I just had this moment of smiling from my soul with absolute deep gratitude.
In that moment, I was sending a message to a friend that seemed like she could use a hand in life and I wanted to reach out to support her. And it felt good to do so. (Of course, because otherwise I wouldn’t have done it.#alignment) And in that same moment… I realised that for the first time in my adult life, that I am so fully supported in life.
In all ways. In all areas. SO SUPPORTED.
And my heart radiates with joy that all is so frickin perfect. The whole journey, to this very moment in time… perfect. All the ups and downs… Everything.
There have been plenty of moments in life and people in my life that have torn my heart apart… that have taken my trust and shattered it… And each time this happened… it just unconsciously deepened my belief that I couldn’t trust people and couldn’t rely on people to support me. I couldn’t even rely on myself to support me. Even though… I CRAVE that support.
I CRAVE DEEP CONNECTION. To friends, family, clients, animals, trees, water, sky, source… I crave deep connection to it all. (You probably do too, if you let yourself )
And in this moment in time… In this flash… I am so grateful for being a relentless truth seeker. I am so grateful to walk through all the super fucking uncomfortable situations to be able to have gotten here… to this moment in time… where I have done so many countless hours of inner work AND outer work to have healed so many of my own wounds, so many of the times where not only did others hurt me… but I hurt myself…
And I have hurt myself time and time again when I don’t stand in my fullest power, my fullest truth and speak from my heart.
And in this space… in the heart felt space of love… there is no right or wrong. Everything just is. And in that space… all is love… and I forgive… myself and everyone else…
AND THROUGH THIS PROCESS… through years of doing the work… I stand here, in this moment… for the first time in my adult life… feeling so fully supported. I am actually calling in even more support and I am looking to build an incredible team around me to support me in doing the things that get to be done so that I can be free and clear to be the greatest channel… the greatest messenger that I can be.
That said… the foundation is laid… All the people closest to me… a beautiful circle around me… loving on me… holding space for me to walk my journey… to see my deepest truth and hold me accountable to myself. And for that… i am so incredibly grateful.
I look around and where for years my relationships were constantly in war… in battle… creating anxiety and fear of the next explosion from them, from me… NOW… there is love. SO much love… and the love is growing every day as we create and/or re-build trust. It’s honestly… magical.
Because I have been able to let go of the negative energy that kept the cycle going in these toxic relationships… I have a freedom in my heart and soul to welcome in more and more love, connection, trust, and support. By the way… this has not meant cutting the most important people out of my life, which is where I was headed. It actually means letting go and shifting the paradigm… Same people, different energy, different thoughts and beliefs…
This connection, this trust, this support is not just with people, but also the spirit world and myself. And if this journey has taught me anything… this is the most important part. To build a deep connection with yourself and the spirit world leaving you messages all the time, letting you know the path… helping you stand in your truth and follow your heart.
And in this moment… in this knowing… I am FULLY AND COMPLETELY SUPPORTED… I LET GO. I SURRENDER. Even deeper than ever before as I know… when I leap… it may get messy at times, but I will always land… supported, loved, and on path. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. (Hint hint…this may be a belief that you want to take on… you are ALWAYS FULLY SUPPORTED. And yes… That is a choice you get to make).
When you listen to your heart and soul… of course you are supported to create your dreams and visions as that is why you are here, on this planet, at this time.
SO… if you are trying to fight it… If you are in constant struggle, torment… within yourself and the relationships around you… don’t you think it’s about time to surrender? And ALLOW YOURSELF to feel fully supported to? I know it sounds backwards, but I promise you… it isn’t.
PS- Whenever you are ready… here are 4 ways I can help you manifest your dreams into reality… helping you create a business and life that you live in complete alignment.
1. Grab my Manifesting Magic Masterclass.
This training helped people create $21,000+ in 5 days, manifest a spot on a dream retreat, call in paid for meals with friends and so much more… Seriously valuable content to help you have tips and tools to increase your manifesting mojo.
2. Join my tribe – Business Manifestors Club
Connect with other peeps who are also working to manifest their dreams. Share your wins and struggles and get tips and support in making your dreams your reality
3. Join Manifesting Mindset Bootcamp and be a case study
I’m putting together a new coaching case study group this month. If you’d like to work with me to generate more cash flow, influence, increased health and vitality, improved relationships and more… just send me a message with the words “Case study”.
4. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me to create your dreams into reality… if you are ready to dig deep and fall in love with yourself as you truly stand in your truth and in your power… living a life of complete alignment… send me a message and type “Private”… tell me a little about yourself and what you’d like to specifically work with me on and I’ll get you the details.
Original Date Written: April 19, 2018