Denver you are a beautiful delight full of tasty morsels.
One of the things I missed most about Sydney was the healing community. It took me awhile to tap into it here, but geez, I have found you and you are filling my soul with juicy goodness, an incredible medicine… when I let you in.
Daily… a new taste, a new treat… gorgeous voices, chanting in unison, healing ourselves, healing the land…
gorgeous people in movement… dancing their soul’s dance… dancing their expression, dancing their medicine… dancing to see, deeper within…. healing themselves, healing the land…
Herbal concoctions, natural medicines from plants to heal every thing. CBD oil in abundance, herbal tinctures to heighten moods and awareness, kombuchas, kefir, the smell of marijuana that fills the city.
Ceremony… cacao, full moon, new moon, music, kirtan, sound healing, meditation, and so much more… daily things to CHOOSE from… not just hanging to see or do something healing for the next event to come around.
A small city, easy to navigate, pretty safe… (all things considered. No matter how I look at it, I’m in America which doesn’t feel safe at all, but compared to the big city of Chicago… I feel safer.)
Spiritual centre to go to weekly… more than once a week… incredible people who come together there… friends, soul friends. Healing ourselves. Healing the land.
An artsy community… creative expression everywhere… A lovely art district with great theatre productions, beautiful paintings, ceramics, dance, singing and so much more… And easy to get to and park! YES.
People out bike riding, hiking, skiing, skate boarding… playing with and on the land… being outside… all year long. Healthy people who look after themselves.
The mountains. Within close reach. To sit in the strength, the incredibleness of the mountains… healing. The landscapes… breathtaking. This state, Colorado has always held a special place in my heart… it’s a piece of my heaven on Earth. The land… Such beautiful land. Healing ourselves. Healing the land.
Denver… it has taken me time to come to terms with leaving the magic of Sydney… Of allowing myself to not feel guilty for leaving an incredible life behind… of leaving a place that is so deeply aligned to my soul… that has helped me heal so much of my story, my life… that was and is an absolutely necessary medicine for my soul…
But… 1.5 years later… I’m starting to begin a love affair with you.
Thank you for tantalising my senses and welcoming me into your heart.
Denver you are a beautiful delight full of tasty morsels.
***Photo credit: Unknown
Original Date Written: April 9, 2018