you said that, like the river would widen to love it. It's beautiful.
Jenna Hitchcock 51:18
Yeah, and this is the thing, you're talking about manifestation, right? Like calling in from the the nothing that everything the quantum, the creation space into the physical. And if we're thinking about that in money, or in what we're creating in our business, or calling in clients, whatever it is, what is the feeling that's associated to that? Like, for example, for me, the feeling of innocence or freedom, when it comes to money, like that real playful energy that I understand feels like, let me get into the feeling of it. Yeah, it's like vibration, it's aliveness. It's it's flow, it's it's movement. I get to create that. So that the soul, the being the energetic frequency that I am, is vibing in that feeling that sensation, that frequency, so that that just magnetises To me, it's basic quantum physics, its resonance. So if I can think all of the the thoughts like million dollars is coming my way? Yeah.
Keri Norley 52:45
Jenna Hitchcock 52:47
what is the feeling with that million dollars? Why? Because a lot of times we think it's just because it will make us feel
Keri Norley 52:53
better, what are somehow I'm going to be happier, because I haven't really know what
Jenna Hitchcock 52:57
it's gonna mean something about us and that's such a heated game. And when we get into like, what's the feeling and we express that and this is why breathwork is so potent. This is why plant medicine is so potent. This is why moving our bodies like I go on a medicine journey, every time I work with my PT like I will deeply be in some kind of frequency because my body is in flow, it's a movement it's in flux, it's it's allowing energy to shift and move and that is where the men manifestation comes into the physical because you're being the frequency that that is to whatever you're creating and so the more we be in our bodies, the more we enjoy what's here now, the more present we can be. You said something about orgasm earlier and you're you were talking about you said something about orgasm and my belief when it comes to orgasm. Its presence. Yeah. I cannot climax if I am not very very prison with my body and the sensations and what they're with what I'm feeling right there's no way I'm going to climb it
Keri Norley 54:19
if you're in a head thinking about spreadsheets and your client about Mara and
Jenna Hitchcock 54:24
what I'm going to make for breakfast or you know, oh shit, I didn't do that thing. There is I'm so far away from climax. There is no no way and it becomes like a frustration game. Right? And this is this is the pace this is the pace out of all the things that we've talked about today. Life is an organism. It's just within your present to that organism. And if you if your presence and your focus and your your attention is here Thinking about the million dollars doesn't even exist. Because it already is, it's already created, you've already looked at our presence. And everything you desire dream of wishful doesn't even matter, because it's already created, you're so present with what's here. Now, the orgasm of this moment that none of that even fucking matters. Like, if that's what you're creating, it's here right now, in this moment in this sensation, and this appreciation, and this receiving of this moment. Because you'll get to the million, I'm using million dollars as an example. But like, you'll get to the relationship or you'll get to the, the nice car, or you'll get to the million dollars, or you'll get to there. Perfect bony. And you'll still be looking for the next thing. And the next thing, and the next thing and the next thing and you'll miss the whole journey, you'll miss the whole point. Will you even prison for any of it? Our prisons is what creates everything.
Keri Norley 56:21
So beautiful.
Jenna Hitchcock 56:22
And that's what the breath and our bodies teacher.
Keri Norley 56:26
So beautiful. Such a wonderful way to start wrapping this I would love to ask, is there anything you would love to add is maybe like one or two tips or that we can leave people with is like a way to help drop into this embodiment in this presence into your body to be able to cultivate this presence. If it's something that like, I'm sure I know. You know, we all have headiness moments, but it is a practice I know it's been a practice for me for sure to be like carry your head can just float over there. We don't need to use you right now. And drop into the body. So any tips for that?
Jenna Hitchcock 57:02
Yeah. And it's, it's gonna be super simple, three things. Get your feet out on the earth, and look at nature. And be present with nature, even immersing yourself in her in the water, looking at a fire, being with your feet in the dirt, or your hands in the dirt. That is the first one nature. The second one is drinking more water than you think you need. Drink water, good quality water quality water, it's going to help you. And even because I think a lot of people get stuck on that one, like, oh, what kind of water should I drink. Even if you have tap water and you you say to it or you programme it with your intention and your sacred breath and you say this will replenish all myself and bring me to my highest and best may this be the highest frequency of light and you breathe your sacred breath into your cup. You have good quality water. I don't give a shit what anyone says. Water, be hydrated. And the third one is practice prisons. And however you practice prisons. For me that's self pleasure touching my body being with my senses and breathing into my body. And dancing is another way that I practice prisons. Drawing and art is another way that I practice prisons. breath work is another way that I practice prisons. And simply just being is another way that I practice prisons.
Keri Norley 58:46
I love it. I love it. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Jenna, this has been such an amazing experience such wonderful, wonderful, amazing content that you have shared with us. Please tell everybody so you mentioned your programme, that shoe our programme. Please tell everybody about that. And both of them can tell me about that. And then the other the bigger programme as well.
Jenna Hitchcock 59:11
Yeah, so I'm creating a dream is a masterclass, it's pre recorded, you can find it, I'll give you the link for that. It's 49 USD. And if anyone's listening here and you want to go play in it, it's a masterclass to reverse engineer. How we create everything is thought word action. And this is a reverse engineering of that, so that you can actually be in the action to create the new neural pathway to the thoughts because oftentimes, we can't even create the wealth we think we want because we're stuck in old ways of thinking. And so the action needs to come first to create the new thoughts. So it's a masterclass in creating a dream, whatever that dream might be for you. And then there's the embodiment which is the breath work that goes through that So that Sarah, it's two hours. And you'll get $20 off that with the code wealth. And so obviously, and all of that to us so that you can share that with the listeners and reclamation of women, we've got round to kicking off in October. This is a 16 week online initiation through the body and it's to reclaim all of who you are. So we work through different tension or bouts of tension in the body to release to allow and activate different parts of the body so that we can open and expand and widen our container and really bring out prisons into our being and into our orgasm. So that is kicking off in October. There is a link to then I can give you for
Keri Norley 1:00:49
my URL into the show notes. It's
Jenna Hitchcock 1:00:52
all on my Instagram. You can check out my stuff on Instagram.
Keri Norley 1:00:56
How do they find you on Insta? What's your Insta handle?
Jenna Hitchcock 1:00:58
Jenna Hitchcock 1:01:02
Um, yeah, and yeah, if I leave you with anything, if you take anything away from today is just enjoy it. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because this is going to end at some point. So if you're not enjoying it, what's the fucking point?
Keri Norley 1:01:39
100% Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, my dear. It has been an absolute pleasure to have you here. And for everybody else listening. I look forward to seeing you on the next show. Have a wonderful week. Until then. Thanks, Jenna.
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