Do you ever feel like you are living a life that is not your own? One that is dictated by the thoughts and beliefs of your family… not you. You may have been doing self-development work for years, but can’t seem to bust through to the next level of your life. You are bumping from one thing to the next, never being quite 100% fuck yes right. You are getting closer and closer, but haven’t quite nailed it.
And it’s all because… you are “under the influence”.
You are driving drunk. You are driving with beer goggles on. Not really connected. Out of control, but thinking that you are. It’s dangerous. Like a drunk driver… it’s dangerous for you and the people in your path. Like a car swerving on the road… it’s how you come blowing through…
And under this influence, you can’t see straight. You can’t think straight… everything seems perfectly clear one minute and a total foggy blur the next. It’s not an ideal way to get through life. But under the influence… it’s hard to do it any other way.
And the only way to get out from under the influence is to know your poison.
And once you know it… you can clear it out.
Are you following me?
Yes… the influence… the influence of all the thoughts and beliefs that you have acquired because of what others have been telling you your whole life. And you keep collecting them like it’s your job. Thoughts and beliefs… unconsciously. Having no idea it’s happening… until it’s too late and you are trapped in the box that you created around yourself.
And when it all of a sudden feels so damn constricting… the only way out is to bust through. The way to bust through… you gotta know what you are busing through. Otherwise… you will keep pounding on the walls of that box… pounding and pounding and pounding… getting more and more frustrated, wondering WHY CAN YOU NOT GET THROUGH… WHY ARE YOU STILL STUCK IN THAT SAME DANG PLACE?
You are drunk and under the influence… stuck in your box.
And your box isn’t working for you anymore. As a matter of fact… it sucks… it hurts… it feels suffocating.
And here is what I know to be 100% true for myself and my clients… if you continue to break through that box without help… if you try and find the influence that you are under… the disempowering beliefs you have taken on… the crap that is holding you back… by yourself… it will take you SO MUCH LONGER to break free if you get through at all.
If you want your dreams… be willing to invest in yourself. Stop putting yourself last and thinking you can do this alone.
If you are ready to see your truth. Live in YOUR truest alignment… ready to step onto the path of YOUR life… and live it with purpose and passion creating your heart’s desires… then let’s play. Seriously… it’s play. While there are definitely tears that happen with the majority of my clients as they release and breakthrough their limitations… or face up to their shadows… we laugh… a lot.
I have a big month ahead in March so I’m taking applications for only 2 x 1 on 1 clients in March. I don’t offer this up often, so jump on it… if you know you are ready to truly break free of your limitations. When I work with people… it’s like alchemy and things just shift and change, like magic, faster than you could possibly imagine right now. PM me or comment below and we’ll connect and see if this is a perfect fit.
Original Date Written: March 2, 2018[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]